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add AutoLayout constraint methods #23

Closed jlandon closed 8 years ago

jlandon commented 8 years ago


// Current
view.constrain(.Left, to: superview, .Left)

// New. Instead of requiring specification of both constraint attributes,
// you can simply use the corresponding `pin`/`constrain` method
view.pinLeft(to: superview)

// Current
view.constrain(.Left, to: superview, .Left)
view.constrain(.Top, to: superview, .Top)
view.constrain(.Width, to: 50)
view.constrain(.Height, to: 50)

// New. Since the new methods return `self`, they can easily be chained together
// to minimize the lines of code related to AutoLayout
view.pinLeft(to: superview).pinTop(to: superview).constrainWidth(to: 50).constrainHeight(to: 50)


apcorc commented 8 years ago

I'm cautious about making the default priority less than Required. You can still set active = false on a required constraint and I think having less-than-required constraints without explicitly defining them as such could cause layout bugs that are hard to detect and fix. This becomes doubly true if these methods are inter-mixed with constraints defined in Storyboard (I know @jlandon's option of that, but we need to keep in mind how other people will use this) being that they are Required by default.

hsoi commented 8 years ago

Hrm. I'm a little mixed on this.

It seems to be just some syntactic sugar, moving the first argument from being an argument into being part of the function name (more or less). And it also constrains (no pun intended) the user to same-side pinning -- e.g. you can't say "pin leading of X to trailing of Y". So really -- what's gained here? And now, we have a lot of API clutter. The one nice gain is return of self so you can chain, but again is there real gain here or just syntactic sugar?

I'll also second @apcorc 's reservations about the default priority.

apcorc commented 8 years ago

@hsoi You can optionally add a second layout attribute a la:

view.pinLeft(otherView, .Right, plus: 10)

hsoi commented 8 years ago

I'll say this tho... the syntactic sugar and API growth... I can live with those.

I think my bigger problem is the priority default.

apcorc commented 8 years ago

You can even adjust the constant of a required constraint. The only thing you can't do is reduce the priority of a constraint that has a required priority. Between changing the constant property and the active flag I think that covers the most common runtime layout changes.

jlandon commented 8 years ago

Yeah, that's a fair point about the default priority. I can change that back to required.

Regarding the syntactic sugar, it has been quite useful on several project lately in cutting down duplication

view.constrain(.Left, to: superview, .Left) vs. view.pinLeft(to: superview)

Sure, it doesn't save a ton of typing over the current constraint methods, but it adds up over time. And especially with fuzzy autocomplete in Xcode, it makes adding constraints that much quicker. :)

apcorc commented 8 years ago

I agree it has been really convenient on a few projects lately. I got used to it and now is so inconvenient when I don't have it.


hsoi commented 8 years ago

OK, that's a winning point that I can take -- especially if it helps with the fuzzy autocomplete.

So ok: 👍