jlesage / docker-firefox

Docker container for Firefox
MIT License
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Firefox version as environment variable #183

Closed gadireis closed 4 months ago

gadireis commented 1 year ago


Is it possible to change the FIREFOX_VERSION argument to be an environment variable instead? That way I could choose an older firefox version with the newer docker file?

jlesage commented 1 year ago

The Alpine repository doesn't allow to install/use older package versions. Also, using a repository version that differs from the one used by the container is prone to errors and dependencies issues.

However, you can use an older docker image version that has the needed Firefox version.

gadireis commented 1 year ago

Right that works but i'd like to take advantage of the kiosk and open url variables that don't exist in older images

jlesage commented 1 year ago

You could edit /startapp.sh in the container and add --kiosk as a parameter of Firefox when starting it. Same thing for the URL, where you can add it as the last argument of firefox.