jkyberneees / fastify-gateway

A Node.js API gateway that just works!
MIT License
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5+ seconds response on some status codes < 200ms on others #11

Closed justintime4tea closed 5 years ago

justintime4tea commented 5 years ago

When I proxy a request and the target immediately returns a 200 or a 404 (no work) the request doesn't take much longer than without the proxy.

When I proxy a request where the target returns a 204 (with no work, immediately reply, and some other status codes) it always takes at least 5+ seconds.

When I don't proxy a request where the target returns a 204 (no work, immediate reply) it takes a few milliseconds. This is the same for all other status codes with no proxy and immediate reply (no work).

Not sure this is a gateway issue but all projects I'm proxing against are using fastify, the test project I tested against is literally a single file with dumb routes/handlers which immediately return a code and response.

Any help would be great! Want to return an appropriate status code.

jkyberneees commented 5 years ago

Hi @justintime4tea, as you can note here: https://github.com/jkyberneees/fastify-gateway/blob/master/test/feature.test.js#L44, I have added some checks for this particular status code. I have to say that the issue is not reproducible on my side. I would appreciate if you can provide more information here...

Best Regards, Rolando

justintime4tea commented 5 years ago

I'll retry with fastify 1.14 (using 1.13.1 I think?) It may be a fastify bug? Or perhaps the OS. My work development machine is Windows and Windows does some funny things on their TCP/IP stack so I'll also test on my personal Dev machine which is Linux. I'll post a gist with my testing JS file and link here as well. I'll also test with your latest release too. Thanks for adding a test case and looking into this! Awesome module you have made!

justintime4tea commented 5 years ago

Forked and created a branch: slow-204

In my fork I commented out the last step of the unit test file so that both the restana and fastify "remote" servers remain listening after the tests run through. Tested this with both fastify 1.13.4 (which I had been using) as well as the fastify version used in this project. Both produced the same results. Both the latest release of this project as well as the most previous version produce the same results.

All tests pass however... I discovered the following when leaving the remote servers running and manually running HTTP requests against them using both Insomnia (like Postman GUI HTTP client) and CURL from command line.

These experiences occur on both Windows and Linux.

To reproduce these experiences just clone down my fork and checkout slow-204 branch. Run 'npm run test' and then let it stay on and listening for requests. Open Insomnia or Postman or use command line HTTP request client and issue requests to the following:

Proxied Response time of ~5+ seconds with body in reply POST

Response time of ~15ms GET

Direct Response time of ~16ms with body in reply POST

Response time of ~16ms GET

Conclusion: After re-reading the specifications on 204 (RFC 7231) it is apparent that when issuing a 204 response it is not allowed to have a body. Whenever I sent the body, whether proxied or direct, I never received the body, as per the spec, so at this point I will just make sure I update my code to not send bodies for 204s, more closely follow HTTP//RFC specs and all will be well and no delays will occur LOL

I'm sure you will find that this issue can be closed LOL

Well that was fun 👍

jkyberneees commented 5 years ago

Hi @justintime4tea, I find very valuable your findings and cooperation. Thanks for spending so much time on it.

As soon as I have time I will review what is difference with fastify as remote (and body: 204). I will let you know in any case, for now I will let this issue open until we have all details.

Thanks again, Rolando

justintime4tea commented 5 years ago

You're very much welcome and thank you for the wonderful project. I will keep a close eye and if I can help at all and have the time I will be glad to do so!