jlaustill / fm2

An open-source file manager released under MIT license. Up-to-date for use with nodejs, but under HEAVY development, so expect rapid changes until we reach a working state. Currently at verion 2.4.0-alpha. Contributions and / or donations are welcome!
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FM2 2.4.0 Roadmap #1

Closed jlaustill closed 8 years ago

jlaustill commented 8 years ago

In order to be at version 2.4.0 the following items need to be done.

  1. implement requirejs
  2. implement knockoutjs
  3. put all html into templates(ko.punches)
  4. replace jquery.filetree with fancytree
  5. replace jquery.prompt with sweetAlerts
  6. replace non prompt alerts with toastr
  7. all code passing an eslint test

This list will grow I'm sure, this is a pretty ambitious schedule :)

EDIT 20160823

The conversions are all done, now we need to clean up the code and do some testing. I'm incrementing the version to 2.3.3 on the next commit indicating a working fm2. 2.3.4 will be dependent upon the following

  1. theme css and fm css split out so theme is only theming and not functionality
  2. code cleanup on config file m.api.config.json
  3. cleanup of language file en.json. I added some new keys, and others aren't being used yet, so need to go through them one at a time and either implement them.
  4. fix any bugs that pop up along the way, I'm sure there are plenty as this has been rewritten from scratch :)
  5. review viewmodels and clean up anything that doesn't follow the DRY principle
  6. api converted to 2.0 standard
  7. switch requirejs to browserify
jlaustill commented 8 years ago

I'm putting a stake in the road here.