jlaurens / synctex

Synchronization for TeX
MIT License
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zathura: symbol lookup error: zathura: undefined symbol: synctex_next_result #24

Closed Notaduck closed 6 years ago

Notaduck commented 6 years ago

I get the following error if I try to open zathura

zathura: symbol lookup error: zathura: undefined symbol: synctex_next_result

zathurarc :

# zathurarc

set font                        "Cantarell 10"
set default-bg                  "#dfddd5" #00
set default-fg                  "#586e75" #01

set statusbar-fg                "#586e75" #04
set statusbar-bg                "#c5c5c5"  #01

set inputbar-bg                 "#c5c5c5" #00 currently not used
set inputbar-fg                 "#586e75" #02

set notification-error-bg       "#2aa198" #08
set notification-error-fg       "#586e75" #00

set notification-warning-bg     "#198844" #08
set notification-warning-fg     "#dfddd5" #00

set highlight-color             "#abaeaf" #0A
set highlight-active-color      "#586e75" #0D

set completion-highlight-fg     "#ffffff" #02
set completion-highlight-bg     "#dc322f" #0C

set completion-bg               "#dfddd5" #02
set completion-fg               "#586e75" #0C

set notification-bg             "#e69014" #0B
set notification-fg             "#dfddd5" #00

set recolor-lightcolor          "#dfddd5" #00
set recolor-darkcolor           "#586e75" #06
set recolor                     "true"

# setting recolor-keep true will keep any color your pdf has.
# if it is false, itll just be black and white
set recolor-keephue             "false"

# add copied text to clipboard
set selection-clipboard clipboard

# enable syntex
set synctex true

#set synctex-editor-command "vim --remote-silent +%{line} %{input}"
set synctex-editor-command "nvim --remote-silent +%{line} %{input}"
#set synctex-editor-command "nvim +%{line} %{input}"
#set synctex-editor-command "texstudio --line %{line} %{input}"

I'm not sure what is going on here..

Notaduck commented 6 years ago

I'm going to close this since it seems to be an issue with zathura-mudpdf