jlc / envim

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After :EnvimSymbolAtPoint or :EnvimUsesOfSymbolAtPoint syntax highlighting goes away #9

Open megaannum opened 12 years ago

megaannum commented 12 years ago

Start vim and enter :Envim. After all is ready, read in a file to edit (:e SomeScalaFile.scala). Next place cursor on symbol and enter either :EnvimSymbolAtPoint or :EnvimUsesOfSymbolAtPoint and all syntax colors go away. The commands work, just the syntax colors disappear. The work around is to enter :e and syntax colors come back.

megaannum commented 12 years ago

BTW, this occurred using the vim-scala-behaghel addon (it also occurred with my normal scala.vim syntax plugin but I figure I ought to report it using a reproducible set of scala vim syntax code).

megaannum commented 12 years ago

This in part has to do with issue 10 where I would close the QuickFix window and then Vim for some reason forgets the curent window's file type.

megaannum commented 12 years ago

If the file envim/ftdetect/scala.vim has au BufRead,BufNewFile,BufEnter *.scala set filetype=scala then most of the time, syntax highlighting happens. It does not happen if UsesOfSymbolAtPoint does not have a match, and thus the scala buffer is never exited so that it can not be re-entered. Somewhere in the UsesOfSymbolAtPoint (and SymbolAtPoint) code, the filetype of the buffer holding the scala source is being removed.

jlc commented 12 years ago


Right, I have already noticed such a behavior at some points.

However, on macosx the issue does not appear. Certainly some hidden secrets of our dear Linux :)

Thanks for the possible patch. I would like to look at it in depth since it does not completely fixed the issue.