jlesage / docker-filebot

Docker container for FileBot
MIT License
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[Bug] Deluge not able to run Filebot Command #105

Open ausrasplex opened 6 months ago

ausrasplex commented 6 months ago

Current Behavior

I currently have Deluge setup with Execute plugin to run a .bash file when a torrent completes.

The issue being is I receive an error message stating filebot: command not found even though the FileBot is installed.

The .bash file has the following code:


torrent_name="$2" torrent_path="$3/$2" timestamp=$(date +%c) echo "$timestamp" "$torrent_name" "$torrent_path" >> RunFileBot.log

filebot -script 'fn:amc' \ --output "/mnt/user/Downloads/_OUTPUT" \ --action move \ --conflict skip -non-strict \ --order Airdate \ --lang en \ --def ut_dir="$torrent_path" \ --def ut_title="$torrent_name" \ --def music="n" \ --def clean="y" \ --def ignore=".jpg|.txt" \ --def seriesFormat="/storage/data/Plex/TV Shows/{ ~plex.id { ' [$vc]' } }" \ --def movieFormat="/storage/data/Plex/Movies/{ ~plex.id { ' {edition-$edition}' } * { ' [$vc]' } % { ' {edition-$edition}' } }" \ --def movieDB="TheMovieDB" \ --def seriesDB="TheMovieDB:TV" \ --def subtitles="eng" \ --def excludeList=".excludes" \ --apply refresh \ --log all \ --log-file /mnt/user/appdata/Filebot/logs/filebot.log;

Expected Behavior

No response

Steps To Reproduce

No response


Container creation

Web capture_26-1-2024_145941_192 168 0 101

Container log

14:17:39 [WARNING ][deluge_execute.core           :1622] Command "/config/RunFileBot.bash" failed with exit code 127
14:17:39 [WARNING ][deluge_execute.core           :1622] stderr: b'/config/RunFileBot.bash: line 11: filebot: command not found\n'

Container inspect

No response

Anything else?

Is there any way to specify the exact filebot file location in the bash file for it to find the commands?

jlesage commented 6 months ago

You are using 2 containers. Looks like you want to call the binary of a container from another one ? This is not possible.

It seems that you already configured AMC (Automated Media Center) from FileBot. Thus, if the deluge container put downloaded files to /mnt/user/data/Downloads/_COMPLETED/, they will processed by the FileBot container automatically. There is no bash script to call from deluge.