jlab-sensing / DirtViz

DirtViz is a project to visualize data collected from sensors deployed in sensor networks.
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Integrate PHYTOS 31 leaf wetness sensor into OSP #214

Closed aaron-wu1 closed 2 months ago

aaron-wu1 commented 3 months ago

Describe the Enhancement Read a voltage measurement from the leaf wetness sensor and upload over LoRa to OSP.

Benefits Add a new sensor to the platform

Possible Drawbacks N/A

Additional Context The scope of the work is the following:

aaron-wu1 commented 3 months ago

Tagging @cjosephson, @jmadden173, @stevegtaylor

jmadden173 commented 2 months ago

Pip List

SPS Firmware

Package                    Version Editable project location
-------------------------- ------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
build                      1.0.3
nanopb                     0.4.8
packaging                  23.2
pip                        23.2.1
protobuf                   4.25.1
pyproject_hooks            1.0.0
setuptools                 65.5.0
soil-power-sensor-protobuf 0.0.1   /home/jtmadden/repos/jlab/soil-power-sensor-firmware/proto/python


Package                    Version
-------------------------- --------
alembic                    1.13.1
aniso8601                  9.0.1
async-timeout              4.0.3
Authlib                    1.3.0
bcrypt                     4.1.2
blinker                    1.7.0
cachelib                   0.13.0
cachetools                 5.3.3
certifi                    2024.2.2
cffi                       1.16.0
charset-normalizer         3.3.2
click                      8.1.7
cryptography               42.0.5
Flask                      3.0.3
Flask-Bcrypt               1.0.1
Flask-Cors                 4.0.0
flask-marshmallow          1.2.1
Flask-Migrate              4.0.7
Flask-RESTful              0.3.10
Flask-Session              0.8.0
Flask-SQLAlchemy           3.1.1
google-auth                2.29.0
greenlet                   3.0.3
gunicorn                   22.0.0
idna                       3.7
itsdangerous               2.2.0
Jinja2                     3.1.3
Mako                       1.3.3
MarkupSafe                 2.1.5
marshmallow                3.21.1
marshmallow-sqlalchemy     1.0.0
msgspec                    0.18.6
numpy                      1.26.4
packaging                  24.0
pandas                     2.2.2
pip                        24.0
protobuf                   5.26.1
psycopg2-binary            2.9.5
pyasn1                     0.6.0
pyasn1_modules             0.4.0
pycparser                  2.22
PyJWT                      2.8.0
python-dateutil            3.9.0
pytz                       2024.1
redis                      5.0.3
requests                   2.31.0
rsa                        4.9
setuptools                 65.5.0
six                        1.16.0
soil-power-sensor-protobuf 2.0.0
SQLAlchemy                 2.0.29
tqdm                       4.66.2
typing_extensions          4.11.0
tzdata                     2024.1
urllib3                    2.2.1
Werkzeug                   3.0.2
wheel                      0.38.4

In 5.x.x of protobuf, they must have changed the implementation of MessageToDict(), since the decoding is failing on the serverside.

backend-1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/soil_power_sensor_protobuf/decode.py", line 53, in decode_measurement
backend-1  |     meta_dict = MessageToDict(meas.meta, including_default_value_fields=True)
backend-1  |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
backend-1  | TypeError: MessageToDict() got an unexpected keyword argument 'including_default_value_fields'

On the firmware side for the soil_power_sensor_firmware I'll peg the version of protobuf to prevent future errors occurring.