jlengstorf / authoring-gatsby-themes

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Lesson 9 - Query Error within the templates category.js #2

Closed philkeys closed 5 years ago

philkeys commented 5 years ago

Following the course posted on egghead.io all goes well until part 9.

Steps to reproduce Starting after lesson 8, setup the config and node files to accept options. At this point I start to receive the warning that the GraphQL query in the non-page component will not be run.


Note—I switched the terminology from events to categories, which you'll see in the console info I post below. That's just the naming, everything else has been the same.

botteu commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem. I also get: warn The gatsby-theme-events plugin has generated no Gatsby nodes. Do you need it?

botteu commented 5 years ago

Solved it! Since changing the export statement in gatsby-theme-events/gatsby-config.js from returning an object to a function I had missed the parentheses making the function return nothing ;p

change from:

module.exports = ( { contentPath = 'data', basePath = '/' } ) => {
    plugins : [
            resolve : 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
            options : {
                path : contentPath
            resolve : 'gatsby-transformer-yaml',
            options : {
                typeName : 'Event'


module.exports = ( { contentPath = 'data', basePath = '/' } ) => ({
    plugins : [
            resolve : 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
            options : {
                path : contentPath
            resolve : 'gatsby-transformer-yaml',
            options : {
                typeName : 'Event'
MoodyBones commented 5 years ago

Tutorial: https://egghead.io/lessons/gatsby-configure-a-gatsby-theme-to-take-options https://www.gatsbyjs.org/tutorial/building-a-theme/#set-up-sitegatsby-configjs

hey all, I'm stuck and getting an error at the same spot, when I run yarn workspace site develop:

Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 12 37 48

I've checked my parentheses in gatsby-theme-events/gatsby-config.js and it seems OK

module.exports = ({ contentPath = 'data', basePath = '/' }) => ({
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
      options: {
        path: contentPath
      resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-yaml',
      options: {
        typeName: 'Event'


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-theme-events',
      options: {
        contentPath: 'events',
        basePath: '/events'


import React from 'react'
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'
import Layout from '../components/layout'
import Event from '../components/event'

export const query = graphql`
  query($eventID: String!) {
    event(id: { eq: $eventID }) {
      startDate(formatString: "MMMM D, YYYY")
      endDate(formatString: "MMMM D, YYYY")

const EventTemplate = ({ data: { event } }) => (
    <Event {...event} />

export default EventTemplate

It is my first time trying out Gatsby, any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers! :)
My Repo: https://github.com/MoodyBones/gatsby-theme-authoring

jlengstorf commented 5 years ago

After adding options, the theme can no longer be used directly. This isn't called out as clearly in the video as it should be.

If you use yarn workspace site develop instead, it should work as expected with the site loading the theme, allowing you to use it with options for testing.

MoodyBones commented 5 years ago

Hey, thanks for the tip, going forward I will just run yarn workspace site develop

The bug causing the graphql error has been solved, a silly typo in the site/gatsby.config.js filename. It should be site/gatsby-config.js

Appreciate all the help and feedback. Bug-free and back on track. Thanks for making the course :)

jlengstorf commented 5 years ago

Happy it helped @MoodyBones!

I'm going to close this issue, but please feel free to open new ones if you hit other snags!