jlchan / StartUpDG.jl

Initializes and sets up reference elements and physical meshes for DG.
MIT License
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`N=1` pyramid node connectivity is broken #171

Closed jlchan closed 1 week ago

jlchan commented 3 weeks ago
using StartUpDG
N = 1
rd = RefElemData(Pyr(), N)
md = MeshData(uniform_mesh(rd.element_type, 2), rd)


ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 3-element Vector{Int64} at index [[1, 2, 0]]
  [1] throw_boundserror(A::Vector{Int64}, I::Tuple{Vector{Int64}})
    @ Base ./abstractarray.jl:737
  [2] checkbounds
    @ ./abstractarray.jl:702 [inlined]
  [3] view
    @ ./subarray.jl:184 [inlined]
  [4] maybeview
    @ ./views.jl:148 [inlined]
  [5] dotview
    @ ./broadcast.jl:1244 [inlined]
  [6] build_node_maps(rd::RefElemData{…}, FToF::Matrix{…}, Xf::Tuple{…}; tol::Float64)
    @ StartUpDG ~/.julia/dev/StartUpDG/src/connectivity_functions.jl:157
  [7] build_node_maps
    @ ~/.julia/dev/StartUpDG/src/connectivity_functions.jl:115 [inlined]
  [8] MeshData(VX::Vector{…}, VY::Vector{…}, VZ::Vector{…}, EToV::Matrix{…}, rd::RefElemData{…}; is_periodic::Tuple{…})
    @ StartUpDG ~/.julia/dev/StartUpDG/src/MeshData.jl:337
  [9] MeshData
    @ ~/.julia/dev/StartUpDG/src/MeshData.jl:324 [inlined]
 [10] MeshData
    @ ~/.julia/dev/StartUpDG/src/MeshData.jl:221 [inlined]
 [11] MeshData(::Tuple{…}, ::RefElemData{…})
    @ StartUpDG ~/.julia/dev/StartUpDG/src/MeshData.jl:218
 [12] top-level scope
    @ Untitled-6:10
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.