Open maorcc opened 10 years ago
Bourbon could be used instead or perhaps something like Prefix-free. Seems like it would be nice if there was a way of specifying which library you want to use.
Pull-requests welcome.
I am using generated project with Bourbon to manage my project SASS files, no Compass runtime. Wish if you could support Compass free SASS so that we can build our leaner final css using project specific build process.
As a workaround,
to my project bower.json
file, spinner/_base.scss
with @import "../../../compass-mixins/lib/compass/css3";
to my main.scss to fix this
Wish to see a permanent or better solution to automate my SASS pre-processing task...main.scss
@import "variables";
$icon-font-path: "../bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/fonts/bootstrap/";
/* to Fix */
@import "function";
// bower:scss
@import "../bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.scss";
@import "../bower_components/bourbon/dist/_bourbon.scss";
@import "../bower_components/css-spinners/sass/spinner/spinner.scss";
// endbower
@import "animations";
"dependencies": {
"bootstrap-sass-official": "~3.1.1",
"bourbon": "~4.0.1",
"animate.css": "~3.1.0",
"css-spinners": "jlong/css-spinners",
"overrides": {
"css-spinners": {
"main": "sass/spinner/spinner.scss"
since we are already using GULP, we can use Autoprefixer which can add prefixes during build process. In addition to this we can also create a watch task which will compile when we make changes and it will automatically run tasks. It will make development little bit easier.
@jlong what do you think
I agree. Autoprefixer is way better.
I use SASS but not Compass. I see in _base.scss: @import "compass/css3"; Can the dependency on Compass be avoided?