Below is a checklist for you to use when putting together your project proposal this week.
We will meet on thursday or friday this week to go over your proposal, discuss a plan for next week, and make any tweaks.
I will be reviewing and checking off this list this morning, so please review any changes suggested tonight.
Wiki Page Home
[x] Is the first page you see upon entering the wiki
[x] Contains a welcome message
[ ] Contains a link/placeholder for a link to the live page
[ ] All links in the right sidebar should contain each wiki page and link to the correct page
[ ] Correctly formatted
[ ] each wiki page is listed in bullet points
[ ] all links route the correct page
Just needs the links to each MVP done, no rush on this one
MVP List
[x] Should have 7 MVPs.
[x] 3 of those are User Auth, Heroku, and Production README.
[x] The other 4 are from the MVP List or they have clarified them with you
[x] Contains a description sentence of the app
[x] Includes two to three detailed bullets on functionality and presentation of feature
[x] At least one CRUD feature, which states what CRUD operations are planned (creation, reading, updating, deletion)
[x] Estimates how long it will take the code each MVP
[x] Correctly formatted
[x] MVPs are listed in an ordered list
[x] Each MVP is broken down into bullet points
Look great! Good time allocation and plenty of detail
Database Schema
[x] Contains correct datatypes
[x] Contains appropriate constraints/details
[x] primary key
[x] not null
[x] unique
[x] indexed
[x] foreign key
[ ] Contains bullet points after the table that state which foreign keys will reference to which table, or references to the associations which will be made
[ ] foreign key and table name are lowercased, snake_cased and back_ticked
[ ] Correctly formatted
[x] schema is written in a table format
[ ] the table's name are lowercased, snake_cased and back_ticked
[x] the table header column names are bolded
[ ] columns names are lowercased and snaked_cased and back_ticked
Schema looks great! Just some minor formatting to complete as per the above checklist.
You also need to list your associations under each table as bullet points
Sample State
[x] State shape is flat!
[x] State's keys are camelCased
[x] All keys within the values in the state are accessible in the schema
[x] Correctly formatted
[x] Sample state is rendered with triple backticks, and the language ```javascript...```). This will display the state as a code block instead of a giant line of text
[x] Top level slices
[x] entities
[x] session
[x] errors (here or in ui)
[x] ui (if needed)
[x] Should NOT have nested slices, aka comments inside of posts
Some info from other tables is ok, for instance:
the author username and imageurl for a post. basically any info that the user can't change
like count and a boolean on whether the user likes the post instead of a likes slice
Looks perfect!
Backend Routes
[x] Contains the following sections: HTML, API Endpoints(Backend)
[x] Each route has a description
[x] API Endpoint routes contains wildcard variables written in snake_case
Updated my comments above. All looks really good Jin! Focus on the assessment this weekend, and I'm sure you'll hit the ground running with FSP next week
Hi Jin
Below is a checklist for you to use when putting together your project proposal this week.
We will meet on thursday or friday this week to go over your proposal, discuss a plan for next week, and make any tweaks.
I will be reviewing and checking off this list this morning, so please review any changes suggested tonight.
Wiki Page Home
Just needs the links to each MVP done, no rush on this one
MVP List
Look great! Good time allocation and plenty of detail
Database Schema
Schema looks great! Just some minor formatting to complete as per the above checklist.
You also need to list your associations under each table as bullet points
Sample State
). This will display the state as a code block instead of a giant line of textentities
(here or inui
(if needed)comments
inside ofposts
Looks perfect!
Backend Routes
GET likes
api endpoint because that info comes through the post showComments
Great work
Frontend Routes
inline coding text