jlin47 / mp4

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Code for just in case #9

Open dasom1348 opened 6 years ago

dasom1348 commented 6 years ago

title: "192_MP4" author: "Dasom An & Janell Lin" output: html_document: code_folding: hide

Gender Bias Against Directors in Film Field?

We sought to determine if there is an association between gender of directors and the quality of movie.

db <- dbConnect_scidb(dbname = "imdb")

db %>%
  dbGetQuery("SELECT * FROM kind_type;")
# Extracting 100 best movies info from database

sql <- "
SELECT t.id, t.title, t.production_year, mii.info AS votes, mii2.info AS rating
FROM title t
JOIN movie_info_idx mii ON mii.movie_id = t.id
JOIN movie_info_idx mii2 ON mii2.movie_id = t.id
WHERE t.production_year >= 2008
AND t.kind_id = 1
AND mii.info_type_id = 100
AND mii2.info_type_id = 101
AND mii.info > 100000
ORDER BY mii2.info desc;
best_movies <- db %>%

best_movies[!duplicated(best_movies[,c("title")]), ]

best_movies100 <- best_movies %>%
# Extracting directors info from database

sql_1 <- "SELECT n.name, ci.role_id, person_id,  movie_id, n.gender 
FROM cast_info ci
JOIN name n ON n.id = ci.person_id
WHERE role_id = '8';
people_info <- db %>%

all_info<- people_info %>%
  select(name, person_id, gender, movie_id)%>%
  group_by(name, person_id, gender, movie_id)%>%
# Join movie_id with best_movies100 for their movie_id

sql_2 <- "
SELECT movie_id, title, production_year, id 
FROM aka_title;
movie_id <- db %>%

movie_id1<- movie_id %>%
 group_by (movie_id, title) %>%
  summarise (num = n())


# best 100 movies with their movie_id
movie_id2 <- movie_id1 %>%
  inner_join(best_movies, by = c("title"= "title", "production_year" = "production_year")) 

movie_id100<-movie_id2 %>%
  head (100)

movie_id100[!duplicated(movie_id100[,c("title")]), ]
# Extracting 100 best movies gross info from database

sql_gross <- "
SELECT t.id, t.title, mi.info AS gross_info
FROM title t
JOIN movie_info mi ON mi.movie_id = t.id;

gross <- db %>%

dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM info_type WHERE info = 'gross';")

dbGetQuery(db, "
SELECT * FROM info_type 
WHERE info LIKE '%gross%';

movie_gross<- dbGetQuery(db, "
SELECT t.id, t.title, mi.info AS gross_info, movie_id, production_year
FROM title t
JOIN movie_info mi ON mi.movie_id = t.id
WHERE mi.info_type_id = 107

movie_gross_1 <- movie_gross %>%
  group_by (movie_id)%>%
  filter(grepl("USA", gross_info))%>%

movie_gross100<- movie_gross_1%>%
  inner_join(movie_id2, by= c("movie_id"="movie_id"))%>%
# Extracting gross info for best movies

sql_gross <- "
SELECT t.id, t.title, mi.info AS gross_info
FROM title t
JOIN movie_info mi ON mi.movie_id = t.id;

gross <- db %>%

dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM info_type WHERE info = 'gross';")

dbGetQuery(db, "
SELECT * FROM info_type 
WHERE info LIKE '%gross%';

movie_gross<- dbGetQuery(db, "
SELECT t.id, t.title, mi.info AS gross_info, movie_id, production_year
FROM title t
JOIN movie_info mi ON mi.movie_id = t.id
WHERE mi.info_type_id = 107

movie_gross_1 <- movie_gross %>%
  group_by (movie_id)%>%
  filter(grepl("USA", gross_info))%>%

movie_gross100<- movie_gross_1%>%
  inner_join(movie_id2, by= c("movie_id"="movie_id"))%>%

# Joining directors info with best movies

movie_people_info <- movie_gross100 %>%
  inner_join(all_info, by= c("movie_id"="movie_id"))

MP_info <- movie_people_info %>%
  select(title,movie_id, gross_info, production_year,gender,rating,votes, name)
# Visualizing findings

ggplot(data=MP_info, aes(x=gross_info, y=rating)) +
  geom_point(aes(color=gender)) +
  labs(title = "Quality of Best 100 Movies by Male and Female Directors", x = "Revenue($)", y = "Rating")

# We need to set the revenue units first to set x-axis to annotate 
  scale_y_discrete(labels = c("4.5", "5.0", "5.5", "6.0", "6.5", "7.0", "7.5", "8.0", "8.5"), limits = c(4.0, 9.0), breaks = seq(4.5,8.5,0.5)) +
    scale_x_discrete(labels = c("25M", "50M", "75M", "100M"), limits = c(0,105000000), breaks = seq(25000000,100000000, 25000000)) 

# Examples of annotating and so on from babynames hw
annotate("segment", x=1940, xend=1948, y=0.5, yend=0.5, color="black")+
annotate("segment", x=1940, xend=1940, y=0.4, yend=0.5, color="black") +

  labels =c("1940", "'60", "'80", "2000" ), limits =c(1930,2012) ,breaks =seq(1940,2000,20
dasom1348 commented 6 years ago

These are what I've tried for drawing lines on graph, setting x and y scales, and changing gross_info to number by referencing hws and mp3! But there are some errors ha.. I pushed this. You can pull :)

Visualizing findings


ggplot(data=MP_info, aes(x=gross_info, y=rating)) + geom_point(aes(color=gender)) + labs(title = "Quality of Best 100 Movies by Male and Female Directors", x = "Revenue($)", y = "Rating")


We need to set the revenue units first to set x-axis to annotate

scale_y_discrete(labels = c("4.5", "5.0", "5.5", "6.0", "6.5", "7.0", "7.5", "8.0", "8.5"), limits = c(4.0, 9.0), breaks = seq(4.5,8.5,0.5)) + scale_x_discrete(labels = c("25M", "50M", "75M", "100M"), limits = c(0,105000000), breaks = seq(25000000,100000000, 25000000))

Examples of annotating and so on from babynames hw

annotate("segment", x=1940, xend=1948, y=0.5, yend=0.5, color="black")+ annotate("segment", x=1940, xend=1940, y=0.4, yend=0.5, color="black") +

labels =c("1940", "'60", "'80", "2000" ), limits =c(1930,2012) ,breaks =seq(1940,2000,20

Testing changing gross things to number

movie_test <- movie_gross100 %>% mutate(Revenue=as.numeric(gross_info))

Example from mp3

mutate (Difficulty= if_else(as.numeric(numeric_rating)<10, "Easy", ifelse(as.numeric(numeric_rating)<30, "Moderate", "Hard")))

dasom1348 commented 6 years ago

I also started to write up something! And found some external resources. Plz checking rmd file by pulling it first :) then Feel free to add and edit my writings. I just roughed out.