jloisel / t440p

Thinkpad T440p Hackintosh (macOS Mojave 10.14.x / Catalina 10.15.x) - Clover config.plist + kexts
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DW1820a issue #87

Open VinylNerd opened 3 years ago

VinylNerd commented 3 years ago

cant seem to get DW1820a to work, ive done the bios mod and thats fine, removed all the intel kexts from efi kexts and replaced with the 3 kexts inside the "only for broadcom wifi" folder, is this supposed to work or is there another method, its cause me a few kernel panics trying different things to get it to work, but if anyone could link to the exact kexts and where i should place them / any kexts i should be avoiding that would be great, cheers.

swatchie-1 commented 3 years ago

I haven't got it to work too. Downgraded back to 10.15.6.

VinylNerd commented 3 years ago

it wasnt working for me on 10.15.6, the only difference is safari on 10.15.7

if you have it working on 10.15.6 id love to know which kexts your using where

and also do you have airdrop working?

swatchie-1 commented 3 years ago

Yeah, you need to activate airportbrcmfixup.kext

I also replaced the io80211family and io80211familyv2 kext from previous working versions at S/L/E.

VinylNerd commented 3 years ago

what do u mean i need to activate it?

what do u mean u also replaced io80211 family and io80211familyv2 kext? these are for intel i thought lol, im using IO80211 family for intel, not DW1820a

swatchie-1 commented 3 years ago

i mean the kext needs to be True in your config.

The IO80211 I replaced it anyway and got it working.

VinylNerd commented 3 years ago

these are the kind comments that confuse me. no idea what your talking about mate but ok