jloisel / t440p

Thinkpad T440p Hackintosh (macOS Mojave 10.14.x / Catalina 10.15.x) - Clover config.plist + kexts
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Random blackscreen after Apple logo? #9

Closed messenger2011 closed 5 years ago

messenger2011 commented 5 years ago

Have you issues with this problem? Boot with -v, everything ok, no KP, then blackscreen. Connect to external monitor using DP and display go back to normal.

jloisel commented 5 years ago

No issue at all. happens on internal or external display?

messenger2011 commented 5 years ago

Happened on internal display. That's bad. 99% perfetch with only one ugly issue :)

Sepcs: i5 4210M, 16gb RAM, 256gb SSD.

jloisel commented 5 years ago

FullHD screen or HD one? Never had this issue on 2x different t440p I installed with the config here.

messenger2011 commented 5 years ago

FHD IPS Display. My Specs is almost same as you. Esp the CPU (i5 - i7).

Here is my dsdt dump: https://www.dropbox.com/s/659jojfsxso5jv7/origin.zip?dl=0

I'm looking at your patched DSDT and my origin, and everything seam to be fine, dont know why it keep random black screen.

jloisel commented 5 years ago

kexts installed in /L/E?

messenger2011 commented 5 years ago

Yes. I'm stick to your guide. Everything works great, except random black screen.

jloisel commented 5 years ago

Is it with HD4600 or GT730m? Mine is HD4600 only. Check bios settings too. Otherwise, I would advise to install windows and verify the issue isn't on hardware level.

messenger2011 commented 5 years ago

My t440p have only iGPU. I currently triple boot with Windows and Linux so no problems with hardwares at all. I end up with clean install hackintosh, may be the isssue will gone. Thank you.

jloisel commented 5 years ago

Let me know if this fixes the issue.

messenger2011 commented 5 years ago

Too bad, it's not. Now I have another problem. When black screen, I try connect to external monitor via mini dp port, external monitor works well, but the internal is not, and in Settings -> Display only detect external monitor.

jloisel commented 5 years ago

Maybe you have a hardware fault on your unit. I installed several T440p with this configuration and none showed the issue you mentioned.

messenger2011 commented 5 years ago

Update: Added boot flag "-igfxnohdmi igfxrst=1" fixed the issue