jlitola / play-sass

Sass asset handling for Play Framework 2.0 *DEPRECATED*
MIT License
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play 2.1 with another plugin settings #28

Closed orlybg closed 10 years ago

orlybg commented 10 years ago

Previously I setup the sbt-jasmine-plugin in my play 2.1 project it is working properly. Now I want to add SassPlugin. Everythime I get this error:

[error] /Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar/project/Build.scala:22: not found: value SassPlugin

My Build.scala is like this:

... import com.joescii.SbtJasminePlugin. import net.litola.SassPlugin.

. . .

lazy val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies) .settings( SassPlugin.sassSettings:* ) .settings(appSettings:*)

  lazy val appSettings = jasmineSettings ++ seq(
    resolvers += "SBT community repo" at "http://dl.bintray.com/sbt/sbt-plugin-releases/",
    // jasmine configuration
    appJsDir               <+= baseDirectory / "app/public/javascripts",
    appJsLibDir            <+= baseDirectory / "app/public/javascripts/vendor",
    jasmineTestDir         <+= baseDirectory / "test/assets",
    jasmineConfFile        <+= baseDirectory / "test/assets/test.dependencies.js",
    jasmineRequireJsFile   <+= baseDirectory / "public/javascripts/vendor/require-2.0.6.js",
    jasmineRequireConfFile <+= baseDirectory / "test/assets/require.conf.js",

    // link jasmine to the standard 'sbt test' action.
    // Now when running 'test' jasmine tests will be run
    // and after that other Play tests will be executed.
    (test in Test) <<= (test in Test) dependsOn (jasmine)


What I'm missing here? any other configuration?

I always run

sbt update

and I have done

mvn -DskipTests=true clean package

and seems the plugin never get downloaded.

orlybg commented 10 years ago

Something curious is that I can run some commands from the plugin

✗ sbt play-sass-entry-points [info] Loading project definition from /Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar/project/project [info] Loading project definition from /Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar/project/project [info] Set current project to foo (in build file:/Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar) [info] [info] /Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar/app/assets/bar.sass [info] /Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar/app/assets/foo.sass

✗ sbt play-sass-options [info] Loading project definition from /Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar/project/project [info] Loading project definition from /Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar/project/project [info] Set current project to foo (in build file:/Users/orlybg/BTS/foo/bar) [info] List()

jlitola commented 10 years ago

Does this problem still exists. Quickly looking it seems that the problem is that you are importing net.litola.SassPlugin._, but should be importing net.litola.SassPlugin.

Please reopen if there still is some issue.