jlesage / docker-handbrake

Docker container for HandBrake
MIT License
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Swarm support #64

Open spcqike opened 5 years ago

spcqike commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I’m trying to set up a Docker swarm to use multiple server for rendering.

I have the problem, that each node starts to encode the same file. So with two nodes, all files are encoded twice.

I wonder if there is a possibility to move a file out of the watch folder to a temp folder before transcoding. So that the file isn’t accessible for other nodes anymore. If the encode fails, the original file should be moved back to the watch folder.

Do you have any ideas for that?

Thank you

E1: After some trail and error I managed to move the video file into the temp directory. At the end the directory will be removed so the file will be removed to. So it’s not possible to keep the original file.

I just have one problem left: Because all nodes start at the same time, they will all get a copy of the first file and they will all transcode it. Because they run on different hosts with different cpus, they have different transcoding speed. So when the first node finishes the first file, it will start (and remove) the second file. So when the second node finishes the first file, the second file is already removed and it starts the third file.

But if I want to transcode just one file, all nodes will start to transcode. Even if one would be sufficient. ...

I tried to add a random sleep at the beginning of the script, but this won’t fix the problem. :(

jlesage commented 5 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late answer.

Could you use multiple watch folders (one per node)? Then I guess you could move some logic into how files are copied to the watch folders. For example, you could put a file into an empty watch folder, or into the watch folder with the least amount of files.

spcqike commented 5 years ago


no, thats not possible, because the nodes get the same watch folder. afaik its not possible to use different volumes/mounts/ports/... for different nodes.

as the transcoding is working (at least for the second (and following) file), i didn't spend much time on further investigation.... but i saw, that everything works as expected if i use small files.

e.g. if i put 3 files < 50MB into the watch folder, every node moves one into its .temp folder. So i guess, the problem with larger files is the time it needs to move the file. (watch folder and out folder are on the same network storage)

when the current transcoding task is done, i'll try to edit the code, that it just renames the file within the watch folder (put .tmp or something at the end) and make some logic, to skip other files with that ending. this should be faster than moving it.

it would be nice, to have an enviroment variable to enable/disable swarm mode with such changes :) do you think this is possible?

kitobelix commented 5 years ago

Hi! Im facing the same problem but with cattle. But, I think I can modify the starter script so it will store a file like "successful_conversions" but named "inprogress_conversions" and, with the use of a shared storage like NFS, all the nodes will know if a file is being converted by another instance. However, as I'm writing this I can see that this can be a race condition between all nodes and sometimes one or another is going to duplicate some video.

Maybe some "sleep $RANDOMSECS" just before the checking function... Dunno

spcqike commented 5 years ago


As I wrote I already have a “sleep randomsec(1-10)” function. However this just works, if the file is moved really quick.

I have some others ideas of how to improve swarm management, but unfortunately I don’t know how to script that and atm i don’t have the time to try fail and learn :) (my 2yo won’t let me work ok that)

Maybe someone has some ideas or can try this :)

Here my thoughts:

  1. The nodes should be aware of other nodes, so they should share a swarm file. (Maybe hidden in the watch or output folder, or in an extra config folder). So every node should add its name (host name of the container) and a time stamp.
  2. Every node should update its time stamp in the swarm file every X minutes (5-10?)
  3. The node that is the first in the file should be leader
  4. Leader should check all time stamps every Y minutes (20-30?) and delete nodes that aren’t present anymore Second node should check every Y minutes if leader is still there
  5. Every node adds its name at the end of a file in the watch folder. The all nodes know that the file is being processed by member xyz.
  6. If leader kicks out old node it should check the watch folder and output folder for unfinished jobs from the kicked out member.

I think with something like this, the swarm should be scaleable just fine.

Some extras would be:

  1. Add a small file to the Docker image and let all nodes “benchmark” themself with the autotranscode peofile. Add the average FPS into the swarm file.
  2. Some logic that the nodes decide how to handle the files. E.g. I have a cluster of one NUC7i3, one optiplex 3020 with i3-4150 and one HP with E3-1276. Last time I tried the NUC was doing like 20FPS, the optiplex 30 and the HP 100. So it doesn’t make sense if there is 1 file to let the NUC transcode it. (Especially if it’s one movie where the NuC needs like 5-8h whereas the HP needs 1-2h) it also doesn’t make sense if I put 2 files into the watch folder and the slower nodes process them (eg 2 movies that are 5-8h for the NUC and 3-5 h for the optiplex) if the fastest one can transcode both files faster than the other two nodes together.
  3. have an environment variable to turn on periodic speed test. (In my case, the nodes can switch places between the physical hosts. The hosts can should down to save power or boot up if the cluster needs it. So it can happen that today node 1 runs on the NUC and tomorrow its placed on the HP.
  4. have a Info ob the webpage about the transcode process of all nodes. Because of docker swarm, the request is handed to a random node atm, so you can see the progress bar of this specific node and you need to refresh the page to go through alll nodes.
  5. a Progress Info on the webpage for how many files out of the watch folder are successfully processed.

I guess it’s a lot of work, if it’s even possible to do something like this ... maybe someone has some ideas or is able to give some input :)

Right now I have just one more problem: docker swarm itself. Because I want to change the transcode profile I need to be able tobrwduce the replicas to 1. after all changes where made an increase it back to 3. it sometimes happen, that I have 2 or even all 3 swarm nodes on one VM and therefore on one host. So I need to wait for docker 19.03 that I can set „max replicas per node“ to 1 :)

tonybecker commented 5 years ago

I believe my issue is similar so I am adding comment here instead of opening a new issue. I have successfully set up a single-instance container under Kubernetes and it's working as expected. I would like to have multiple instances of jlesage/docker-handbrake (and the autovideoconverter) running in a ReplicationController (or whatever Kubernetes is calling that construct now) against the same shared-filesystem watch/output/etc folders.

My first thought was to implement pre- and post-conversion hooks that set/clear locks for the source file it's being passed, but in order for that to work, the pre-conversion hook would need to abort the conversion if it returned a nonzero exit code. That doesn't appear to be the case.

I'm happy to work on this and submit a PR, but if someone has thoughts on the best way to implement this kind of function, I will head in that direction. Doing it my way would require adding a "return" to where the pre-conversion hook is called in /rootfs/etc/services.d/autovideoconverter/run -- I think.


if test -f "$SOURCE_FILE.lock"; then exit 1 else echo "no lock detected for $SOURCE_FILE, proceeding." touch "$SOURCE_FILE.lock" exit 0


if test -f "$SOURCE_FILE.lock"; then rm "$SOURCE_FILE.lock"

... either inside or outside of the test for CONVERSION_STATUS depending on what behavior is desired. Seems like if I put it outside that block, and the conversion fails, you'd just wind up having multiple nodes trying again and again and continuing to fail... unless adding that file to config/failed_conversions takes care of that.

lancer1977 commented 1 year ago

A bit late to the party, but I wonder if using a central machine to read the files, in conjunction with post processing hooks and preprocessing hooks would benefit this idea. I am trying to move files before I initiate processing to put them in a _processing directory and then move them to a _processed on completion. It seems like handbrake doesn't scan directories recursively (or at least fails for me) so this could work in theory?