jlab-sensing / soil-power-sensor-firmware

Firmware for STM32 and ESP32 microcontrollers on the Soil Power Sensor board
MIT License
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Fix build errors on the stm32 driver code for the esp32 interface #89

Open jmadden173 opened 1 month ago

jmadden173 commented 1 month ago

@2004Island It looks like the source files had .cpp rather than .c extensions as references in platformio.ini. Also there was duplicate ErrorHandler definitions in example_util_timer. I fixed both of these in this PR so that you can look at the changes. Feel free to merge this branch whenever your ready. I was able to build both environments stm32 and example_util_timer. I think it would be good for a final implementations to have the code integrated with main so that the code does not need to reflashed if we are uploading via WiFi or LoRa.