jlengstorf / netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache

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Does not detect change to component on index page #47

Closed stuut closed 3 years ago

stuut commented 3 years ago

Does not detect change to component on index page

stuut commented 3 years ago

or Is there a way to exclude the index page from using this plugin?

Because It will detect change with this mainPosts: allContentfulPost( limit: 5, sort: {fields: [publishDate], order: DESC}, filter: {coverStory: {eq: true},} ){ edges { node { id slug title categories { title slug } image { title fluid(maxWidth: 1800, maxHeight:1000) { ...GatsbyContentfulFluid } ogimg: resize(width: 1800) { src } } copy { childMarkdownRemark { html excerpt(pruneLength: 80) } } } } }

but randomly not this

contentfulModularPage(title: {eq: "Home"}) { id title sections { ... on Node { ... on ContentfulAdModule { id title image { id fluid(maxWidth: 730, quality: 80) { ...GatsbyContentfulFluid } } adPosition link } } ... on Node { ... on ContentfulModule { id title moduleDesignType coverStory postsToShow references { __typename ... on Node { ... on ContentfulCategory { id post { id title slug coverStory updatedAt publishDate internal { type } author { title slug } copy { childMarkdownRemark { excerpt(pruneLength: 120) } } categories { title slug } image { title fluid(maxWidth: 768, maxHeight:512 ) { ...GatsbyContentfulFluid } } tags { title slug } } } } ... on Node { ... on ContentfulTag { id title slug internal { type } post { id title slug coverStory publishDate updatedAt internal { type } author { title slug } copy { childMarkdownRemark { excerpt(pruneLength: 120) } } tags { title slug } categories { title slug } image { title fluid(maxWidth: 768, maxHeight:512 ) { ...GatsbyContentfulFluid } } } } } ... on Node { ... on ContentfulPost { id title slug publishDate updatedAt coverStory internal { type } author { title slug } copy { childMarkdownRemark { excerpt(pruneLength: 120) } } tags { title slug } categories { title slug } image { title fluid(maxWidth: 768, maxHeight:512 ) { ...GatsbyContentfulFluid } } } } ... on Node { ... on ContentfulAuthor { id slug title updatedAt internal { type } copy { childMarkdownRemark { excerpt } } image { title fluid(maxWidth: 768, maxHeight:512, quality: 70 ) { ...GatsbyContentfulFluid } } } } ... on Node { ... on ContentfulPage { id title slug updatedAt pdfUrl internal { type } seoTitle metaDescription { internal { content } } metaImage { fluid(maxWidth: 768, maxHeight:512, quality: 70 ) { ...GatsbyContentfulFluid } } copy { childMarkdownRemark { html excerpt(pruneLength: 120) } } } } } } } } }

jlengstorf commented 3 years ago

hey there — can you provide a reproduction of this issue? this plugin doesn't affect the build, so my hunch is that something else is going on

stuut commented 3 years ago

sorry i'm not sure how to show you. but just 10 minutes ago I did a build which is using your plugin and the what i would call the more complicated components on the index page didn't update. then when I do a build and clear cache it updates.

this is the build where it didn't update and I can see where is says Updated entries 5 and that is accurate 3:04:27 PM: Build ready to start 3:04:29 PM: build-image version: 53b83b6bede2920f236b25b6f5a95334320dc849 3:04:29 PM: build-image tag: v3.6.0 3:04:29 PM: buildbot version: 94ed42511c4e70547a960237db686b74875fef2d 3:04:29 PM: Fetching cached dependencies 3:04:29 PM: Starting to download cache of 216.0MB 3:04:30 PM: Finished downloading cache in 1.234516481s 3:04:30 PM: Starting to extract cache 3:04:40 PM: Finished extracting cache in 9.93791295s 3:04:40 PM: Finished fetching cache in 11.230020883s 3:04:40 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build 3:04:41 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master 3:04:42 PM: Different publish path detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'public' versus 'public/' in the Netlify UI 3:04:42 PM: Starting build script 3:04:42 PM: Installing dependencies 3:04:42 PM: Python version set to 2.7 3:04:43 PM: Started restoring cached node version 3:04:46 PM: Finished restoring cached node version 3:04:47 PM: v12.18.0 is already installed. 3:04:47 PM: Now using node v12.18.0 (npm v6.14.4) 3:04:47 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins 3:04:47 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins 3:04:47 PM: Attempting ruby version 2.7.1, read from environment 3:04:49 PM: Using ruby version 2.7.1 3:04:49 PM: Using PHP version 5.6 3:04:49 PM: Started restoring cached node modules 3:04:49 PM: Finished restoring cached node modules 3:04:49 PM: Started restoring cached go cache 3:04:49 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache 3:04:50 PM: go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64 3:04:50 PM: go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64 3:04:50 PM: Installing missing commands 3:04:50 PM: Verify run directory 3:04:51 PM: ​ 3:04:51 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:04:51 PM: Netlify Build
3:04:51 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:04:51 PM: ​ 3:04:51 PM: ❯ Version 3:04:51 PM: @netlify/build 7.0.0 3:04:51 PM: ​ 3:04:51 PM: ❯ Flags 3:04:51 PM: deployId: 5fd6e44b8fce2119b38896f6 3:04:51 PM: mode: buildbot 3:04:51 PM: ​ 3:04:51 PM: ❯ Current directory 3:04:51 PM: /opt/build/repo 3:04:51 PM: ​ 3:04:51 PM: ❯ Config file 3:04:51 PM: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml 3:04:51 PM: ​ 3:04:51 PM: ❯ Context 3:04:51 PM: production 3:04:52 PM: ​ 3:04:52 PM: ❯ Loading plugins 3:04:52 PM: - netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache@0.3.0 from Netlify app 3:04:52 PM: ​ 3:04:52 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:04:52 PM: 1. onPreBuild command from netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache
3:04:52 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:04:52 PM: ​ 3:04:53 PM: Found a Gatsby cache. We’re about to go FAST. ⚡️ 3:04:53 PM: ​ 3:04:53 PM: (netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache onPreBuild completed in 905ms) 3:04:53 PM: ​ 3:04:53 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:04:53 PM: 2. Build command from Netlify app
3:04:53 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:04:53 PM: ​ 3:04:53 PM: $ gatsby build 3:04:56 PM: success open and validate gatsby-configs - 0.045s 3:04:58 PM: success load plugins - 1.833s 3:04:58 PM: success onPreInit - 0.008s 3:04:58 PM: success delete html and css files from previous builds - 0.039s 3:04:58 PM: success initialize cache - 0.011s 3:04:58 PM: success copy gatsby files - 0.040s 3:04:58 PM: success onPreBootstrap - 0.006s 3:04:58 PM: success createSchemaCustomization - 0.037s 3:04:59 PM: Starting to fetch data from Contentful 3:04:59 PM: info Fetching default locale 3:04:59 PM: info default locale is: en-AU 3:04:59 PM: info contentTypes fetched 13 3:04:59 PM: info Updated entries 5 3:04:59 PM: info Deleted entries 0 3:04:59 PM: info Updated assets 2 3:04:59 PM: info Deleted assets 0 3:04:59 PM: Fetch Contentful data: 794.212ms 3:05:00 PM: success Downloading remote files - 0.344s - 2/2 5.81/s 3:05:00 PM: success source and transform nodes - 1.313s 3:05:00 PM: error Printing type definitions aborted. The file ./typeDefs.txt already exists. 3:05:01 PM: success building schema - 1.157s 3:05:01 PM: success createPages - 0.349s 3:05:01 PM: success createPagesStatefully - 0.105s 3:05:01 PM: success onPreExtractQueries - 0.003s 3:05:01 PM: success update schema - 0.071s 3:05:03 PM: success extract queries from components - 1.165s 3:05:03 PM: success write out requires - 0.005s 3:05:03 PM: success write out redirect data - 0.001s 3:05:03 PM: success Build manifest and related icons - 0.143s 3:05:03 PM: success onPostBootstrap - 0.145s 3:05:03 PM: ⠀ 3:05:03 PM: info bootstrap finished - 9.555 s 3:05:03 PM: ⠀ 3:05:47 PM: warning chunk styles [mini-css-extract-plugin] 3:05:47 PM: Conflicting order. Following module has been added: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/headerStyles.module.css 3:05:47 PM: despite it was not able to fulfill desired ordering with these modules: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/contactStyles.module.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-author-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-2!./src/templates/blogPost.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-page-js 3:05:47 PM: warning chunk styles [mini-css-extract-plugin] 3:05:47 PM: Conflicting order. Following module has been added: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-2!./src/components/mobileMenuToggleStyles.css 3:05:47 PM: despite it was not able to fulfill desired ordering with these modules: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/contactStyles.module.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-author-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-2!./src/templates/blogPost.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-page-js 3:05:47 PM: warning chunk styles [mini-css-extract-plugin] 3:05:47 PM: Conflicting order. Following module has been added: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/footerStyles.module.css 3:05:47 PM: despite it was not able to fulfill desired ordering with these modules: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/contactStyles.module.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-author-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-2!./src/templates/blogPost.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-page-js 3:05:47 PM: warning chunk styles [mini-css-extract-plugin] 3:05:47 PM: Conflicting order. Following module has been added: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-2!./src/styles/global.css 3:05:47 PM: despite it was not able to fulfill desired ordering with these modules: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/contactStyles.module.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-author-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-2!./src/templates/blogPost.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-page-js 3:05:47 PM: warning chunk styles [mini-css-extract-plugin] 3:05:47 PM: Conflicting order. Following module has been added: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-2!./src/templates/blogPost.css 3:05:47 PM: despite it was not able to fulfill desired ordering with these modules: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-2!./src/components/postBody.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-page-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js 3:05:47 PM: warning chunk styles [mini-css-extract-plugin] 3:05:47 PM: Conflicting order. Following module has been added: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/cardStyles.module.css 3:05:47 PM: despite it was not able to fulfill desired ordering with these modules: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/contactStyles.module.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-author-js - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-blog-post-js 3:05:47 PM: warning chunk styles [mini-css-extract-plugin] 3:05:47 PM: Conflicting order. Following module has been added: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/sectionHeading.module.css 3:05:47 PM: despite it was not able to fulfill desired ordering with these modules: 3:05:47 PM: css ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--12-oneOf-0-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-1!./src/components/masonryPosts.module.css 3:05:47 PM: - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) component---src-templates-category-js, component---src-templates-tag-jssuccess Building production JavaScript and CSS bundles - 43.779s 3:05:50 PM: success run queries - 47.083s - 62/62 1.32/s 3:05:57 PM: [2020-12-14T04:05:57.451Z] @firebase/app: 3:05:57 PM: Warning: This is a browser-targeted Firebase bundle but it appears it is being 3:05:57 PM: run in a Node environment. If running in a Node environment, make sure you 3:05:57 PM: are using the bundle specified by the "main" field in package.json. 3:05:57 PM: If you are using Webpack, you can specify "main" as the first item in 3:05:57 PM: "resolve.mainFields": 3:05:57 PM: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/#resolvemainfields 3:05:57 PM: If using Rollup, use the rollup-plugin-node-resolve plugin and specify "main" 3:05:57 PM: as the first item in "mainFields", e.g. ['main', 'module']. 3:05:57 PM: https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-node-resolve 3:05:57 PM: [2020-12-14T04:05:57.463Z] @firebase/app: 3:05:57 PM: Warning: This is a browser-targeted Firebase bundle but it appears it is being 3:05:57 PM: run in a Node environment. If running in a Node environment, make sure you 3:05:57 PM: are using the bundle specified by the "main" field in package.json. 3:05:57 PM: If you are using Webpack, you can specify "main" as the first item in 3:05:57 PM: "resolve.mainFields": 3:05:57 PM: https://webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/#resolvemainfields 3:05:57 PM: If using Rollup, use the rollup-plugin-node-resolve plugin and specify "main" 3:05:57 PM: as the first item in "mainFields", e.g. ['main', 'module']. 3:05:57 PM: https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-node-resolve 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

With a bit of imagination, creativity, and fun, you will find some great presents this year. Try these places for ideas and know you are supporting local businesses and charities. Enjoy!

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Goulburn Lilac City Markets

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

204 Bourke Street, Goulburn.\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Next market: Saturday 5th December 2020 9am – 1pm

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Marulan Book Exchange

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

80 George Street, Marulan
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Phone: 02 4823 4492
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Next market: Saturday 12th December 2020 10am – 1pm

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Nerriga Museum Open Day and Car Boot Sale

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Fun, games and Santa visiting at 12 noon
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Phone: Sue Robens: 02 4845 9014
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'When: Saturday 19th December 2020 From 9am

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Christmas Craftanoon at Goulburn Mulwaree Library

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Participants will enjoy creating some special Christmas craft, including some Christmas tree decorations. For children 4 and over.
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Bookings through the library on 02 4823 4435
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'When: Saturday 19th December 2020 2pm – 3.30pm

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Parkside Community Markets (Hosted by Rotary)

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Montague Street, Goulburn
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Phone: 0477 258 006
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Next Market: Saturday 12th December 2020, 8.30am – 1.30pm

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Markets on Bourke

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Goulburn Scout Hall, cnr of Bourke and Anderson Streets, Goulburn
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Phone: 0429 602 597
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Next Market: Saturday 19th December 2020, 9am – 1pm

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

St Vincent de Paul Society

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

2/136 Auburn Street, Goulburn
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Phone: 02 6234 7470

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '


\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

13-15 Market Street, Goulburn
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Phone: 02 4821 2451

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The Salvation Army

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

123 Auburn Street, Goulburn
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Phone: 02 4822 6913

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The Smith Family Store

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

147 Auburn Street, Goulburn
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Phone: 02 4822 2450

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'With a bit of imagination, creativity, and fun, you will find some great presents this year. Try these places for ideas…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

The Goulburn Mulwaree Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy has been endorsed by the NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. The ambitious strategy sets out a vision for the ongoing growth of Goulburn and Marulan, with a total of 3,359 new homes predicted to be built in the area to accommodate population growth by 2036. Over 2,600 of these homes will be built in Goulburn, with this growth to predominantly occur in the North (Marys Mount), with some housing growth to continue to the West of Goulburn. Mayor Bob Kirk said today is the culmination of a huge amount of work in planning for the future of Goulburn Mulwaree.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“It was an enormous task to look at our city with a blank map and begin to plan where the growth will continue for the next fifteen to twenty years. Key considerations for us were the provision of infrastructure such as roads, water and sewerage but also ensuring we can provide green space and a high standard of public amenities. Council will now be able to undertake further master planning for this infrastructure”.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“We undertook multiple rounds of community consultation and engaged with Government Departments early in the process. As a Council we appreciate all of the feedback received from the community whether from a developer or a resident with concerns – this helped shape the document.”

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“Finally I would like to mention the efforts of our Strategic Planning team and all of the other staff who worked on the project, which was one of the most important bits of planning work ever undertaken in Goulburn Mulwaree.”

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The primary goal of the Strategy is to provide for future residential growth with a diversity of housing supply including standard residential lots of approximately 700sqm, rural residential lots, as well as infill areas in and around the Goulburn CBD where further medium density residential development is proposed. Land included by Councillors during their final endorsement of the strategy (Sooley Dam Precinct and East Marulan Precinct) where large lot residential was identified, was not endorsed by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment as these were not subject to the same level of public consultation. This does not prevent Council from further investigation of these areas. Landowners in identified residential zones will now be able to submit planning proposals for rezoning in order to progress with the residential development of these areas.

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'The Goulburn Mulwaree Urban & Fringe Housing Strategy has been endorsed by the NSW Government Department of Planning…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '


\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

High School Afternoon Art Club Term 4
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Kids Fridays 3:45PM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Art Teenies
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Kids Monday 7 December 10:00AM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Afternoon Art Club Term 4
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Kids Tuesdays 3:45PM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Afternoon Art Club Term 4
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Kids Wednesdays 3:45PM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Afternoon Art Club Term 4
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Kids Thursdays 3:45PM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Gallery 2 chat with John Hart and Hannah Gee
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Talk Friday 11 December 11:00AM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Art Teenies
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Kids Monday 14 December 10:00AM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Art Teenies
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Kids Monday 21 December 10:00AM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'High School Afternoon Art Club Term 4 Kids Fridays 3:45PM Goulburn Regional Art Gallery Art Teenies Kids Monday…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '


\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '


\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Curated by Lauren Reid
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '27 nov. 2020 — 23 jan. 2021

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

‘Infinities’ presents works that defy our human-scale conceptions of time: from the microbial-scale of bacterium inside our bodies, to the planetary-scale of the spinning of the Earth and beyond. Curated by Berlin-based curator, Lauren Reid, ‘Infinities’ brings artists and ideas from across the globe in to Goulburn for the very first time.Through an immersive combination of contemporary video works, sculptures, installations and new commissions, ‘Infinities’ provides an opportunity to step into different temporal methods of relating to the often imperceptible processes, environments, life forms and experiences around us.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Lauren Reid is a cultural professional working across exhibition-making, anthropology and film. She is Co-Director of insitu collective, Lecturer at Node Centre for Curatorial Studies, Co-Founder of the Project Space Festival Berlin and a PhD Candidate Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Freie Universität, Berlin with the project ‘Thinking Beyond the Final Frontier: Cosmic Futures in Thailand’.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Harriet Body (AU)
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Serena Bonson (AU)
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Tina Havelock Stevens (AU)
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Markus Hoffmann (DE)
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Basim Magdy (EG)
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Chulayarnnon Siriphol (TH)
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Jenna Sutela (FI)
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Hossein Valamanesh (IR/AU)

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'Infinities Curated by Lauren Reid 27 nov. 2020 — 23 jan. 2021 ‘Infinities’ presents works that defy our human-scale…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

Tuesday night once again saw a solid contingent of 50 competitors tackle the weekly aquathon series at the Goulburn Aquatic Centre. They were greeted with ideal conditions consisting of a light easterly breeze and a comfortable 24 degree temperature and many athletes used this to turn in season best times across all divisions.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The club welcomed new members Hunter Smith, Jemma Valentine and Rebecca Miles as well as Elders signing on and joining Goulburn Power Centre as a club sponsor.\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Some of the outstanding performers this week included Tom Skeffington who once again took the honours in the intermediate division over Mick Beard, this time by a mere 9 seconds courtesy of a scorching 16minute 4 km run leg. Stella McIntyre was outstanding in the novice race finishing almost 4 minutes ahead of the next place getter (male or female). Olivia Stutchbury returned a career best result in the long distance race, her time of 37.42 her first time under 38 minutes was good enough to beat all comers except Kurt Warn who once again claimed fastest time honours.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Some others to record season PBs this week were Stella McIntyre, Peter Tapp, Cody Poetsch, Alexander Skeffington, Tom Skeffington, Mick Beard, Grace Martin, Conrad Bullock, Nik Christen and 5 time club champion Kerry Baxter.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Novice 100m/2km
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ladies: Stella McIntyre 1st, Annabel Feld 2nd, Trinity Fox 3rd, Jill McDonald 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Men: James Feld 1st, Peter Tapp 2nd, Hunter Smith 3rd, Riley Feld 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Open 1 200m/4km
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ladies: Ava McIntyre 1st, Rebecca Miles 2nd, Jane Twohill 3rd, Danielle Coleman 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Men: Alexander Skeffington 1st, Cody Poetsch 2nd
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Open 2 400m/4km
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ladies: Danielle Connell 1st, Mikaela McGrath 2nd, Grace Martin 3rd, Annette Pattison 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Men: Tom Skeffington 1st, Mick Beard 2nd, Damian Ottley 3rd, Corey Petersen 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Long Distance 600m/6km
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ladies: Olivia Stutchbury 1st, Lori McWhirter 2nd, Nik Christen 3rd, Karla Calleja 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Men: Kurt Warn 1st, Mark Stutchbury 2nd, James Charlesworth 3rd, Kerry Baxter 4th

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'Tuesday night once again saw a solid contingent of 50 competitors tackle the weekly aquathon series at the Goulburn…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

Goulburn Mulwaree Council has recently completed an audit of our companion animal registration, in line with new regulatory requirements through the NSW Government Office of Local Government.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The audit revealed a high percentage of dogs and cats in our community are not registered, and also that a number of cats in our community have not been desexed by 4 months of age which requires their owners to have an annual permit.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“It is important that all pet owners in our community play their role by registering your animal, and paying a permit if you choose to not desex your cat. The audit we have recently undertaken was a requirement through the Office of Local Government but did reveal we have an issue with registration of pets in our community, which is why we are now addressing this.”

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“It’s important to note that this is not revenue raising by Council, as registration is a state requirement fee that registers the animal for its lifetime.”

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

As a result of the audit, 6,000 letters have been generated and mailed out to relevant pet owners advising them of their obligations. Further, on 20 November 2020 Council was advised by the Office of Local Government that they made further changes in relation to the annual permits that came into effect from 1 July 2020 for non- desexed cats and cats not desexed by 4 months of age. These changes are:\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'If your cat was desexed by 1 July 2020 a permit is NOT required.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The lifetime registration fee of $50.00 (for cats) is still required and needs to be paid by the due date on the letter you have received.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Cats that were desexed after the 1st of July 2020 and over 4 months of age are required to pay a one off permit fee of $80 + $50 lifetime registration fee.\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Please note that microchipping is not registration. Microchips are for identification purposes only and registration is a state requirement fee that registers the animal for its lifetime. Council look forward to working with the community to ensure responsible pet ownership and your patience and understanding during this process.

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'Goulburn Mulwaree Council has recently completed an audit of our companion animal registration, in line with new…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

On Sunday 15th November, a large contingent of Goulburn Traithlon club members together with a smattering of guests ventured to Canberra to contest the annual Sri Chinmoy Triple Triathlon. The event has long been a target for the Goulburn teams. The historically most successful Goulburn team the “Giant 440 Woodys” has in recent years dedicated it’s successes to one of its founders and most enthusiastic members , the late Peter Oberg, and once again they did his memory honour by dominating and thereby winning the Teams of 9 division.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The event travails 150km of gruelling cross country action including most major Canberra peaks either by foot or by Mountain Bike and also takes in swim legs in the three major lakes. The “Woodys” maintained a strong position throughout with a consisitent showing from all 9 members with Nathan Frazer, Andy Dawes, Andy Oberg and Jaemin Frazer all recording top ten results in their respective legs. Rod Smith, Mick Beard, Lori McWhirter, Rod McWhirter and Stefan Hese were all in the mix with many pushed to the limit by very warm and humid conditions, with Stefan’s fading effort still enough to gain victory, albeit by a mere 45 seconds.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The other Team, the Triathlon Pterodactyls also performed soundly with Kurt Warn, Olivia Stutchbury and Andy Dawes recording top tens for their respective legs. Unfortunately for them whilst on target for a top 20 overall finish, their final runner was brought undone with the finish line in sight. Tom Marsden was storming in the final 13 km run with his effort one of only 6 runners to break the 5 minute km barrier, with a mere 100m to the finish line he succumbed to heat exhaustion and was unable to finish (he has since recovered much to the teams relief).

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Meanwhile the Goulburn Power Centre Aquathon series continued on Tuesday night with round three fielding 45 competitors. Once again racing was fierce in particular with the Intermediate distance race where a mere 3 seconds separated first and second places in both the women’s and men’s races. Some strong performances were also put in by newer members to the club with Keegan Mitchell, Danielle Connell, James Charlesworth, Trinity Fox, Karla Calleja and the Field family all claiming top 4 places. The club welcomed back Karla Calleja, Christine Lambert and Elke O’Rourke as well as new member Meleesa Evans to add to the growing list of members. Results are as follows:
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Novice Distance 100m/2km
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ladies: Stella McIntyre 1st, Anabel Feld 2nd, Trinity Fox 3rd
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Men: Charlie Moss 1st, James Feld 2nd, Riley Feld 3rd. Peter Tapp 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Sprint 200m/4km
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ladies: Ava McIntyre 1st, Jane Twohill 2nd and Carole Rose 3rd\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Men: Alex Skeffington 1st
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Intermediate 400m/4km
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ladies: Shiralee Cummins 1st, Nadine Moroney 2nd, Jane Kennedy 4th Danielle Connell
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Men: Tom Skeffington 1st, Mick Beard 2nd, Corey Peterson 3rd, Llew Davies 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Long Distance 600m/6km
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ladies: Olivia Stutchbury 1st, Elke O’Rourke 2nd, Nik Christen 3rd, Karla Calleja 4th
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Men: Kurt Warn 1st, Mark Stutchbury 2nd, Isaac Hogan 3rd and James Charlesworth 4th.

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'On Sunday 15th November, a large contingent of Goulburn Traithlon club members together with a smattering of guests…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

Give your garage and cupboards a spring clean before the holidays with the help of Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Household Chemical Clean Out Day on Sunday 13th December 2020.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Goulburn Recreation Area & Marulan Waste Management Centre

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Contact Details
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Waste Info Line
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'council@goulburn.nsw.gov.au
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '(02) 4823 4417
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Event Details
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Time: 8:00am - 4:00pm
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'The Household Chemical Clean Out is held annually and the next event will be held in Goulburn and Marulan on Sunday 13 December 2020. The Goulburn event will be held at the Goulburn Recreation Area at 47 Braidwood Road, Goulburn between 8am and 12pm. The Marulan event will be held at the Marulan Waste Management Centre on Wilson Drive, Marulan from 2pm to 4pm.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

For information on what can be disposed of at the CleanOut event, visit the EPA website, or contact the Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417.

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'Give your garage and cupboards a spring clean before the holidays with the help of Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Household…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

“Yes – it’s possible to raise $2M for a community renewable project right in the middle of Angus Taylor’s electorate,” says local Goulburn farmer Ed Suttle, who lives just down the road from Mr Taylor’s rural property.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The Goulburn 1.2MW AC community owned solar farm has been in the planning stages for 4 years and has finally come to fruition with the local community raising almost $2M in just over two weeks since the investment offer was announced in late October. The project will incorporate a 400kW/800kWh battery to provide dispatchable power to the grid.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“Who says there isn’t any appetite for quality community renewable energy projects in regional Australia? In just over two weeks we raised over 90% of the required capital, right at Angus Taylor’s back door,” said Mr Suttle, the Vice President of Community Energy for Goulburn.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“It was like an old fashioned Boxing Day sale at David Jones with people scrambling to sign up for anything from $400 to $400,000 investment in the farm,” he said.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“The people of Goulburn know that it’s not going to be a gas led recovery. It’s renewables that are going to boost the economy and reduce Australia’s carbon pollution at the same time. The sooner Mr Taylor gets the message from his own electorate the better,” said Mr Suttle.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“There have been quite a few small scale renewable projects financed by community investors, but this is a much larger project and the community have embraced it with amazing enthusiasm and support,” he said.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

In just over two weeks, following two public meetings and a webinar, members of the local community flooded the CE4G committee with offers of financial support, the first community owned renewable project in NSW to include a big battery.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

While CE4G have been fielding investment interest from all over Australia Mr Suttle said that a decision was made early on to prioritise locals to give them the chance to invest in their own project.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

“But from November 20th we’re opening up the project to people outside the region to give others an opportunity to invest. We’re nearly there, but if we raise more than our target then we’ll be able to expand the project or even move on to our second stage,” he said.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

People outside the region can now invest in the project on a first in first served basis. Mr Suttle expects the offer to be fully subscribed within the next few weeks and encourages prospective investors to get in early or face the prospect of missing out.

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: '“Yes – it’s possible to raise $2M for a community renewable project right in the middle of Angus Taylor’s electorate…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

Operating under COVID-19 restrictions, we did our best to deliver a memorable Convoy 2020. We are thrilled with the result, having raised in excess of $18k over the weekend. A large part of the money raised was thanks to 80+ trucks that entered the Convoy, along with some very generous support of our online auction and raffle. We raised over $3k in donations alone, which is an amazing feat considering the impact that COVID-19 has had on many residents and local businesses.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The day could not have gone ahead without the passionate Committee that devoted their time to make it all happen. We are always looking for new members to help share in this fantastic cause so happy for you to direct your viewers to our new webpage where they can complete a registration form to join our team. We put a lot of time and effort into our new website, in the aim of making the Convoy process more interactive and enjoyable for the customers going forward. We are very excited about things to come for Convoy 2021.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/jTGRLUd8MzxvDIA27J4aa/2b91ac5315d216c642aa81e211f46473/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Green-trucks---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 64.99999999999999%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Convoy for Kids 2020 Green Trucks. Photographer Amanda Herringe."\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/jTGRLUd8MzxvDIA27J4aa/2b91ac5315d216c642aa81e211f46473/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Green-trucks---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/jTGRLUd8MzxvDIA27J4aa/2b91ac5315d216c642aa81e211f46473/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Green-trucks---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/jTGRLUd8MzxvDIA27J4aa/2b91ac5315d216c642aa81e211f46473/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Green-trucks---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/jTGRLUd8MzxvDIA27J4aa/2b91ac5315d216c642aa81e211f46473/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Green-trucks---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Convoy for Kids 2020 Green Trucks. Photographer Amanda Herringe.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The winning bidder on our Lead Truck Auction was Barry Burrows from Barry Burrows Engineering with over $2k bid for the honour of displaying the Convoy 2020 Banner.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

For those that missed the announcement on the webpage, our lucky raffle winner was Michelle Caldow who has walked away with a $1000 fuel voucher.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/15vLZuIkOcSsAtWQVr38wp/478f385448d6217bc524d4e54b7de92a/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Vintage-truck---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 63.583333333333336%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Convoy for Kids 2020 Vintage Truck. Photographer Amanda Herringe."\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/15vLZuIkOcSsAtWQVr38wp/478f385448d6217bc524d4e54b7de92a/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Vintage-truck---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/15vLZuIkOcSsAtWQVr38wp/478f385448d6217bc524d4e54b7de92a/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Vintage-truck---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/15vLZuIkOcSsAtWQVr38wp/478f385448d6217bc524d4e54b7de92a/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Vintage-truck---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/15vLZuIkOcSsAtWQVr38wp/478f385448d6217bc524d4e54b7de92a/Convoy-for-Kids-2020---Vintage-truck---photographer-Amanda-Herringe.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Convoy for Kids 2020 Vintage Truck. Photographer Amanda Herringe.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Photos on our new Facebook page give an indication of the level of support shown by ‘truckies’ both locally and further afield.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Given our reduced operating capacity this year, we are extremely grateful for the generosity shown by the local comunity and look forward to doing it all again next year!

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

– By Emily Townsend

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'Operating under COVID-19 restrictions, we did our best to deliver a memorable Convoy 2020. We are thrilled with the…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'All shows are open to all ages (under 18’s need to be with a responsible adult)

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/4mEfOTPgmK9CsAFODhtI84/4b89fe092e1a106cef4d0033a376f88c/trad-insts.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 82%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="BUSH TRADITIONS SESSION"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/4mEfOTPgmK9CsAFODhtI84/4b89fe092e1a106cef4d0033a376f88c/trad-insts.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/4mEfOTPgmK9CsAFODhtI84/4b89fe092e1a106cef4d0033a376f88c/trad-insts.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/4mEfOTPgmK9CsAFODhtI84/4b89fe092e1a106cef4d0033a376f88c/trad-insts.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/4mEfOTPgmK9CsAFODhtI84/4b89fe092e1a106cef4d0033a376f88c/trad-insts.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

1st Friday of Month: ‘BUSH TRADITIONS SESSION’
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Next Sessions: Friday Nov 6; Fri Dec 4. 2020
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'From 7.30pm. The OZ sessions resume this coming Friday 4th September. Arrangements are the same as for the Celtic Session.The link is https://events.humanitix.com/goulburn-australian-trad-session The theme for the night is LAGS HAGS & DAGS

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1nD3R89UjRJ9Aj4qRs0dxq/4ea59d8a0c86d85a158688803fd948d7/GC-Open-Mic-FB-Square.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 100%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="GC Open Mic"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1nD3R89UjRJ9Aj4qRs0dxq/4ea59d8a0c86d85a158688803fd948d7/GC-Open-Mic-FB-Square.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1nD3R89UjRJ9Aj4qRs0dxq/4ea59d8a0c86d85a158688803fd948d7/GC-Open-Mic-FB-Square.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1nD3R89UjRJ9Aj4qRs0dxq/4ea59d8a0c86d85a158688803fd948d7/GC-Open-Mic-FB-Square.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1nD3R89UjRJ9Aj4qRs0dxq/4ea59d8a0c86d85a158688803fd948d7/GC-Open-Mic-FB-Square.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

2nd Friday of the month: “OPEN MIC”\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Next open mic: Friday November 13, December 11. From 7.30pm

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<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3eaSe8MCZT8iLf3aBWGf78/06e3e4f700f7c84ae3d2383e2fa6f081/Celtic-Session.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 72.91666666666666%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Celtic Session"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3eaSe8MCZT8iLf3aBWGf78/06e3e4f700f7c84ae3d2383e2fa6f081/Celtic-Session.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3eaSe8MCZT8iLf3aBWGf78/06e3e4f700f7c84ae3d2383e2fa6f081/Celtic-Session.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3eaSe8MCZT8iLf3aBWGf78/06e3e4f700f7c84ae3d2383e2fa6f081/Celtic-Session.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3eaSe8MCZT8iLf3aBWGf78/06e3e4f700f7c84ae3d2383e2fa6f081/Celtic-Session.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

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3rd Friday of Month: ‘CELTIC MUSIC SESSION’
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Next Sessions: Friday 18th Dec. 2020
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'From 7.30pm A monthly session held in Goulburn NSW and featuring celtic music. All levels of musicianship welcome. Music available. Due to CO-Vid numbers are going to be limited to 18 in the Durack Room where the session is usually held. (Free) tickets to reserve a space are available online here:\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://events.humanitix.com/goulburn-celtic-session-rag77vst

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<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/e2MRVsDwrVTI3NVq3AjPl/50f110b887d2ec6fbb292e10ea787542/GClub-coutyardconcert-21Nov-2.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 54.49999999999999%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Spring Into Summer"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/e2MRVsDwrVTI3NVq3AjPl/50f110b887d2ec6fbb292e10ea787542/GClub-coutyardconcert-21Nov-2.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/e2MRVsDwrVTI3NVq3AjPl/50f110b887d2ec6fbb292e10ea787542/GClub-coutyardconcert-21Nov-2.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/e2MRVsDwrVTI3NVq3AjPl/50f110b887d2ec6fbb292e10ea787542/GClub-coutyardconcert-21Nov-2.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/e2MRVsDwrVTI3NVq3AjPl/50f110b887d2ec6fbb292e10ea787542/GClub-coutyardconcert-21Nov-2.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

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Saturday November 21, 2020: ‘SPRING INTO SUMMER Courtyard Garden concert 2’ with Isy Cappo, & Ghostgum. Free entry 6.00 – 8.00pm

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<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/64c90iDI1By3RcCy3Ep2oZ/b8ab183c0499c77cd024398e23070924/Don-Chris.png"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 50%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Don Hopkins, Chris O’Connor & Damian Cohen"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/64c90iDI1By3RcCy3Ep2oZ/b8ab183c0499c77cd024398e23070924/Don-Chris.png"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/64c90iDI1By3RcCy3Ep2oZ/b8ab183c0499c77cd024398e23070924/Don-Chris.png?w=234 234w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/64c90iDI1By3RcCy3Ep2oZ/b8ab183c0499c77cd024398e23070924/Don-Chris.png?w=468 468w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/64c90iDI1By3RcCy3Ep2oZ/b8ab183c0499c77cd024398e23070924/Don-Chris.png?w=936 936w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

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Saturday November 21, 2020: ‘Don Hopkins, Chris O’Connor & Damian Cohen (from 8pm in the Durack Room)

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<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7xahHyiHN5LjXrBQzPoDNa/4ad707e75d6d93c2dcc8632c95afd7f2/hubug-arainnmhor.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 52.5%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Humbug with guests Arainn Mhor "\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7xahHyiHN5LjXrBQzPoDNa/4ad707e75d6d93c2dcc8632c95afd7f2/hubug-arainnmhor.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7xahHyiHN5LjXrBQzPoDNa/4ad707e75d6d93c2dcc8632c95afd7f2/hubug-arainnmhor.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7xahHyiHN5LjXrBQzPoDNa/4ad707e75d6d93c2dcc8632c95afd7f2/hubug-arainnmhor.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7xahHyiHN5LjXrBQzPoDNa/4ad707e75d6d93c2dcc8632c95afd7f2/hubug-arainnmhor.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

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Friday November 27, 2020: ‘Humbug’ with guests ‘Arainn Mhor’
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'A ‘Sping Into Summer ‘ special event. A Celtic celebration with fine food, drink and music. From 6.00pm beginning with Arrainn Mhor in the garden courtyard at the back of the Club. Dinner from 7.pm and Humbug from 8pm in the Durack Room. To ensure a seat, free entry (limited numbers) tickets available here

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<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/6PR2WoPV6N1o0WDPjWCD7/26403c597590fcba9ecfe4425f148361/GClub-coutyardconcert-28Nov.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 54.25%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="GClub-coutyardconcert-28Nov"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/6PR2WoPV6N1o0WDPjWCD7/26403c597590fcba9ecfe4425f148361/GClub-coutyardconcert-28Nov.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/6PR2WoPV6N1o0WDPjWCD7/26403c597590fcba9ecfe4425f148361/GClub-coutyardconcert-28Nov.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/6PR2WoPV6N1o0WDPjWCD7/26403c597590fcba9ecfe4425f148361/GClub-coutyardconcert-28Nov.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/6PR2WoPV6N1o0WDPjWCD7/26403c597590fcba9ecfe4425f148361/GClub-coutyardconcert-28Nov.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

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Saturday November 28, 2020: ‘SPRING INTO SUMMER Courtyard Garden concert 4’ with The Mike Baker Organ Trio 6.00 – 8.00pm

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<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/VPR67MPPq3gbeOzwSsMwx/efad2d052d68a0238bac96957742a177/0001-12085700456.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 50%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Steve Kilbey"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/VPR67MPPq3gbeOzwSsMwx/efad2d052d68a0238bac96957742a177/0001-12085700456.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/VPR67MPPq3gbeOzwSsMwx/efad2d052d68a0238bac96957742a177/0001-12085700456.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/VPR67MPPq3gbeOzwSsMwx/efad2d052d68a0238bac96957742a177/0001-12085700456.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/VPR67MPPq3gbeOzwSsMwx/efad2d052d68a0238bac96957742a177/0001-12085700456.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Saturday November 28, 2020: ‘Steve Kilbey with Charlotte Lock’ (from 8pm in the Durack Room) with special guests Mike Baker Organ Trio (free in the Courtyard garden from 6pm) tickets available online here [SOLD OUT]

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<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3zFqDU0owq4XYJL8hdrBRA/4fac87df8212c0df84e6a310fc70e6a8/theblacksorrows_live1.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 56.25%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="the black sorrows "\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3zFqDU0owq4XYJL8hdrBRA/4fac87df8212c0df84e6a310fc70e6a8/theblacksorrows_live1.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3zFqDU0owq4XYJL8hdrBRA/4fac87df8212c0df84e6a310fc70e6a8/theblacksorrows_live1.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3zFqDU0owq4XYJL8hdrBRA/4fac87df8212c0df84e6a310fc70e6a8/theblacksorrows_live1.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/3zFqDU0owq4XYJL8hdrBRA/4fac87df8212c0df84e6a310fc70e6a8/theblacksorrows_live1.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Wednesday December 9, 2020: ‘Black Sorrows Duo‘ (2 shows from 6pm in the Durack Room) Tickets available online here

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'COMING ENTERTAINMENT All shows are open to all ages (under 18’s need to be with a responsible adult) 1st Friday of…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

The Academy was originally situated in Redfern, but space was an issue so was removed to Goulburn to what was originally a teachers’ college and has grown hugely since it started here in 1986. There are 20 accommodation blocks, 30 motel room style accommodation, and a 200 room demountable complex. The academy can accommodate 856 people. Pre COVID the academy was full most of the time.

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It is preferred that students live on site, but a few live off site for reasons such as childcare. Training is conducted onsite for recruits and all advanced policing courses.

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Intakes for new recruits are regular – 6 per year – every 8 weeks they start a new course and attest a course. At any one time there are 4 training courses going. Some of the training is at home and some on campus. The academy partners with Charles Sturt University and uses technology widely in training programs which makes it easier for students to study the initial parts of the course and then go to the academy to finish their course. The initial training program is 32 weeks. A student will start at home online and 32 weeks later will attest to finishing their initial training course as a sworn officer. There is another 12 months of study after this for the Associate Degree in Policing Practises (ADPP). At this time, they are Probationary Constables studying and working to finish their course.

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No ATAR is required to get into the course. Applicants are required to do a course through the University – The University Certificate of Workforce Essentials (UCWE), an 8 week online program and pass it to be accepted into the policing course. Other requirements of fitness and operational safety are taught at the Academy. Most graduate police officers need to do 3 years on the front line before they can specialise in an area of policing. There is a broad range of career options for graduates.

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2020 has been a year of many challenges, starting with the bushfires. Staff from the academy were deployed to the south coast to assist with bushfires. Then COVID hit and 3 classes were sent home and training was developed online with Charles Sturt University. They frontloaded the program with all the academic content Recruits then return to the academy for the last 8 weeks, to finish off all the physical and policing training they cannot do at home.

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By recruits remaining on campus at all times, they have been able to maintain a safe workplace. Recruits range from high school graduates to older adults in their 40s and 50s. There are around 30% female recruits, indigenous recruits, around 12% born overseas and a wide range of academic trade and skill sets. The great diversity of backgrounds makes the mix much stronger.

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The online training has been embraced by the academy as the way of the future and has shown to have benefits with the quality of the students they are getting. Students generally thrive and love the challenges of the training and very few recruits fail the course.

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Goulburn citizens have welcomed the academy and it has a great relationship with the community and the council and they support each other. The academy is always working to widen the gender and culture ratio to improve relationships with the communities. The academy will be putting through over a thousand people a year – around 200 people in each class. Policing is a secure career, there is no real age limit, the entitlements are excellent, the pay is good, and there is a lot of incentive for people to join the organisation.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Last week the treasurer announced a 60 million dollar refurbishment for the academy, to be done over the next 3 years to upgrade the facilities to keep it state of the art, as the biggest and most advanced police academy in the country. Exciting times ahead!

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'The Academy was originally situated in Redfern, but space was an issue so was removed to Goulburn to what was originally…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

Drive so others survive.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

This year Goulburn Mulwaree Council will be supporting National Road Safety Week November 15 to 22, by lighting up the Big Merino and covering the\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'pergola in Belmore Park with yellow ribbons.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Too many lives are lost on our roads so we encourage everyone to drive so others survives Tell us what you think “Drive so others Survive” means to you and go into the draw to win one of two $100 fuel vouchers.

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'Drive so others survive. This year Goulburn Mulwaree Council will be supporting National Road Safety Week November 15 to…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '


\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

NEW Casual Swim prices

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Concession $3.00
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Adult $5.00
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Spectator $1
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Ask about our great membership options

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '


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<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/PxVg3X6PqPSNrzQjjPiE6/cb0fafb9dea75f44015eb3c64d1e3afb/Goulburn-Aquatic-and-Leisure-Centre-Term-4-2020-Timetable.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 69.75%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Goulburn Aquatic and Leisure Centre Term 4 2020 Timetable"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/PxVg3X6PqPSNrzQjjPiE6/cb0fafb9dea75f44015eb3c64d1e3afb/Goulburn-Aquatic-and-Leisure-Centre-Term-4-2020-Timetable.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/PxVg3X6PqPSNrzQjjPiE6/cb0fafb9dea75f44015eb3c64d1e3afb/Goulburn-Aquatic-and-Leisure-Centre-Term-4-2020-Timetable.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/PxVg3X6PqPSNrzQjjPiE6/cb0fafb9dea75f44015eb3c64d1e3afb/Goulburn-Aquatic-and-Leisure-Centre-Term-4-2020-Timetable.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/PxVg3X6PqPSNrzQjjPiE6/cb0fafb9dea75f44015eb3c64d1e3afb/Goulburn-Aquatic-and-Leisure-Centre-Term-4-2020-Timetable.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'NEW Casual Swim prices Concession $3.00 Adult $5.00 Spectator $1 Ask about our great membership options FACILITIES…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

Come and join the Goulburn Community, COVID safe, Bike Ride.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Register yourself online then ride the Wollondilly shared path at your own leisure over two weeks from the 21st of November to the 6th of December. All that’s left after that is to add snap shots of your ride to Council’s event page on Facebook and every rider will receive a bag full of giveaways. Thats not all, make sure you fill in the survey online and go into the draw to win one of 10 new helmets.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

For all further information, or to undertake the survey, visit the event page on Facebook or contact GMC Road Safety and Traffic Officer on (02) 4823 4510.\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Staff will be at the Goulburn Historic Waterworks Museum between 1 to 4 on Sunday the 22nd and 29th of November as well as the 6th of December so participants can come and collect their bag of goodies, COVID safe.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Where: Rotary Park Marsden Weir, Goulburn, NSW, 2580
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Contact Details: tracey.norberg@goulburn.nsw.gov.au (02) 4823 4510
\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'Time: 10:30am - 2:00pm

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'Come and join the Goulburn Community, COVID safe, Bike Ride. Register yourself online then ride the Wollondilly shared…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '

Tracy has been running the community bike ride for 8 years and it has been a very popular family-oriented activity. It is a community event for exercise and cycling awareness and how to stay safe as a cyclist. This year it will be running differently due to COVID restrictions. It will run over a 2-week period along the Wollondilly Walking Track. Participants need to register online and there is a short quiz if people want to go into the draw to win one of 10 helmets.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Participants can do their ride at a time and day of their choice and do the length of ride they want. They just need to take some pictures and upload them to the council events page to prove they have done the ride. Everyone gets a bag of goodies once they have finished.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Registrations have just opened and there are 75 participants so far. Tracy will be at the Water Works on the 2 Sundays so the participants can show the photos they have taken, and she will give them the bags of goodies which include a water bottle and bike belt.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

The Big Merino is also lit up and decorated in yellow this week for National Road Safety Week which ends this weekend. “Drive so others Survive” is the competition being run for this awareness week to win one of two $100 fuel vouchers.

\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

Another competition coming up soon is a video competition about looking after your mates. Tracy and the head of Hume police will be talking to youth about what they believe are issues with youth these days – driving while texting, speeding and other issues.

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: 'Tracy has been running the community bike ride for 8 years and it has been a very popular family-oriented activity. It…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: props.body { 3:05:57 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:57 PM: html: '\n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

<a\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7EfXqLRmYKekgbQO0ntvZW/40b9f2254f6a2450e5883dc9b53eafc2/Picture-2.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: style="padding-bottom: 66.5%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:57 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' alt="Picture-2"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7EfXqLRmYKekgbQO0ntvZW/40b9f2254f6a2450e5883dc9b53eafc2/Picture-2.jpg"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7EfXqLRmYKekgbQO0ntvZW/40b9f2254f6a2450e5883dc9b53eafc2/Picture-2.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7EfXqLRmYKekgbQO0ntvZW/40b9f2254f6a2450e5883dc9b53eafc2/Picture-2.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:57 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/7EfXqLRmYKekgbQO0ntvZW/40b9f2254f6a2450e5883dc9b53eafc2/Picture-2.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:57 PM: '

', 3:05:57 PM: excerpt: '$700,000 (as part of a $9.6 million project) to reinvigorate the Wombeyan Caves visitor experience and funding towards…' 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:57 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

Darrell Weeks has returned to Goulburn with his family after many years and is excited about the possibilities for the future of the area in his new job with the Chamber of Commerce.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Goulburn provides a great attraction for businesses and is also a political and geographical centre. The permanent water solution has solved the problem of providing enough to support the future growth of the area.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Changes in the way people work now and especially this year has created opportunities for people to move out of the city and work from home. With the advantages of being able to afford much cheaper and better housing and without having to commute though heavy city traffic.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The socio-economic makeup of Goulburn has changed dramatically. Darrell sees Goulburn as an ideal spot for an innovation centre. It has the space for industries such as motor sports and with the advantage of the lower cost land and access to major centres.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Darrell wants to attract high end businesses, technologies and innovation to the area. We need to bring in this high end investment for Goulburn to go ahead in this way. Bringing this income into Goulburn will lead to all the local businesses benefiting as well.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Chamber of Commerce is offering a change in the way it delivers services to members, as incentive for new members to join. It is going to offer workshops and support to its businesses to enable members to grow and improve their businesses to make them more successful. Darrell envisions bringing in world class training for members.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Chamber has a popular Facebook page and has a large following.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'https://www.facebook.com/GoulburnChamber\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'https://www.goulburnchamber.com.au/

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'Darrell Weeks has returned to Goulburn with his family after many years and is excited about the possibilities for the…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

The club has put together 16 baskets for women who have had to flee from violence in the home. These items enable these families to set up in a new home.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Zonta Club Goulburn invited guest speakers to talk about domestic violence in the area.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Guest speakers Toni Rae and Jody Watson work with Anglicare NSW
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '663 families have been assisted this year. Families are housed in Anglicare units for up to 12 months. Services include counselling and referring victims to other services as required.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

This year there has been an increase in domestic violence occurrence, although there were fewer cases reported to the police. Victims are often reluctant to tell anyone. Anglicare also provides programs for high school students to educate them about relationships.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Federal government has agreed to provide 5.2 million dollars in funding for housing to help families of victims.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Guest speaker Daniel Strickland works with Mission Australia
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'He is an ambassador for White Ribbon. White Ribbon Day is Friday 20th November and there is an information stall in the Goulburn Square shopping centre on Friday 20th and Wednesday 25th November.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The majority of the victims of domestic violence are women.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Positive Male role models are needed in the community – helping through sport and other community events.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Step up if you see acts of violence and intervene and if unsafe to do so dial 000.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Zonta can help with items such as food, clothes and household items to set up their accommodation. It is of a great help to Anglicare to have these items donated and they would not be able to help so many people if it not for this help.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Zonta Club of Goulburn Empowering Women Through Service and Advocacy https://www.facebook.com/zontaClubGoulburn
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '1800Respect.org.au
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '1800 737 732

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'The club has put together 16 baskets for women who have had to flee from violence in the home. These items enable these…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '


\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Calling on community to prepare vacant land for summer
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Council is calling on the community to prepare vacant land for the summer heat and bushfire seasons by slashing or mowing long grass now while it is green.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Water Main Construction: Bourke Street & Clifford Street
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Water main construction works to complete final connection and service transfers along Bourke Street will be undertaken as night works between Friday 20th November and Saturday 28th November.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Household Chemical Cleanout: Sunday 13th December 2020
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'This annual event will be at 2 locations this year:
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Goulburn Recreation Area, 47 Braidwood Road, Goulburn from 8am - 12pm
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Marulan Waste Management Centre, Wilson Drive, Marulan from 2 - 4 pm\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'For more information on what can be disposed of visit the EPA website or contact Waste Information Line on 02 4823 4417

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Tender awarded for Cookbundoon Pavilion
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Soccer in the region will receive a huge upgrade to their facilities, after Goulburn Mulwaree Council awarded the tender for design and construction of a new pavilion at the Cookbundoon Sporting Fields on Tuesday night.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Council Meeting Briefs – 17th November 2020

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'Calling on community to prepare vacant land for summer Council is calling on the community to prepare vacant land for…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

The annual Cricket NSW McDonald’s Country Championships commence every November, with Goulburn Mulwaree Council offering Cricket NSW use of the grounds for the next three years.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The team who wins the local southern pool competition will play the winners of the northern pool.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Chairman of the ACT Southern Districts Zone, Bob Smith says competition will be spirited this season after winter sport restrictions.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Country cricket is played at a high level and there have been many country cricketers succeeding in getting into state and the Australian teams.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

He said the number of cricketers is diminishing. He’s noticed the decline in younger players over the time he has been involved.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

It is also a problem for other sports, with other activities for young people drawing prospective players away, he said.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Bob suggests anyone who may be interested or introducing their children to summer sport they can carry through their teens and into adulthood to come and watch local cricket.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'The annual Cricket NSW McDonald’s Country Championships commence every November, with Goulburn Mulwaree Council offering…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

The traditionally popular and family-oriented ride is going ahead over the two weeks in Marsden Weir Park to highlight exercise, cycling awareness and how to stay safe as a cyclist in our community.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

From Saturday 21 November to Sunday 6 December, participants can ride along the Wollondilly walking track at a time and day of their choice and do the length of ride they want.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Share pictures on the Council’s Facebook event page to be in the running for great prizes.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Registration online on the Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s website to take part. For further information, contact Council’s Road Safety and Traffic Officer on Tracey Norberg on 4823 4510.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Staff will be at the Goulburn Historic Waterworks Museum between 1-4pm on 22 and 29 November as well as 6 December, so participants can come and collect their bag of goodies the COVID safe way.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'The traditionally popular and family-oriented ride is going ahead over the two weeks in Marsden Weir Park to highlight…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

White Ribbon Day struck up discussion about domestic violence that most probably would never have happened otherwise, said Mission’s Australia’s Daniel Strickland.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Mission Australia, Anglicare and NSW Police came together at Goulburn Square last Friday, on White Ribbon Day, bringing attention to domestic and family violence.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Mission Australia’s South Eastern NSW and ACT Area Manager, Daniel Strickland thanked all the local services which came together and introduced assistance to women and families.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Mr Strickland said a team from A & R Construction staff dropped by, and were happy to go back to the job site wearing a white ribbon each.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

With experience of attending domestic violence cases daily, Police NSW Inspector Mathew Hinton said it poses the greatest risk of injury or death in the home, particularly to women.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

He took the opportunity to encourage the community to report cases.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

“It is also a clear message to people committing these offences that the Police take these matters very seriously. People committing offences are put before the court, and White Ribbon Day is about these people having accountability for their actions,” Inspector Hinton said.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

He reminded that rehabilitation services are available for offenders, which doesn’t take away from the offences’ severity.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

“From the Police perspective, they say to offenders to be accountable for actions. The message is clear, if you commit these offences you will be put before the court. Apprehended violence orders are taken very seriously,” he said.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'White Ribbon Day struck up discussion about domestic violence that most probably would never have happened otherwise…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

International Men’s Day (IMD) is this Thursday 19 November and Goulburn District Prevention Network, NSW Police (Hume PD), PCYC, Mission Australia and The Man Walk - Goulburn are hosting a walk, yarn and barbeque to celebrate the positive value men bring to our community.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The event is at Goulburn PCYC and starts at 5pm. All men and boys are welcome. Bringing along children is encouraged as well.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

IMD highlights the positive male role models and raising awareness of men’s wellbeing. The theme for this year’s IMD being ‘Better Health for Men and Boys’. The day aims to encourage men to teach the boys in their lives the values, character and responsibilities of being a man.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

November is an important month in bringing attention to men’s health. It brings awareness to several causes together that are important to men’s overall health, including mental health, prostate and testicular cancer. Big Aussie Barbie’s will also be held nationwide on the 27 - 29 in support of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Movember is held throughout November, with Mo Bros growing moustaches and getting support for it, as well as Mo Sisters joining in too. Support the Goulburn participants here.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Mahatma Gandi said, “We must become the change we seek.” It is when men and women lead by example that we will create a fair and safe society which allows everyone the opportunity to prosper.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

On 20 November we celebrate International Children’s Day – forming 48 hours of celebration for men and children.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'International Men’s Day (IMD) is this Thursday 19 November and Goulburn District Prevention Network, NSW Police (Hume PD…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

Goulburn Mulwaree Council and the Goulburn Australia Day Committee are calling for nominations for the Local Citizen, Young Citizen and Event of the Year awards.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Each year the people of the Goulburn area are invited to nominate fellow citizens or events for the prestigious awards.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The awards recognise outstanding achievement, or events held, during the past year and contribution to the local community over many years.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The 2021 Australia Day celebrations will again be carried out at Victoria Park, Goulburn on January 26th, in a COVID Safe manner.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Council, along with the Australia Day committee, are planning for as\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'normal celebrations as possible however this will be subject to change and will be dependent on the NSW Government guidelines as we approach 26 January 2021.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Mayor Bob Kirk called on residents to take the time to nominate a fellow citizen or a great event.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

“Australia Day is an occasion to recognise the significant contributions of many to our region and the local community. We all know of many people who go the extra mile in Goulburn for charity, a sporting club or other community groups – let’s take the time to nominate someone, or an event, for these prestigious awards,” he said.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

“Certainly, we have not been able to undertake events in a normal manner this year, but we know of many events that have adapted to the COVID-19 restrictions and still been incredibly successful – let’s recognise these achievements.”

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Nomination forms can be completed online at www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au/Community/Australia-Day-2021.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Hard copies can also be downloaded from the website or picked up from the Goulburn Civic Centre in Bourke Street. These should be sent to Goulburn Mulwaree Council: Attn Australia Day Committee, Locked Bag 22, Goulburn, NSW 2580 or emailed to angela.remington@goulburn.nsw.gov.au. Nominations will close at 5pm, Friday 18 December 2020.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'Goulburn Mulwaree Council and the Goulburn Australia Day Committee are calling for nominations for the Local Citizen…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

Conflict Resolution

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Complaint Resolution Process

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<a\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5QZslJusLkCLLp5fj0nMpU/3f06462d6c3b5f45da3284c6d0261b97/Conflict-Resloution-process_Roundbox-Media-1.jpg"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: style="padding-bottom: 68.73333333333333%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:58 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' alt="Conflict-Resloution-process Roundbox-Media-1"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5QZslJusLkCLLp5fj0nMpU/3f06462d6c3b5f45da3284c6d0261b97/Conflict-Resloution-process_Roundbox-Media-1.jpg"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5QZslJusLkCLLp5fj0nMpU/3f06462d6c3b5f45da3284c6d0261b97/Conflict-Resloution-process_Roundbox-Media-1.jpg?w=375 375w,\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5QZslJusLkCLLp5fj0nMpU/3f06462d6c3b5f45da3284c6d0261b97/Conflict-Resloution-process_Roundbox-Media-1.jpg?w=750 750w,\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5QZslJusLkCLLp5fj0nMpU/3f06462d6c3b5f45da3284c6d0261b97/Conflict-Resloution-process_Roundbox-Media-1.jpg?w=1500 1500w"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

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Complaint Resolution Principles

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

When engaging in complaint resolution all staff, management and executives will be expected to meet their role requirements of following all policies, procedures and legal obligations while representing the business. These requirements and principles include, but are not limited to…

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Roundbox Media will:

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'Conflict Resolution Complaint Resolution Process Complaint Resolution Principles When engaging in complaint resolution…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

The Goulburn Phoenix is a free local weekly paper printed and distributed throughout the Goulburn Region.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

While we build our presence and capability to deliver the print newspaper, please get involved in the conversation with our local community via our website, Facebook and Instagram.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Bringing our community together is what we’re about. We want to know all the important community news relevant to you and the local people.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

What sports are being played and what are the results each week? What events are on or are coming up? Who is getting married? We want to know it all!

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Share with us your local community association and sporting club updates so we can spread the news in print, online and through our social media channels.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

To get your business involved and your message out about new products, services and offerings, call us or send an email. We can come to you!

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Contact – Amanda Pile Email: editor@goulburnphoenix.com.au

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'The Goulburn Phoenix is a free local weekly paper printed and distributed throughout the Goulburn Region. While we build…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

Bill and Helen have only been in the Goulburn Lions Club for two and a half years but have been involved in Lions Clubs for many years previously on the Central Coast, in Canberra and Cootamundra. The attraction for them has been that it is Australia wide so wherever you move to in the country there is a club to join. They also count it as a second family (not having their own family close by) as wherever they go they have been very welcome and thoroughly enjoy all the service activities with the club. They don’t see the service as work, it is social activities with friends.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

They also started the Croquet Club in Goulburn, having played previously in Cootamundra. Helen said it is an easy game to pick up, is very social and can be done with social distancing. The Goulburn Railway Bowling Club has allowed the club to use their green and they now have 24 members.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

They are also founding members of the combined Probus Club in Goulburn. Bill is currently the president of the club. With recent restrictions, the activities have been limited but they have had visits to nearby villages and have monthly meetings. Helen puts out a monthly newsletter for the club.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Bill also presents a program on the Community Radio RAMfm 103.3 on Monday: Smithy’s Music Mix, music of his choice and listener requests.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Since their arrival in Goulburn, they have successfully immersed themselves in the community and have found friendship and satisfaction in their service involvement.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'Bill and Helen have only been in the Goulburn Lions Club for two and a half years but have been involved in Lions Clubs…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

Journalistic Ethics and Complaints Policy

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RoundBox Media operates The Goulburn Phoenix, We are the local voice of the communities that we cover, with our news being completely free, and this will never change.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

We act as the voice of our communities in print and digital form, and this allows us to communicate local news to all sections of our communities and reach as many people as possible.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

In all of our dealings we will always aim to be fair and transparent, and conduct ourselves with the utmost integrity and factual accuracy.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

This policy establishes minimum standards of journalistic behaviour, which falls in line with the values that we hold, as well as the action to be taken in the event of a complaint against our publications.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'The Policy applies to all Company journalists and contributors.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'This Policy co-exists with each journalist’s employment agreement or contract, and is enforceable in addition to these.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

General principles
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Company journalists must always consider the following during their practices of employment:

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\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'We will always show respect to our everyone in our day to day dealings, including colleagues, contributors, interviewees, customers and all other sources. We will always show consideration for their feelings and respect their will.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'We will always go about our work with honesty and transparency.We will act in a responsible and honest manner, and always hold ourselves to account and take responsibility for our actions.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '


\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Declaring conflicts of interest
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'All of the Company’s journalists will avoid conflicts of interest, or perceived conflicts, between the Company’s and personal interests. Journalists must declare any actual or potential conflicts of interest and put a plan in place with their Manager as to how to avoid this. Where avoidance is not possible, the task at hand must not be pursued by that journalist.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Examples of conflicts of interests include:

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Gifts and benefits\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'You must not use your position with the Company to gain a gift or benefit from a third party in connection with your employment.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Cash gifts or bribes are not acceptable under any circumstances.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'All offers of gifts or benefits must be declared to the Manager, with the Manager to decide an appropriate course of action.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

These may include: discounts, priority bookings, travel and accommodation, access to venues, retail or wholesale sales, restaurant bookings, real estate queues and upgrading of goods or services.

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Ethics principles

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\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The company is actively involved in its brand management, and is active on social media. The following policies must be adhered to to protect the reputation of the Company:

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '


\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Employees must not engage in any fraudulent activity, including misappropriation of finances, or commit any act that does cause or is likely to cause financial harm to the company.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Employees must never intentionally falsify or destroy business documents, or use company information for a personal financial advantage.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Bribery and corruption
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'You must not offer bribes to gain or retain business, including involvement of journalistic sources. Under no circumstance is it appropriate to accept any bribes for any purpose related to the performance of your employment.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Do not provide gifts to any government officials , including politicians, as they are often subject to strict rules around accepting these. This could be seen as attempting to influence politicians and their decision making whilst in public office.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '


\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Journalists have a large degree of trust that comes with their position. Journalists must not use confidential information of the Company or any of their sources for personal gain, or share it outside of the Company, without authorisation from the Company Director.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

You must handle all information provided to you in a way that does not breach anyones’ confidence.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Confidential information may include (but is not limited to) financial information,strategic plans, employee and personnel information, marketinginitiatives, customer lists, terms of trade, or internal communications.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'This policy still applies to journalists that resign from the Company.

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\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

This policy sets the minimum standards of practice expected of all journalists.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Any breaches could necessitate disciplinary action. The company will determine this according to individual circumstances of a breach. Possible disciplinary action s include (but are not limited to): counselling, warnings , suspension, and termination of employment.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Employees are encouraged to report breaches they witness.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Speak to your Manager
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'If you become aware of any behaviour that breaches this policy, please inform your Manager immediately.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Reporting financial malpractice
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'If you learn of a breach that involves financial malpractice or fraud, this should immediately be reported to the Director of the Company.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '


\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

This section outlines complaints, disputes or problems that are not able to be resolved between the parties directly involved, against a Company journalist or employee.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Company acknowledges that problems can sometimes arise which may cause a customer or member of our audience to feel aggrieved. Anyone affected is encouraged to talk about their concerns and can be assured that grievances will be investigated in a timely, professional and confidential manner.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Company aims to foster good relations and well-being amongst its customers and audiences. This policy has been developed to formally and clearly outline the procedures to be followed by Company employees if a customer reports a grievance.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'The Company fully supports the rights of people to express, or have expressed on their behalf, grievances on any subject relating to the Company and/or people associated with the Company.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

People have a right to express a grievance, have a satisfactory hearing of that grievance and be assisted to work towards resolution.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Company is committed to viewing grievances and the resolution of them as a learning process whereby it can develop better practices both towards our customers and our employees. Grievances may be lodged by an individual or by a group of individuals.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

All discussions of grievances will be confined to those who can assist in their resolution.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

No party shall seek to escalate or inflame an issue or grievance but shall address the situation positively and attempt to seek a speedy and effective resolution under this policy.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Any form of complaint or grievance should, if possible be resolved quickly at the lowest level to avoid any unnecessary escalation or the need for affected parties to go seek a resolution outside of the Company (in our environment, the Australian Press Council or the Department of Fair Trading/ACCC).

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

If the person making the complaint is not satisfied with the resolution, or the way in which it was handled, the Company supports that person’s right to take their grievance to a higher level, or can raise their grievance with an outside agency.

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\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Management to take the following steps:
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'a) Decide if they are the right person to deal with the complaint or they will refer the complaint to the Director of the Company:

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Take appropriate action\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'If the complaint is substantiated, the following action/actions may be appropriate:

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'a) If the affected party thinks that the grievance procedure was not followed properly, they may escalate their inquiry. This person will need to investigate the way that the complaint was handled. If they think it was handled properly, they will not take any further action. If they think it was NOT handled\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'properly they will organise for the complaint to be looked at again. The review will be carried out by someone other than the person who first managed the complaint.
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'b) Agree to allow either party to refer the matter to mediation if the matter cannot be resolved at the workplace level and agree that if either party refers the matter to mediation, both parties will participate in the mediation process in good faith towards resolving the dispute;
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'c) Agree not to commence an action unless:\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'The party initiating the action has genuinely attempted to resolve the dispute at the workplace level and mediation has not been successful.
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'd) No party may appoint a legally qualified person to represent them in any stage of the grievance proceedings unless the legally qualified person is an employee of one of the party’s to the grievance or where the other party agrees to the appointment.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

External assistance
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'If a complaint has not been properly dealt with by the Company, we recognise that as the complainant you may wish to take it to an external agency to see if they can help.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'Journalistic Ethics and Complaints Policy 1. INTRODUCTION RoundBox Media operates The Goulburn Phoenix, We are the local…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

One of Goulburn’s favourite family events – Pictures and Popcorn – is returning!\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'We’ve gone COVID-Safe! Come along and enjoy this nostalgic, pop-up, drive in cinema from the comfort of your own car.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Be sure to follow the Pictures and Popcorn – Drive In event page on Facebook for more information and regular updates.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Friday 27th
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '6pm Movie: Scoob!
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '8.30pm Movie: Bohemian Rhapsody

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Saturday 28th
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '6pm Movie: Spies in Disguise
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '8.30pm Movie: Ride Like a Girl

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

For more details see the link below\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pictures-and-popcorn-drive-in-movie-tickets-124497454237

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'One of Goulburn’s favourite family events – Pictures and Popcorn – is returning!\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'We’ve gone COVID-Safe! Come along and…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

The Australian Horse Archery Association (AHAA) championships were set to take place in Tarago last weekend. However, border closures meant only NSW and ACT participants could take part at the showgrounds.

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The AHAA Canberra Region Branch has been running in Tarago since 2019. They regularly host rallies and training days at the showground, which include a variety of competition and training tracks. Branch members recently represented Australia in the International Horse Archery Association’s World Grand Prix, placing 13th overall.

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<a\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5wzQTbN0g090DNsiqznROF/b93c957f89e5a946460c08b861bad37f/Australian_Horse_Archery_Championships_1.jpg"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: style="padding-bottom: 66.23376623376623%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:58 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' alt="AHAA winners"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5wzQTbN0g090DNsiqznROF/b93c957f89e5a946460c08b861bad37f/Australian_Horse_Archery_Championships_1.jpg"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5wzQTbN0g090DNsiqznROF/b93c957f89e5a946460c08b861bad37f/Australian_Horse_Archery_Championships_1.jpg?w=1232 1232w,\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5wzQTbN0g090DNsiqznROF/b93c957f89e5a946460c08b861bad37f/Australian_Horse_Archery_Championships_1.jpg?w=2464 2464w,\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/5wzQTbN0g090DNsiqznROF/b93c957f89e5a946460c08b861bad37f/Australian_Horse_Archery_Championships_1.jpg?w=4928 4928w"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:58 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

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The branch has up to 12 members currently, with seven riders in last weekend’s event. Competitions often consist of a variety of different tracks, including the straight ‘raid and tower’ tracks, and the cross-country styled ‘hunt’ tracks.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'The sport of horse archery has been in existence for many hundreds of years globally. While it has only been a competition sport in Australia for some 10 years, it has been traditionally enjoyed in many countries including Mongolia, Poland, Korea, the US and Hungary.

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International postal competitions are held throughout the year which allow riders from all over the world to test their skills against one another, without having to travel abroad.

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The branch meets monthly on the third weekend of each month. There are 12 rallies per year. Certification is gained by attending Horse Archery clinics and schools around Australia.

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New members can contact the branch for details on 0407 390 678 or find information online via the Australia Horse Archery Association.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'The Australian Horse Archery Association (AHAA) championships were set to take place in Tarago last weekend. However…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

Privacy Policy

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Effective date: June 20, 2019

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Goulburn Phoenix (“us”, “we”, or “our”) operates the https://www.goulburnphoenix.com.au website (the “Service”).

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with that data.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

We use your data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, accessible from https://www.goulburnphoenix.com.au

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Information Collection And Use

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

We collect several different types of information for various purposes to provide and improve our Service to you.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Types of Data Collected

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Personal Data
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Data”). Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Usage Data
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'We may also collect information how the Service is accessed and used (“Usage Data”). This Usage Data may include information such as your computer’s Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Tracking & Cookies Data
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our Service and hold certain information.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Cookies are files with small amount of data which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device. Tracking technologies also used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze our Service.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Examples of Cookies we use:
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Session Cookies. We use Session Cookies to operate our Service.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Preference Cookies. We use Preference Cookies to remember your preferences and various settings.\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Security Cookies. We use Security Cookies for security purposes.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Use of Data

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Goulburn Phoenix uses the collected data for various purposes:

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Transfer Of Data

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from your jurisdiction.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

If you are located outside Australia and choose to provide information to us, please note that we transfer the data, including Personal Data, to Australia and process it there.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Goulburn Phoenix will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Disclosure Of Data

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Legal Requirements

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The Goulburn Phoenix may disclose your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Security Of Data

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

The security of your data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Service Providers

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service (“Service Providers”), to provide the Service on our behalf, to perform Service-related services or to assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.

\n' + 3:05:58 PM: '

Links To Other Sites

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Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 18 (“Children”).

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We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your Children has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

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We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

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We will let you know via email and/or a prominent notice on our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the “effective date” at the top of this Privacy Policy.

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You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page

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If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'By email: editor@goulburnphoenix.com.au

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With Christmas approaching, why not kick off your shopping with some bargains at this year’s Garage Sale Trail this weekend.

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There are 24 garage sales in the Goulburn area, there will be something for everyone. If you’re into indoor plants, visit the ‘Succulents by Jen’ sale in Lorne Street. If you’re looking for some new fishing gear, head over to the ‘Broke and Bespoke sale’ being held in Citizen Street.

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“If you have been thinking about having a late spring clean at home it’s not too late to register your sale to be part of the trail. It’s already shaping up to be the biggest year yet for Goulburn in terms of sale numbers, so why not add yours to the list,” said Mayor Kirk.

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To find the full list of Goulburn garage sales or to register, head to www.garagesaletrail.com.au.

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As Garage Sale Trail heads into its tenth year, the multi-award-winning national community and sustainability event is gearing up to be one of the best yet. With over 400,000 people expected to participate across 16,000 garage sales nationally.

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Powered by over 115 councils Australia wide, including Goulburn Mulwaree Council, the Garage Sale Trail is dedicated to helping Australians on the road to economic recovery by encouraging them to save money through shopping and selling second hand.

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2020 marks the first time that Australians can participate in Garage Sale Trail online with many sellers opting to host their sales via Facebook Live or Instagram, meaning you can shop the Trail from the comfort of your home this year.

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This virtual garage sale option is aimed at both keeping people COVID safe, and also assisting you in finding the most amazing pre-loved items possible.

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Aside from being a fantastic opportunity to stock the Christmas stockings with secondhand treasures, Garage Sale Trail also reduces a tonne of waste.

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It is predicted that over two million items are to be listed and diverted from landfill this year.

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The Zonta Club of Goulburn continues to push through the complicated year of 2020 with a fundraiser to end the year of a high.

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The ladies are taking part of a Zonta International event 16 Days of Activism, on Wednesday 18 to produce 16 hampers which will support women facing the challenge of setting up a new home after leaving a violent situation.

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There will be two speakers: Toni Rey from Anglicare Goulburn and Daniel Strickland from Mission Australia.

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Women are very welcome to come along to the event at The Workers Club from 6pm to 8 pm or join the local Zonta branch.

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RSVP for the event is essential due to COVIDsafe regulations. Please phone 0417 556 680 and leave your name and contact phone number.

', 3:05:58 PM: excerpt: 'The Zonta Club of Goulburn continues to push through the complicated year of 2020 with a fundraiser to end the year of a…' 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: } 3:05:58 PM: props.body { 3:05:58 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:58 PM: html: '

At a meeting recently, Jackson Reardon, Goulburn Council’s Communications and Business Development Officer and Luke Whitton, Sales Manager, Phoenix Community News were both sporting mos, to raise funds to support Movember.

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Movember raises funds to support men’s health, with groundbreaking health projects across mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – 1,250 projects so far.

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\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'There is still time to become involved.
\n' + 3:05:58 PM: 'Visit https://au.movember.com/ and see the many ways you can support them.

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Community Energy for Goulburn (CE4G) is well on its way to raising $2 million from the community to start construction of a community-owned solar farm.

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“In just nine days since we launched the investment offer, we raised over $1.2 million towards our target,” said CE4G President, Peter Fraser.

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“It just goes to show how much appetite there is for quality ethical investment options, especially when the profits get returned to the community,” he said.

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“We want to thank the people of Goulburn for the confidence they’ve shown in the project and their commitment to renewable energy in this region,” said Mr Fraser.

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The Goulburn Solar Farm will be built on land off Bridge Street next to the railway line and has the backing of the NSW Government with a substantial grant of $2M. The rest of the equity is being raised from local investors through a cooperative that’s been set up to run the project.

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At the first public meeting less than two weeks ago local investors stumped up over half a million dollars, and following a webinar last week the total investment raced past the one million mark and now sits at over $1.2M and still rising.

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Vice President Ed Suttle said it’s been an amazing response from the community, with investments ranging from as low as $400 right up to $400,000.

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“We are now very confident of reaching our target, especially as we still have one more public meeting to go this week,” he said.

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“We’ve had enquiries from all over Australia wanting to invest, but locals have the first bite of the cherry. If we still need to make up any shortfall we know there are plenty of people wanting to get in on the opportunity from outside the area,” he said.

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“So I’m urging any locals who are still interested in investing to get in quickly because from November 20th we’re opening up the offer to others outside the region, some of whom are already in the queue,” said Mr Suttle.

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Anyone still interested in attending the final public meeting on November 4th should register through the website: goulburnsolarfarm.com.au

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Natalie Tanchevski is a volunteer for the Canberra Salvation Army. Last Christmas year she started a little fundraiser for her local Gungahlin Salvos called $100 for 100 Families. She was raising money to purchase $100 grocery gift cards to give to struggling families that were registered for Christmas assistance. It was a big success and she ended up raising $16,500 in 3 weeks.

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This year, given the impact of corona virus, she decided she wanted to try and help more families and not just in her local area of Gungahlin. She has expanded the fundraiser to help 1000 families across Canberra, Queanbeyan, Yass, Cooma and Goulburn. The fundraiser is called Hundreds For Thousands. Raising $100 for 1000 Families in need ($100,000). All the money raised goes directly to a local Salvation Army centre and will be used to purchase $100 grocery gift cards to give to the families in need in the lead up to Christmas.

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There are 10 Salvo centres involved, Goulburn is one of them, each with a goal of raising $10,000 to help 100 families in their local area. The public have the choice to choose which centre they want to donate to when they visit their online fundraising platform www.hundredsforthousands.salvationarmy.org.au

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She also has a dedicated Facebook page for the fundraiser\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'https://www.facebook.com/hundredsforthousands/

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There have been a couple of stories published about her and the fundraiser over the last week. Here are the links to give you a bit more insight into what it is all about.

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Natalie would really love to see The Goulburn Salvos reach their $10,000 goal.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'Natalie Tanchevski is a volunteer for the Canberra Salvation Army. Last Christmas year she started a little fundraiser…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

Joint Federal and NSW Government disaster funding is being rolled out to Goulburn Mulwaree Council under Stream 1 of the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund (BCRRF), which helps councils promote community well-being, social and future disaster resilience.

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Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor said that council would receive a $100,000 payment under BCRRF Stream 1.

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“This funding will allow Goulburn Mulwaree Council to develop procedures and acquire equipment to assist with the operation of an emergency evacuation centre and to provide local community grants to facilitate bushfire recovery and resilience activities,” Mr Taylor said.

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State Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman said the focus on a locally-led recovery is what will ensure the fire-affected community has improved capacity and capability to respond to future disasters.

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“We are committed to supporting communities on the long road to recovery. We understand that locals know what they need best, so that’s why we are empowering local communities to make best use of this funding.”

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Mayor Bob Kirk said the funding will be a huge help to the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC).

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“During a natural disaster such as a bushfire or flood, the Goulburn Local Emergency Management Committee set up in the Council Chambers to ensure a coordinated response to the event. This funding is fantastic, and will be utilised to install technology and equipment that will make life much easier for the LEMC.”

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Mr Taylor said the closing date for community applications for Stream 2 of the BCRRF will be extended to provide adequate time for applications to be submitted.

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Applications for Stream 2 of the BCRRF program will now be accepted until 12pm on 11 December 2020 and can be submitted at www.emergency.nsw.gov.au.

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Bryan Mulquiney, volunteer with Goulburn Mulwaree Council, has won the 2020 Senior Volunteer of the Year Award, at the Southern Inland Regional Award Ceremony of the NSW Volunteer of the Year Awards, held via Zoom on Thursday 8 October. This is the 14th year of the awards which are held by The Centre for Volunteering. Gemma Rygate, CEO of The Centre for Volunteering, noted during today’s ceremony that more than 118,000 nominations were received statewide.

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Bryan has been recognised for his work as a volunteer with the Museums section of Goulburn Mulwaree Council over the last seven years. His consistent dedication to performance excellence can be demonstrated by the volunteer work he carries out at the Goulburn Historic Waterworks two days per week. He is also willing to assist whenever needed at our other museum - Rocky Hill War Memorial and Museum. Bryan works tirelessly doing grounds work, maintenance, minor construction work, rubbish collection, gardening and steam engine preparation in readiness for our open “steaming” days. He also volunteers is time on weekends to assist with Museum events, including set up, pack up, providing tours and information to visitors.

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Bryan has a positive attitude and promotes the Museums in the Goulburn and wider community. The Goulburn Historic Waterworks is a special place known for its historic significance, rarity and beauty. It is a jewel in the crown of Goulburn and provides an idyllic setting for picnics, group bus tours, weddings, walking, bird watching, fishing, canoeing and those interested in history. Without Bryan’s special qualities of leadership, resourcefulness, proactiveness, kindness and many practical skills the Waterworks would not be the stunning place that is it. Bryan has been invited to attend the NSW State Gala Award Ceremony in December.

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Goulburn Mulwaree Council would also like to congratulate residents of the region who were nominated for awards, including Marlene Skipper of Marulan Progress Association, and Marie Kennedy of National Trust Riversdale.

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A number of organisations were also nominated in the ‘team’ category, being: Goulburn & District Netball Association Executive Committee, Goulburn CWA of NSW Branch, Goulburn Evening Branch CWA of NSW, Marulan Branch CWA of NSW, Mulwaree Branch CWA of NSW, Tarago CWA Evening Branch and Tarago CWA Branch.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'Bryan Mulquiney, volunteer with Goulburn Mulwaree Council, has won the 2020 Senior Volunteer of the Year Award, at the…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

Progress at the home of the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre is continuing, as the end of 2020 and the first year of construction end.

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The project has faced some challenges throughout the year including wet weather and difficulties with piling holes for the foundations but is now making great gains as we approach Christmas.

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Mayor Bob Kirk encouraged community members to stop and take note of the progress behind the Old Town Hall when in Auburn Street.

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“From the side of the Post Office you can really see how impressive the structure is becoming, with 140 of 210 precast panels now installed. On the sides of these panels we have detailed the shape and height of the old building, to ensure we remember the heritage that once stood there.”

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“Placement of structural steel will begin prior to the end of the year, and we can expect a roof and cladding to begin to go on in January 2021.”\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Planning works and design review are now ongoing for the internal building fit out which will commence in 2021.

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The project includes renovation of the 1887 portion of the Old Town Hall which fronts Auburn Street, and will be used as a foyer, café/bar and office space. A manager for the Performing Arts Centre will begin in the role in January 2021, to begin the planning and programming for the theatre launch at the end of the year.\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Zauner Constructions are undertaking the project, which when complete will mean Goulburn has a 400 seat theatre in the heart of our City.

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All three levels of Government have combined to provide funding for this project. $4.5m has been gained through the NSW Government Regional Cultural Fund, and a further $1m through the Federal Government National Stronger Regions Fund. Veolia Mulwaree Trust have also generously pledged $2.5m as a community partner for the project.

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Only $6.3m in loan funding is being taken out for construction of the Performing Arts Centre by Council, and this will be locked in at the low interest rate of 2.5%

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The Goulburn Aquatic Centre became a hive of activity last Tuesday night as the Triathlon Club recommenced it’s Aquathon Competition after a lengthy COVID-19 enforced hiatus. In what must be a record for the customary Melbourne Cup day season opener, 48 competitors took to the water and the leafy paths of Victoria Park, not for championship points but so that handicaps can be set ensuring close finishes once competition kicks off next Tuesday.

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Most racers kept a little up their sleeves with the aim of a better starting position but even restraint can’t hide who the ones to beat are going to be.\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Amongst the Novices taking part on the 100m/2km course, young Oscar and Charlie Moss look to be the leading males with Jamie Miles not far behind. Newcomer Annabel Feld also set a good pace for the ladies.

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In the Open 1 Sprint Distance event (200m/4km) Alex Skeffington and Cody Poetsch set the pace for the men with Violet Ottley and Danielle Coleman standing out for the ladies.

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In the Open 2 Mid distance event (400m/4km) Robbie Dorsett, Jason Pattison and Damien Ottley set the early tone for the men. In the ladies, Nadine Maroney and Shiralee Cousins look set to resume their close rivalry this season. Newcomer Danielle Connell was also impressive , breaking through the 30 minute barrier at her first attempt.

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Lastly, the long distance event (600m/6km) looks to be a battle between Kurt Warn and Isaac Hogan with both completing the 6km run in a brisk 24minutes. Olivia Stutchbury struck the first blow in the ladies race beating home club legend Lori McWhirter.

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Racing will continue 6:00pm every Tuesday night at the Aquatic Centre and memberships can be purchased during opening hours at the Pool Office in Deccan St. The cost to take part in Aquathon equates to just $2.00 over normal pool entry. Memberships can be bought for the season (19 weeks) or in 10 or 5 week lots. All abilities are catered for with the primary focus for the club being community and friendly competition.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'The Goulburn Aquatic Centre became a hive of activity last Tuesday night as the Triathlon Club recommenced it’s Aquathon…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

Goulburn galloper Al Mah Haha has given local trainer Tash Burleigh one of her biggest thrills in racing with his stirring Goulburn Cup win.

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A horse whose lack of luck in recent times has been well documented finally cracked it in the $200 000 race on his home track. Burleigh has seen ‘Big Al’ scratched at the gates in the 2019 Country Championships, get beaten a short head in this year’s edition of the same race and finish close up in this year’s Kosciuszko.

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Few would disagree with Burleigh’s sentiments after the race when she spoke to Sky Racing.

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“He really did deserve that!”, Burleigh said.

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Burleigh went on to add that she just loves the tenacity of her stable pin up.

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“He toughed it out and fought on, he’s just so honest”.

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“It’s just really nice he got this reward today!”

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It took every inch of the long Goulburn straight for Al Mah Haha and Shaun Guymer to find the breathing space they needed to win yesterday’s Goulburn Cup. Al Mah Haha bobbed where it mattered to take out the tablelands feature in a thrilling photo finish from Chat (John Thompson / Tom Sherry).

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Guymer toughed it out as well to get the horse home. Those on track would have seen him doing his best Rocky Balboa impersonation earlier in the day trudging laps of Goulburn’s inside tracks clad in hoodies, track suit and beanie to keep his weight spot on come weigh in.

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The rescheduled Goulburn Cup program proved a red-letter day for Goulburn trainers. Emma & Lucy Longmire broke a run of outs when Newtown Braveheart scored in Race 2. Goulburn trainers then delivered the trifecta in the Graeme Spackman Country Magic led in by the Danny William’s trained Rent A Rock, ahead of Zarafah (Emma & Lucy Lognmire) and Vee Eight (Sue Laughton).

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Pete Robl’s genuine mare Miss Twilight emphasized “Twilight” as racing’s word of the week when she took out the Spendthrift Guy Walter to close the day.

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Goulburn will host its Christmas Cup race day on Friday 18th December 2020.

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Photo Credit: Bradley Photos

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'Goulburn galloper Al Mah Haha has given local trainer Tash Burleigh one of her biggest thrills in racing with his…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

Convoy For Kids Goulburn is going ahead, with a COVID-19 safety plan. The registered charity organisation raises money to help support kids with cancer or severe disabilities. This run and its associated auctions are its major fundraiser.

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A fleet of trucks will assemble at Gateway Service Station on Sunday 8 November and then makes their way through the city of Goulburn along Auburn Street between 9.30am and 10.30am on their way to Gunning.

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To register for the event, visit: www.convoyforkidsgoulburn.com.au.

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Auctions are taking place on the event to raise money for the charity’s work. Engine oil, packaged lamb and event the lead truck banner are up for auction. Be sure to watch the convoy down the main street, and bid for the great array of prizes.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'Convoy For Kids Goulburn is going ahead, with a COVID-19 safety plan. The registered charity organisation raises money…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

In conversation about the event and volunteering

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Rosemary Chapman recently helped run the 18th Goulburn Relay for Life, a well-known event that raises funds for cancer services and research. It started in 2003, with the annually relays raise more than $75,000 every year.

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This year the organising committee called the relay off given the traditional camping and activities of the 24-long event associated with the spirit of the event wouldn’t be able to go ahead. Local radio station Eagle FM 93.5 was to do a live broadcast at the event. With the relay event being cancelled, the team did a 24-hour live broadcast, with the relay run shared with its sister station 2GN.\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Rosemary said the ‘magical’ atmosphere of the usual relay came alive over the airwaves. She was blown away by how businesses came on board and the wider community’s generosity. She said recent restrictions made re-thinking the event much easier. All the ceremonies were live broadcasts, with prerecorded items such as the National Anthem.

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Advertising for the event was everywhere as Eagle FM’s Manager is in the Goulburn Chamber of Commerce. He reached out to other members, offering ‘an hour of power’ as advertising with donations going to the relay.

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Participants could also ‘relay their way’, from it their homes, on properties or walking in their neighborhood. A group from the Baptist Church walked about 300 kilometers and another entrant, from Goulburn Donut Shop sold a huge number of purple and yellow donuts. People drove to the shop to give donations. Rosemary said that the amazing thing was, when the committee had resolved they wouldn’t be able to raise funds this year, they ended up with more than $50,00 in pledges and are all enthusiastic about doing it again next year.

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Rosemary has been doing voluntary work for about 12 years, since she retired from her job as Principal of a small school. She believes that volunteering is about trying to do something for someone else, to give back to other people.

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“One person can do many things but together you can do more,” she said.\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'As a school principal encouraged students to be selfless and think about what you can do for other people. She said that it’s in your approach to life, and turning it around so you are not caught up in yourself.

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When asked about volunteers, she said that many of them are older people in the community. She said an exception is the relay committee, which has three high school students as Goulburn High has always has a team. The students did their relay on the school oval, camping overnight. She said that kids are our future and the future volunteers.

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“If we don’t start showing them how it is done and what happens, we’ll lose them,” she said.

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“Kids usually see how it’s done with their parents’ involvement and then they follow on. With the relay, the kids are having fun and we need that vibrancy”.\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Rosemary is also a member of the Goulburn Lions Club.

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As their members are older, she says they are working on starting a Leos Club in the schools to further share the club’s values in the community.

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“With the changing lifestyles and both parents working, fewer people are committing to joining these clubs,” she said.

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She added that the club’s current car raffle isn’t just about offering a generous prize, but to be seen in the community. To show that things can be done.

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The Lions Club funds have been going down this year and hopes the competition can boost the club. Sales are going well, possibly because people haven’t spent too much money during the year. Last year, sales were down given drought and bushfires meaning there wasn’t much money to spend.

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For Rosemary and Goulburn’s charitable organisations, this year will be one to remember for the good and bad.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'In conversation about the event and volunteering Rosemary Chapman recently helped run the 18th Goulburn Relay for Life…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '


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Planning Proposal – Commercial Horse Facilities
\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Council will proceed with this planning proposal to permit commercial stabling of horses within the Racecourse Drive precinct off Taralga Road.

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Motor Grader Replacement
\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Council approved the purchase of a John Deere 670GP Grader at a costs of $436,725 exluding GST. environmental heritage.

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Review of Heavy Haulage Routes in the Goulburn Mulwaree Area
\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Staff have been undertaking an assessment of the suitabliity of existing Goulburn Mulwaree road network for use by B-Double Trucks. A structural assessment is going to be carried out on Currawang Road, Taralga Road and Cullerin Road as part of the 2021/22 budget looking at suitabiliity of these roads for future B-Double routes.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Proposed road widening, Taralga Road, Tarlo
\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Council will acquire 880 square metres of land dedicated for road widening purposes on the Taralga Road, Tarlo.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'Planning Proposal – Commercial Horse Facilities Council will proceed with this planning proposal to permit commercial…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

The Food Donation Network is a NSW Government funded project which aims to increase food donations in regional communities. By diverting food from landfills and into communities, the project will reduce methane emissions caused by food waste and will help those in need. Using an empowering and locally driven approach, the project will engage charities and supermarkets to work together in sustaining a long-term food donation program.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

On the 9th of December, the Food Donation Network will host a forum at Workspace Goulburn which will unite community organisations from Goulburn with local supermarkets and other potential food donors. Supermarkets attending the forum include Woolworths and Coles, as well as the organisations Southern Youth Family Services, Salvation Army, Anglicare, Our Community Pantry and Saint Saviours Cathedral.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Mayor Bob Kirk threw his support behind the food donation network project being run in our region by the CRJO, stating “This project has so many benefits for our region such as donating excess food to those who really need it, but also in diverting waste away from our landfills. I encourage our supermarkets, restaurants and cafes to get on board, and to attend the workshop or get in touch with Jessica Fordyce for further information if you can’t make that event.”

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

The project will reflect upon similar food donation programs and will target Eurobodalla Shire Council, Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Wingecarribee Shire Council, Snowy Monaro Regional Council, Snowy Valleys Council, Yass Valley Council, Hilltops Council and Upper Lachlan Shire Council.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

You can help make a difference in your community by getting involved in the Food Donation Network. Get in touch if you are interested in becoming a food donor or interested in distributing rescued food to your community.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

For more information, contact Jessica Fordyce (jessica.fordyce@crjo.nsw.gov.au; 0435 592 612) at the Canberra Region Joint Organisation.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

This is a Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'The Food Donation Network is a NSW Government funded project which aims to increase food donations in regional…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

Robyn Seager and Jena George have had a very busy year this year at Learning for Life. They have over 600 children on the Learning for Life program, just in Goulburn. Robyn looks after the families and children and works with the schools. Jena is the programs coordinator bringing the programs into the schools. The focus is on the Learning for Life students who are on scholarships. To be eligible for a scholarship the parent needs to have a pension or health care card and be committed to their child’s education. The program runs on attendance rather than academic achievement. The expectation is that the children attend school for at least 90% of the school year. At the end of the school year the office receives a copy of the children’s end of year report to check attendance, to see if there are any gaps and if there are, to see if one of their programs may be able to help.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

They have children from kindergarten through to year 12 and there are tertiary scholarships for those wanting to go on to University or TAFE. Referrals are mainly from the schools or other organisations. The funds families receive can be used for things like school camps, excursions, fees, school clothes, glasses, internet and computers. Families submit receipts and the expenditure is audited to make sure the money is spent in the correct way. Payments are twice a year - in January and then again in June or July. The payments for Kindergarten to year 10 are $420 per year and years 11 and 12 $670 per year.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

If there is a problem with attendance, Robyn has a meeting with the parents and the principal. The aim is to work out strategies to get the student back into school and help find solutions for problems with the student or the family. They also refer families to other organisations for help with counselling, budgeting and other support.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

University and TAFE students on scholarships also receive 2 payments per year for up to 4 years. University students receive $2500 per year and TAFE students $1500 per year.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

The children are sponsored by people in the community.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

The scholarships for students are only a small part of the program. This year’s programs have been limited by restrictions, but the Passport transition program from year 6 to year 7 is running to help children ease their anxieties about moving into high school. It includes having some of the current year 7 High School students coming to the primary schools and answering questions. It runs for 1 hour a week over a 6 week period and the schools have been really enjoying this program. They run FinLit which is a financial literacy program at the High School to give students knowledge about things such as Superannuation and Tax file numbers. The students receive a Certificate 1 when they have completed the course. They run learning clubs at West Goulburn and Goulburn Public School to assist with homework with the help of volunteers.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Robyn has been with the Smith Family for 20 years and loves her job - the families, the kids. The Smith Family is Australian based institution and started with a group of 5 men wanting to give emergency help to people for their basic living needs and toys to disadvantaged children. They didn’t want their names made public so they called themselves The Smiths and The Smith Family started. It has evolved over time from emergency help to the core program now being Learning for Life. As a children’s charity, for a child to have a good education it will get them further in life, so they focus on the education and not the handout side of the support. This way they are supporting the future. They still give toys and book packs to the children at Christmas time.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Robyn and Jena commend the sponsors and volunteers for their wonderful support. More volunteers are needed to help with the programs, so if you are interested you can contact them at the Learning for Life office on 02 4821 2833.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'Robyn Seager and Jena George have had a very busy year this year at Learning for Life. They have over 600 children on…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

Residents recovering from last summer’s bushfires in Wollondilly and Wingecarribee will benefit from vital face to face support services being extended for another year.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Recovery Support Services link people to their own personalised recovery support worker, who can help them navigate and access services and disaster assistance packages. So far, 4,200 families across 25 local government areas have accessed their local Recovery Support Service.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

<a\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1gW6ZmYOJ8CpO9gK23NyjT/e22c358e1d60e83e983b6c624ce194a8/Fire-affected-residents-support-2.jpg"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: style="padding-bottom: 67.08333333333334%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:05:59 PM: ' >\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' alt="Fire affected residents support"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1gW6ZmYOJ8CpO9gK23NyjT/e22c358e1d60e83e983b6c624ce194a8/Fire-affected-residents-support-2.jpg"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1gW6ZmYOJ8CpO9gK23NyjT/e22c358e1d60e83e983b6c624ce194a8/Fire-affected-residents-support-2.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1gW6ZmYOJ8CpO9gK23NyjT/e22c358e1d60e83e983b6c624ce194a8/Fire-affected-residents-support-2.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/1gW6ZmYOJ8CpO9gK23NyjT/e22c358e1d60e83e983b6c624ce194a8/Fire-affected-residents-support-2.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' />\n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:59 PM: ' \n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor said that an additional $8.2 million in funding would see this support continue to be available next week, next month and for all of next year.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

“Residents in Wollondilly and Wingecarribee are still recovering at their own pace. I encourage anyone who needs advice, assistance or guidance on the next steps in their recovery to get in touch with their local Recovery Support Service. These free services are there to help everyone impacted by last summer’s fires,” Mr Taylor said.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Recovery Support Services are funded under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement (DFRA) - jointly funded with the Australian Government. The extension takes the total funding for the services to almost $17 million.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '
Recovery Support ServiceProviderLGA covered
Community Links Recovery Support ServiceCommunity Links Wollondilly IncWingecarribee Wollondilly
Rural Recovery Support ServiceDepartment of Primary IndustriesWingecarribee
\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Further details are available at: https://www.emergency.nsw.gov.au/Documents/factsheets/nsw-recovery-support-services.pdf.

', 3:05:59 PM: excerpt: 'Residents recovering from last summer’s bushfires in Wollondilly and Wingecarribee will benefit from vital face to face…' 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: } 3:05:59 PM: props.body { 3:05:59 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:05:59 PM: html: '

Local manufacturers in Hume with shovel-ready projects to increase their productivity and grow jobs are being encouraged to apply for a Manufacturing Modernisation Fund (MMF) grant.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

Businesses will be able to apply for between $100,000 and $1 million to invest in new technology, as the Morrison Government continues to support the post-COVID-19 comeback.\n' + 3:05:59 PM: 'Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor said the Government is backing businesses to back themselves and grow.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

“We want to help take hard-working, local manufacturers to the next level, because we know if they prosper our community prospers,” Mr Taylor said.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

“This region is home to so many terrific manufacturing businesses that are significant employers of locals.

\n' + 3:05:59 PM: '

“By helping our manufacturers become more competitive, we not only create more direct jobs but jobs in businesses right along the supply chain – from our farmers to our truckies.”

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Round One of the MMF in April saw the Government invest $48.3 million into nearly 200 projects valued at more than $215 million. These projects are expected to create about 2,600 new jobs.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

The significant change between Round One and Round Two is that this time we will play to our nation’s strengths, with the projects needing to align with the National Manufacturing Priorities announced as part of our Modern Manufacturing Strategy.\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'The National Manufacturing Priorities are Resources Technology & Critical Minerals Processing; Food & Beverage; Medical Products; Recycling & Clean Energy; Defence; and Space.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Applications for Round Two of the MMF will be open until 21 January 2021.\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'For more information on the MMF, including how to apply, visit business.gov.au/mmf.

', 3:06:00 PM: excerpt: 'Local manufacturers in Hume with shovel-ready projects to increase their productivity and grow jobs are being encouraged…' 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: props.body { 3:06:00 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:06:00 PM: html: '

Mobile phone towers in Hume will be able to keep operating longer if the power goes out during or after natural disasters, thanks to a major new investment by the Federal Government.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

The Government is funding Telstra to extend the battery back up at 11 mobile phone towers in Hume to provide a minimum of 12 hours of back-up power. 
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor said extending the battery life of the mobile phone towers would increase telecommunications resilience in regional areas.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

“Investing in battery back-up to keep mobile phone towers operating longer when the power goes out during or after natural disasters is very important,” Mr Taylor said.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

“Towers to receive the back up include Lost River, Peelwood Road, Rye Park, Buxton, Dalton, Golspie, Mayfield, Mount Hunter, Nattai, Tarlo and Windellama.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

The Government is providing a total of $13.2 million to Telstra, Optus and TPG to extend the battery back up at 467 mobile phone towers across Australia, under stage one of the program.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

More information on the program is available on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications website.

', 3:06:00 PM: excerpt: 'Mobile phone towers in Hume will be able to keep operating longer if the power goes out during or after natural…' 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: props.body { 3:06:00 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:06:00 PM: html: '


\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question:You are new recruits I understand, so when did you start?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Answer: We started at the academy on 3rd October 2020, having completed the online course for six months.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question: What made you decide to go for the police force? Was it something you have always wanted to do, or did you go for a few different courses and were accepted into the police force?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew: For me it was something I’ve wanted to do since I was very young. I’ve got family and friends in the police force. Most of my in-laws are AFP.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question: They must have given you some good feedback for you to have always wanted to join.
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew: Yes. There are rough days on the job obviously, but it’s a very rewarding career. You can really help people.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question: And what about you Cameron, what was your reason for joining?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Cameron: Prior to joining the police I was a firey in fire rescue but I wanted to do something full time with emergency services and make a difference, and the police was something I could get into to do that.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question:\tYou need to live on site. How do you find that?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Cameron: We are with our own tutorial group and you make good friends and I’ve found it really enjoyable.
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew:\tYes, it’s really good.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question:\tHave you thought about the specialist areas you would like to go into or are you leaving it open at the moment?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Cameron: Long term I want to get into police rescue – road crash rescue, animal rescue, those types of things.
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew:\tI want to do something similar.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question:\tWill you stay in Goulburn or where do you think you’ll go?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew:\tMy family is in Canberra so I was really stoked to get Goulburn as my placement.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question:\tAre you able to catch up with your family regularly?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew:\tYes, I get weekend leave.
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Cameron: I’m just from the Southern Highlands, so I’m stoked as well to get Goulburn.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question:\tDo you think you will stay local when you finish or go somewhere else?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew:\tFor myself I want to stay here for a while and then go to the city, somewhere busy, a fast-paced environment, and see all aspects policing.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question: What is the best thing about policing, what fires you up?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Cameron: Making a difference in someone’s life - you turn up and make them feel better.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question: What is the most challenging thing?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew: We will see some things we won’t want to see, but the benefits and positivity of reaching out into the community will outweigh that.
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Cameron: Yes, similar with me. Obviously we do the jobs that no one else wants to do, but that’s what we signed up for and we understand that.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question:\tIs there anything you would tell prospective applicants to the academy?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Cameron: I would say just do it, just get in early. It’s a fairly lengthy process, so the sooner you get it started the sooner you can be here in Goulburn getting trained.
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Mathew:\tYes, I’m 29 now and it’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid and I wish I’d done it before now. I was a public servant in Canberra before this.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Question: Any final statements to the public?
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Answer:\tWe’re both looking forward to getting out there in Goulburn and engaging with the community.

', 3:06:00 PM: excerpt: 'Question:You are new recruits I understand, so when did you start?
Answer: We started at the academy on 3rd October…' 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: props.body { 3:06:00 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:06:00 PM: html: '

Catching up with Bryan at the waterworks was a perfect spot. His love for the place and the history was obvious from the beginning of our talk and tour of the area. The day was sunny, and the buildings, garden and beautiful grounds were shown in all their glory. Swans and ducks come to breed in the river next to the Waterworks.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Bryan was born and bred in Goulburn and had a locksmithing business for 40 years with a partner, a friend he had known from school. A couple of years after retiring he was wanting to do something after fixing his house and heard about volunteering at the Waterworks. He applied and was asked to start soon after and he has been volunteering for 7 years. This year he was awarded Senior Volunteer of the Year for his services.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

<a\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-link"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' href="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/buQMUAlLlyDlw8k7EwOdl/4e7b774fff42cb180ce9b8f6f675298a/Bryan-Mulquiney-and-Goulburn-Historic-Waterworks-11.jpg"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' style="display: block"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' target="_blank"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' rel="noopener"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' >\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-wrapper"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' style="position: relative; display: block; ; max-width: 900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' >\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' <span\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-background-image"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: style="padding-bottom: 75%; position: relative; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; display: block;"\n + 3:06:00 PM: ' >\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' <img\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' class="gatsby-resp-image-image"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 400px white;"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' alt="Bryan Mulquiney at the Goulburn Historic Waterworks"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' title=""\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' src="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/buQMUAlLlyDlw8k7EwOdl/4e7b774fff42cb180ce9b8f6f675298a/Bryan-Mulquiney-and-Goulburn-Historic-Waterworks-11.jpg"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' srcset="https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/buQMUAlLlyDlw8k7EwOdl/4e7b774fff42cb180ce9b8f6f675298a/Bryan-Mulquiney-and-Goulburn-Historic-Waterworks-11.jpg?w=300 300w,\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/buQMUAlLlyDlw8k7EwOdl/4e7b774fff42cb180ce9b8f6f675298a/Bryan-Mulquiney-and-Goulburn-Historic-Waterworks-11.jpg?w=600 600w,\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'https://images.ctfassets.net/hpkba8nqh4iv/buQMUAlLlyDlw8k7EwOdl/4e7b774fff42cb180ce9b8f6f675298a/Bryan-Mulquiney-and-Goulburn-Historic-Waterworks-11.jpg?w=1200 1200w"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' loading="lazy"\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' />\n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' \n' + 3:06:00 PM: ' \n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Volunteer gardeners were beavering away in the glorious cottage garden to make it ready for the visitors coming over the weekend. The area is used for weddings, and many other functions such as vintage car shows and the Steam Punk Weekend.\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'The Fireman’s Cottage houses memorabilia of the original fireman, Robert Geoghegan and his family and an exhibition of Steam Punk fashion and events. It has a staff and a research room which has the original blueprints of the pump building, and the installation of the pump engine and boilers. They have recently been given a grant to have these blueprints conserved.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

The boiler house houses the original 1883 Appleby steam engines which were run till 1918. The original pump building has the fine brickwork of the Victorian era. The 1866 original Hick Hargreaves engine was used near Aruluan to crush rock to extract gold. It was brought to the Waterworks museum in 1970 and it is still run for visitors. It is one of three still left intact in the world.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

It is a unique place – peaceful and relaxing - and well worth a visit for both its history and beautiful surroundings.

', 3:06:00 PM: excerpt: 'Catching up with Bryan at the waterworks was a perfect spot. His love for the place and the history was obvious from…' 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: props.body { 3:06:00 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:06:00 PM: html: '


\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

The Window

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Curated by Sally O’Neill
\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '27 nov. 2020 — 23 jan. 2021

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

This edition of The Window has been curated by Sally O’Neill.\n' + 3:06:00 PM: 'Sally O’Neill has worked at Goulburn Regional Art Gallery as Education Officer since November 2013. O’Neill holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from UNSW Art & Design and has completed formal studies in Education and Nursing. Combining her passions of visual arts and teaching, she has found her niche developing and delivering an ambitious Education Program to the Goulburn community. O’Neill’s work covers young people of all ages – Afternoon Art Club, Art Teenies, school holiday workshops as well as a host of tailored programs for schools. O’Neill works collaboratively with artists and brings contemporary art to the young people of Goulburn with sensitivity and flair. She also maintains her own artistic practice and exhibits locally. Her interests include painting, drawing, collage and sewing.

', 3:06:00 PM: excerpt: 'The Window Curated by Sally O’Neill 27 nov. 2020 — 23 jan. 2021 This edition of The Window has been curated by Sally O…' 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: props.body { 3:06:00 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:06:00 PM: html: '

Goulburn Mulwaree Animal Shelter is encouraging the community to ‘adopt not shop’ this Christmas if considering a new pet for your family.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

The campaign is being promoted right around NSW by the Office of Local Government, with animal shelters, RSPCA shelters and other rehoming organisations getting on board.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

“Our Animal Shelter has been having good success this year with rehoming, and as we approach Christmas, we encourage you to continue adoption rather than buying a new pet” said Mayor Bob Kirk.

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

“Your next best friend might be waiting for you in our Animal Shelter, and comes with benefits such as half-price registration, as well as already being de-sexed. Giving an animal a second chance on life is a wonderful thing to do.”

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

Rescue a cat or dog and …

\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '\n' + 3:06:00 PM: '

If interested in adoption a pet, please contact the Goulburn Mulwaree Animal Shelter via 4823 4444. The Animal Shelter is located at 41B Ross Street, Goulburn.

', 3:06:00 PM: excerpt: 'Goulburn Mulwaree Animal Shelter is encouraging the community to ‘adopt not shop’ this Christmas if considering a new…' 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: props.body { 3:06:00 PM: childMarkdownRemark: { 3:06:00 PM: html: '

Over $11,000 has been raised for men’s health by the Goulburn Mulwaree Council Mo-Growers, with forty male staff taking part in Movember this year.

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The effort was initiated by Aidan Greaves & Anthony Dorsett, in an effort to get staff behind a communal cause after a difficult year in which it has been nearly impossible to gather or take part in team building exercises.

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“It was a great way for our staff and teams to come together around a cause that we can all support 2020 has been a tough year for us to hold staff functions or team building programs, so it was nice to have a project that men across our indoor and outdoor teams could all get behind” said Aidan Greaves, who works as Construction Supervisor for Council.

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General Manager Warwick Bennett apologised to customers who have had to meet with staff taking part in Movember this year.

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“I am sure many of our customers will be glad to see the end of November, but it has been fantastic to see 40 of our staff get behind this effort and raise over $10,000 for men’s health. They have been well supported by friends, family and other staff members, in particular a few of our female staff who helped coordinate and encourage our team.”

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Outside of just building donations, many staff members also pledged to run or walk a certain number of kilometres throughout the month. Money raised as part of Movember goes towards mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Unfortunately, three out of four suicides in Australia are men.

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Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, challenging the status quo, shaking up men’s health research and transforming the way health services reach and support men.

', 3:06:00 PM: excerpt: 'Over $11,000 has been raised for men’s health by the Goulburn Mulwaree Council Mo-Growers, with forty male staff taking…' 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: } 3:06:00 PM: success Building static HTML for pages - 8.376s - 99/99 11.82/s 3:06:00 PM: Algolia: 1 queries to index 3:06:00 PM: Algolia: query 0: copying existing index 3:06:10 PM: Algolia: query 0: executing query 3:06:10 PM: Algolia: query 0: splitting in 1 jobs 3:06:11 PM: Algolia: query 0: moving copied index to main index 3:06:12 PM: success index to Algolia — 13.590 s 3:06:12 PM: Generated public/sw.js, which will precache 19 files, totaling 1430125 bytes. 3:06:12 PM: success onPostBuild - 13.971s 3:06:12 PM: info Done building in 79.049092361 sec 3:06:12 PM: ​ 3:06:12 PM: (build.command completed in 1m 19.3s) 3:06:12 PM: ​ 3:06:12 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:06:12 PM: 3. onPostBuild command from netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache
3:06:12 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:06:12 PM: ​ 3:06:13 PM: Stored the Gatsby cache to speed up future builds. 3:06:13 PM: ​ 3:06:13 PM: (netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache onPostBuild completed in 875ms) 3:06:13 PM: ​ 3:06:13 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:06:13 PM: Netlify Build Complete
3:06:13 PM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3:06:13 PM: ​ 3:06:13 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 1m 22.2s) 3:06:14 PM: Caching artifacts 3:06:14 PM: Started saving node modules 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving node modules 3:06:14 PM: Started saving build plugins 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving build plugins 3:06:14 PM: Started saving pip cache 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving pip cache 3:06:14 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies 3:06:14 PM: Started saving maven dependencies 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies 3:06:14 PM: Started saving boot dependencies 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies 3:06:14 PM: Started saving rust rustup cache 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving rust rustup cache 3:06:14 PM: Started saving rust cargo bin cache 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving rust cargo bin cache 3:06:14 PM: Started saving go dependencies 3:06:14 PM: Finished saving go dependencies 3:06:14 PM: Build script success 3:06:14 PM: Starting to deploy site from 'public' 3:06:14 PM: Creating deploy tree 3:06:14 PM: Creating deploy upload records 3:06:14 PM: 103 new files to upload 3:06:14 PM: 0 new functions to upload 3:06:18 PM: Starting post processing 3:06:18 PM: Post processing - HTML 3:06:24 PM: Post processing - header rules 3:06:24 PM: Post processing - redirect rules 3:06:24 PM: Post processing done 3:06:25 PM: Site is live ✨ 3:06:57 PM: Finished processing build request in 2m28.600973241s

I have the same code across multiple sites. It seems to happen randomly.

stuut commented 3 years ago

sorry I'm probably not being very helpful

stuut commented 3 years ago

I made a copy of the site here https://github.com/stuut/gatsby-cache-issue-goulburn-phoenix

jlengstorf commented 3 years ago

it looks like you've got a Service Worker installed — the next time you see this, can you please clear the Service Worker in the browser and see if that clears it up before you clear the cache and rebuild?

stuut commented 3 years ago

I will do that. Thank you!!!!

jlengstorf commented 3 years ago

of course! we'll get to the bottom of this 😄

stuut commented 3 years ago

I have been doing some testing and It is looking a lot like it was my dodgy service worker set up. Just wanted to say thank you again. Champion!!!!!!

jlengstorf commented 3 years ago

happy to hear you got it sorted out! thanks for following up!