Closed Febtw closed 1 year ago
I'm trying to use docker-baseimage-gui to built a docker image about freeplane. the main-window-selection.jwmrc is
<Type>normal</Type> <Name>Freeplane</Name> <WmName>Freeplane</WmName>
I have tried to add a line <Option>notitle</Option>, but there's no change on the window. I don't make the title bar of the window hide, or notitle option appear in the right-click menu.
I build my image based on this project which is using docker-baseimage-gui too. My Dockerfile is
FROM jlesage/baseimage-gui:debian-10-v4.2.2 ARG FREEPLANE_VER=1.10.6u1 ENV APP_NAME="Freeplane" ENV NOVNC_LANGUAGE="zh_Hans" ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai ENV HOME=/config ENV LC_ALL=C COPY root / COPY / RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y wget libnss3 libxss1 desktop-file-utils libasound2 ttf-wqy-zenhei libgtk-3-0 libgbm1 libnotify4 xdg-utils libsecret-common libsecret-1-0 libindicator3-7 libdbusmenu-glib4 libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 libappindicator3-1 procps \ && chmod 755 -R /etc/cont-init.d \ && chmod 755 -R /etc/jwm \ && chmod 755 -R /opt \ && chmod 755 / \ && wget${FREEPLANE_VER}~upstream-1_all.deb \ && apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk \ && dpkg -i freeplane_${FREEPLANE_VER}~upstream-1_all.deb \ && rm freeplane_${FREEPLANE_VER}~upstream-1_all.deb \ && "" \ #fix window decorations && sed -i 's/normal/desktop/g' /opt/base/etc/jwm/ \ #novnc_language && mv /opt/noVNC/index.html /opt/noVNC/index.html.en \ #fix dpkg && sed -i '/messagebus/d' /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride
The has only one command /usr/bin/freeplane %F to open freeplane.
/usr/bin/freeplane %F
I tried v4.3.6, the title bar is hidden well.
I'm trying to use docker-baseimage-gui to built a docker image about freeplane. the
isI have tried to add a line
, but there's no change on the window. I don't make the title bar of the window hide, ornotitle
option appear in the right-click menu.I build my image based on this project which is using docker-baseimage-gui too. My Dockerfile is
has only one command/usr/bin/freeplane %F
to open freeplane.