jlapier / Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum

A generic Rails app that includes a CMS, Wikis, and Forums
44 stars 14 forks source link

Unable to go on the webpage #23

Open ErwanHesry opened 11 years ago

ErwanHesry commented 11 years ago

Hi Jason,

First, I'm really new to Ruby. In fact, I searched differents CMS which include Forum + Wiki. So I followed your instructions to install the app. Some problems came at first, but all is resolved for the installation. However, when I launch the server (with rails server) and use my browser (localhost:3000), I got this error :

ActionView::MissingTemplate in Content_pages#home

Showing C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum/app/views/content_pages/show.html.erb where line #2 raised:

Missing layout C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum/themes/page_layouts/default with {:handlers=>[:erb, :rjs, :builder, :rhtml, :rxml], :formats=>[:html], :locale=>[:en, :en]} in view paths "C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum/app/views", "C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum/vendor/plugins/searchable_by/app/views", "C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum/vendor/plugins/exception_notification/app/views", "C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum/vendor/plugins/dynamic_form/app/views", "C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum/vendor/plugins/acts_as_stripped/app/views", "C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum/vendor/plugins/acts_as_revisable/app/views", "C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/formtastic-2.0.2/app/views", "C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum", "C:/" Extracted source (around line #2):

1: <% cache do %> 2: <%= render :file => @page_layout_file %> 3: <% end %> 4: 5: <% content_for :admin_bar do %> Rails.root: C:/Sites/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace app/views/content_pages/show.html.erb:2:in block in _app_views_content_pages_show_html_erb___86863346_12155508__90617240' app/views/content_pages/show.html.erb:1:in_app_views_content_pages_show_html_erb_86863346_1215550890617240' app/controllers/content_pages_controller.rb:11:in `home' Request


None Show session dump

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I tried to debug myself, but as I said, I don't really know how Ruby works. Do you have any ideas to get the webpage and so on the CMS with forum + wiki features ?

