jlolling / talendcomp_tGoogleSheet

Talend components to read and write Google Sheets
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Talend 7.4.1 compatibility #9

Closed Seb2nim closed 1 year ago

Seb2nim commented 3 years ago

tGoogleSheetOutput doenst work on Talend 7.4.1. Unfortunatelly, 7.4.1 is the only version where MacOSX Big Sur (N-1) is supported. Any chance for an update ?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.api.client.http.HttpTransport.isMtls()Z at com.google.api.services.drive.Drive$Builder.chooseEndpoint(Drive.java:10139) at com.google.api.services.drive.Drive$Builder.<init>(Drive.java:10172) at org.talend.components.google.drive.runtime.client.GoogleDriveService.getDriveService(GoogleDriveService.java:86) at org.talend.components.google.drive.runtime.GoogleDriveRuntime.getDriveService(GoogleDriveRuntime.java:179) at org.talend.components.google.drive.runtime.GoogleDriveListReader.<init>(GoogleDriveListReader.java:28) at org.talend.components.google.drive.runtime.GoogleDriveSource.createReader(GoogleDriveSource.java:72) at org.talend.components.google.drive.runtime.GoogleDriveSource.createReader(GoogleDriveSource.java:31) at kalorio.gd_01_pushtickets_0_1.GD_01_PushTickets.tGoogleDriveList_1Process(GD_01_PushTickets.java:1646) at kalorio.gd_01_pushtickets_0_1.GD_01_PushTickets.tGoogleDriveConnection_1Process(GD_01_PushTickets.java:849) at kalorio.gd_01_pushtickets_0_1.GD_01_PushTickets.tJava_1Process(GD_01_PushTickets.java:613) at kalorio.gd_01_pushtickets_0_1.GD_01_PushTickets.runJobInTOS(GD_01_PushTickets.java:5860) at kalorio.gd_01_pushtickets_0_1.GD_01_PushTickets.main(GD_01_PushTickets.java:5644)

jlolling commented 3 years ago

Because Talend 7.4 will not continued I have not tested it with this version. I can tell you the current release of the component 4.1 released at 2021-01-27 works well in Talend 7.3.1 and Talend 8.0.1 But nevertheless I am surprised about this issue. Which java version do you use? I have also Big Sure running with Java 11. Do you use this component along with other Google service related components?

Seb2nim commented 2 years ago

Hello Jan, Sincere apologies for late answer. I have a running TOS DI 7.3.1 on my old iMac, so i had to make the job done. Back on my MacBook to try to make it work.

I let 7.4.1 as it will not be continued. Fail to made it work on Big Sur.

I have a job with mixins tGoogleSheetOutput and original GoogleDrive Components (connexion, tGoogleDriveList, etc).

iMac MacOsx High Sierea (10.13.6) + Talend DI 7.3.1 => OK

Mac OSX Big Sur (MacBook Intel 16", jdk 11) + Talend 8.0.1 => Fail (exception in first comment).

I noticed precence of 2 versions of google-http-client-1.31.0 and 1.38.0 (+ jackson etc..) in project "temp" directory. It seems tGSConnetion, tGSList etc uses another google-http-client version....

I tried using tGoogleSheetOutput alone in a job (with a previously retreived file_id) and it works...

jlolling commented 2 years ago

I will check if I can update or downgrade the libs of my components to let it work together with the build-in components.

jlolling commented 1 year ago

The components now only compatible with Talend Studio versions 8.x. It was necessary to stay compatible with the Enterprise Studio.