jlmelville / uwot

An R package implementing the UMAP dimensionality reduction method.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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inverse transform? #33

Open romainFr opened 4 years ago

romainFr commented 4 years ago

Any plan to add a way to perform an inverse transform (from embedding to data space)?

Thanks for the great work!

jlmelville commented 4 years ago

Hello, thanks for the request.

I'll look at inverse transforms when the UMAP Python package has an official release supporting it, so that I know the implementation is somewhat stable. That means probably not until UMAP 0.4 comes out at the earliest. And if it relies on a large number of Python packages for which there aren't suitable equivalents in R, then it probably won't happen.

mytarmail commented 1 month ago

Hello! Do I understand correctly that there is no inverse function and is not expected?

jlmelville commented 1 month ago

@mytarmail you are correct.

While it's an interesting feature, there's not been any development on that part of the Python code in the six years since it was added, which means it was either perfect first time or it's just not something that people have a lot of use for. It would be quite a big task to add it to uwot and then maintain it, so this remains low on my to-do list. Sorry.