jlesage / docker-apps

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Reaper DAW #19

Open tzzsmk opened 2 months ago

tzzsmk commented 2 months ago

Hi folks, I think it would be really amazing to have dockerized audio workstation - Reaper: https://www.reaper.fm/

I have no skill with making docker-friendly apps but here's my idea:

Reaper DAW is natively compatible on Linux (incl. ARM platforms), and although not free, it doesn't require license for full functionality,

it doesn't need any audio device to function (can use dummy audio), and it can send and receive audio and MIDI over network via its plugin called ReaStream (which works surprisingly well even at very long distances, if in local network or VPN) so it's very suitable for server-hosted docker environment,

it also directly supports web interface control, and custom web UI for control can be built (from scratch, or using WRB for ex.),

also it features batch converter, file browser (with previews and database), video support and much more, so it could provide a complete post-production toolset within docker environment...

let me know what you think, cheers :)