jlam55555 / veikk-linux-driver

Linux driver for VEIKK-brand digitizers
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Mouse3/middle mouse/button 2 gets released if the pen stays still #8

Open fakedeltatime opened 5 years ago

fakedeltatime commented 5 years ago

Here's result from xinput test. When I do actually release the button after, there's no event.

motion a[0]=12850175 a[1]=9699327 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12843007 a[1]=9736703 a[2]=0 
button press   2 
motion a[0]=12836351 a[1]=9775103 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12830719 a[1]=9815039 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12830207 a[1]=9819135 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12831743 a[1]=9824255 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12835839 a[1]=9828863 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12843519 a[1]=9832959 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12855295 a[1]=9836543 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12870143 a[1]=9839103 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12889087 a[1]=9841151 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12911103 a[1]=9842175 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12937215 a[1]=9842687 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=12966911 a[1]=9842687 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13001215 a[1]=9842687 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13038591 a[1]=9842687 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13079551 a[1]=9841151 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13124095 a[1]=9837567 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13171199 a[1]=9831423 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13221887 a[1]=9822207 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13275647 a[1]=9810431 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13330943 a[1]=9795583 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13387263 a[1]=9778687 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13445631 a[1]=9758719 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13505023 a[1]=9735679 a[2]=0 
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motion a[0]=13860351 a[1]=9554943 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13915135 a[1]=9519615 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13968895 a[1]=9483263 a[2]=0 
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motion a[0]=14213119 a[1]=9271807 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=14257663 a[1]=9221119 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=14299647 a[1]=9167359 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=14339583 a[1]=9111551 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=14377471 a[1]=9053695 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=14412799 a[1]=8994815 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=14445567 a[1]=8934399 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=14476287 a[1]=8873471 a[2]=0 
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motion a[0]=13709311 a[1]=6630911 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13712383 a[1]=6640127 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13716479 a[1]=6648831 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13720575 a[1]=6655487 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13724159 a[1]=6661119 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13728255 a[1]=6665215 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13732351 a[1]=6667775 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13735935 a[1]=6669311 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13738495 a[1]=6669823 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13741055 a[1]=6669823 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13743615 a[1]=6669823 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13745151 a[1]=6669823 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13746687 a[1]=6669823 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13747711 a[1]=6668799 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13748223 a[1]=6666751 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13748735 a[1]=6664191 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13748735 a[1]=6661119 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13748735 a[1]=6658559 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13747199 a[1]=6657023 a[2]=0 
button release 2 
motion a[0]=13746175 a[1]=6654975 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13745151 a[1]=6652927 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13745663 a[1]=6649343 a[2]=0 
motion a[0]=13747711 a[1]=6644735 a[2]=0 
fakedeltatime commented 5 years ago

It seems like this happens with both of the extra buttons (both mouse2/right and mouse3/middle), I only noticed it with mouse3 at first.

jlam55555 commented 4 years ago

@fakedeltatime Sorry for only getting around to this now.

Is this a consistent issue? I'm a little confused by the title. Isn't the line that says button release 2 indicating the button release? And this only happens if the pen stays still?

On a side note, v2 is out!

NicholasSeemann commented 4 years ago

@fakedeltatime Sorry for only getting around to this now.

Is this a consistent issue? I'm a little confused by the title. Isn't the line that says button release 2 indicating the button release? And this only happens if the pen stays still?

On a side note, v2 is out!

Hello, since I'm not OP I can't quite confirm that button release 2 is the release, though I would imagine that is, not sure if you're asking that or stating you believe it to be so, lol. I can confirm that I have this issue as well, whenever I'm trying to keep a steady hand to find the just right point of release when using the line tool, it will simply release anyway because my hand was too still. I cannot confirm anything for the left click button on my pen because I don't really use it. For the right mouse button, however, I've noticed that if I don't quickly tap it, it will exit out of the brush selection tool. I hope this helps!