jlc / envim

The ensime for vim
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Installation issues #1

Open joshmarcus opened 12 years ago

joshmarcus commented 12 years ago

After I following the first step of instructions ("Install vim-addon-manager"), I see the following message when starting vim:

No repository location info known for plugin gnupg3645. gnupg3645 was renamed to gnupg%3645

... and then there are a long series of errors, starting with:

Error detected while processing /home/jmarcus/.vim/vim-addons/envim/autoload/env im.vim: line 75: No handlers could be found for logger "envim"

jlc commented 12 years ago

Hi Josh,

Ok, I will look at this issue in a few hours.

Briefly now, there is 2 points here:

a) gnupg3645 is not necessary for Envim. The documentation will be updated.

b) "No handlers..." is certainly coming from the last change which has been done on the log file handler, and this is certainly hiding an exception.

Thanks for your feedback!


update 1: well, my attention has been drawn by the livelihood today, sorry for the delay.

joshmarcus commented 12 years ago

no rush! let me know when you have a chance to return to this.

jlc commented 12 years ago

Hi Josh,

Several fixes related to your issues have been done since your initial report, you might be interested in having another try.

Please, let me know how it goes.

Best regards,


ps: remember to update the 3 projects: envim, ensime-common and vim-async-beans