jlab-code / MethylStar

A fast and robust pre-processing pipeline for bulk or single-cell whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Couldn't find any coverage file starting to run the bismark meth extractor .. #21

Open bveyb opened 1 year ago

bveyb commented 1 year ago


after running deduplicate, I did run Genome coverage & Sequencing depth. I got the warning: WARNING: Genome (-g) files are ignored when BAM input is provided.

Now I run Bismark Methylation Extractor and got the Note: Cytosine Calls (cx-reports) will start automatically after Methylation ExtractorCouldn't find any coverage file starting to run the bismark meth extractor ..

What is wrong, how to obtain a 'coverage file' and why is the sorted BAM file deleted after 'Genome coverage & Sequencing depth' is finished?

Thank you for help, Olaf.