Closed TuoCai2000 closed 8 months ago
Unfortunately, I don't know anything about seurat, so I don't know what the seurat@reductions$umap
object is. Is it the output coordinates of running UMAP on your RNA data (presumably a 2D matrix)? If so, that's not enough information for umap_transform
. You need the object returned from running uwot::umap(ret_model = TRUE)
. But I don't think mixing low-level uwot functions with higher-level seurat data is a good way forward, when clearly neither of us know much about how seurat's internals interact with uwot.
I wish I could be more helpful but I would recommend going to the seurat repo and asking how to transform new data. A similar error message was reported at -- maybe following the responses there can help?
Closing as not reproducible. Please reopen if there is more info and this is not an issue better dealt with at the Seurat repo.
Hi! Thank you for developing uwot! I have a reference named"seurat",and it is a large seurat object.
And I would like to project my own data on the reference dataset.I have finished the PCA reduction and extracted the first 25 principal components as a matrix.I run the code as follows:
Then,I rerun the code with the modification:
So i wonder if i can directly use the umap coordinate of my reference in the seurat object to run the umap_transform function! Thank you so much ! I am looking forward to your reply!