jlara6 / OpenPy-DSSE

Open source library for state estimation of a distribution network modeled in OpenDSS
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Problem about PMU measurement #2

Open sajiaa opened 1 year ago

sajiaa commented 1 year ago

hi,sir , you job is very good, I love it .now I am trying to write a program about harmonic state estimation using opendss_python,and I have learned something from your program.I need extract data about branch current , node voltage and the Ymartix connecting the former. I refer to your program about Volt_Ang_node_no_PU ,lines_Iij,and element_yprimitive,however ,I am not sure that whether the Ymartix I need .I'm not very clear about OpenDSS's handling of node admittance, in fact, I don't quite understand your handling of element admittance In my eyes,All I need is similar with you need when your trying to extract data to achieve the PMU measurement(maybe, I am not sure,). I hope you can give me some advice .I would appreciate it if you reply me. (The following figure is the power system modeling formula I used) image

jlara6 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you very much for your interest in OpenPy-DSSE. The library extracts the Yprim from the elements modeled in OpenDSS to form the Ymatrix of the circuit and calculate the Jacobian for state estimation. First, you can find some of the OpenDSS Yprim in the following EPRI video, second you can use the code of the OpenDSS_data_extraction.py, class OpenDSS_data_collection and the element_yprimitive function. Also, I can recommend you to use the OpenDSSDirect.py library, since in the future I will migrate all the code to that library.

PMeira commented 4 months ago

Also, I can recommend you to use the OpenDSSDirect.py library, since in the future I will migrate all the code to that library.

Hi, @jlara6, Since you mention the intention to migrate, I'd like to point out that we updated the docs for the new version: https://dss-extensions.org/OpenDSSDirect.py/

Besides DSS-Python and OpenDSSDirect.py, we also have a new package under development that tries to simplify the API in general (more Pythonic, batch operations, unified API without Active... or fragmented APIs): https://dss-extensions.org/AltDSS-Python/

If you do decide to use any of the projects under dss-extensions, feel free to let us know if have any feature request regarding data extraction, or if you need any help in general. We're developing a formal JSON Schema, currently focused on input/output of the basic circuit data, but we'd like to extend it later for powerflow state too.

jlara6 commented 4 months ago

Hi, @PMeira

Thank you very much for letting me know about the update.

I am already performing this migration, in a new library that will contain several functions such as power flow, short circuit current simulation, coordination of protections, among others.

I will test the new package and let you know.