jlmborges / VisAC

An interactive tool for Visual Analysis of Consanguinity in the ancestry of individuals
MIT License
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can't install #1

Closed astropaul73 closed 2 years ago

astropaul73 commented 2 years ago

I've tried installing the latest R4.2.2, tried R4.2.0, and tried R4.1.3 in case because that's what your editor showed in the video. As shown on instructions pages I've done

setwd("C:\VisAC") [where I have the three files mentioned and I unzipped it in case that was a thing.] install.packages("VisAC_1.0.zip") install.packages("VisAC_1.0") I always get this error: Warning in install.packages : package ‘VisAC_1.0’ is not available for this version of R

and so

library(VisAC) doesn't work, VisAC doesn't show up in the dropdown either. I'm assuming because of the above error it just isn't installing.

The instructions seem good, and I'm pretty sure i've done all the pre-reqs, R, RTools, RStudio, I can't get VisAC to load. Wish I could, would like to see my .ged show some things.

astropaul73 commented 2 years ago

I solved

install.packages("VisAC_1.0.zip") by clicking the Packages tab, clicking +install button, selecting c:\VisAC\VisAC_1.0.zip and clicking install. this showed: package ‘VisAC’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

however, now, using R4.2.0, when typing

library(VisAC) [VisAC now shows up in the prompt] showed some errors about the required packages being for R4.2.2. So I upgraded to R4.2.2, now for library(VisAC) I'm getting: Loading required package: ggforce Loading required package: ggplot2 Loading required package: ggrepel Loading required package: gtools Loading required package: pedigree Loading required package: Matrix Error: package ‘pedigreeTools’ required by ‘VisAC’ could not be found

gonna keep trying. R seems tricky to keep up with.

jlmborges commented 2 years ago

Dear Paul,

Thanks for your interest!

The package is not available in CRAN so you have to install it from the local file.

In my case I have to run the following instruction:

install.packages("C:/my_files/02_FEUP/03_Vis_Genealogy/VisAC_package/VisAC_1.0.zip", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")

If you are using Rstudio you can do it from the menu "Tools/Install packages" and set the 'Install from:" option as seen in the figure below.

Hope this helps you. Best regards, Jose

jlmborges commented 2 years ago

Regarding the pedigreeTools package (https://github.com/Rpedigree/pedigreeTools) it seems that you have to install it from github. Please try the following:

R functions related to pedigrees

install.packages(pkg='devtools',repos='https://cran.r-project.org/') #1# install devtools library(devtools) #2# load the library install_git('https://github.com/Rpedigree/pedigreeTools/') #3# install pedigreeTools from GitHub

astropaul73 commented 2 years ago

I downloaded and installed the pedigreeTools.zip.gz from https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/pedigreeTools/

library(VisAC) finished ok

VisAC() Error in loadNamespace(x) : there is no package called ‘DT’

so I did >install.packages('DT') [so this should probably be in required_packages.R also. doing at the command line worked for me though anyway]

install.packages("tidyrules") [is also needed, or it will crash later. now >VisAC() works! hope the above can help anyone coming after me having the same problem.

astropaul73 commented 2 years ago

very cool visualization! I got my own gedcom to load and work. showing 9 generations for one particular gr-grandmother I have, descended from tons of New England Great Migration ancestors. It's very cool to see more clearly the common ancestors. One thing that would be cool - if the yellow labels stating the relationship included all the relationships (ex. my gr. grandmother, the yellow label for her parents is saying "2 x 5th cousin" - which is cool it's picking up the 5th cousin two ways, but, they're also 5th cousin 1R, and 6th cousin, and 6th cousin 1R, and 7th cousin. Any chance the Yellow label could list all those? In any case, this is very cool. A little tricky getting to work in R, but, worth it and very cool.