jlongster / transducers.js

A small library for generalized transformation of data (inspired by Clojure's transducers)
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
1.73k stars 54 forks source link

Not active #52

Closed jlongster closed 2 years ago

jlongster commented 2 years ago

This repo is not active so I'm testing something


jlongster commented 2 years ago

Literally say whatever you want

jlongster commented 2 years ago

My notifications aren't working

connorlindsey commented 2 years ago


markerikson commented 2 years ago

I like turtles šŸ¢

matallo commented 2 years ago

happy to help

jasonmit commented 2 years ago

hey James!

chaance commented 2 years ago

Tabs > spaces

jlongster commented 2 years ago


jlongster commented 2 years ago

thanks everyone I found the bug šŸ˜Š

I get notifications in a discord channel from github but they stopped happening.

JasonEtco commented 2 years ago

I think I'm too late, but here's a picture of my cat!


jlongster commented 2 years ago

This is now a cat pic thread

some1else commented 2 years ago

I was really stressed when paparazzi wouldnā€™t stop following me this wk but then I realized it was opportunity to troll .. i swear this headline omg wtf haha im dead

Full disclosure Iā€™m still living with e and I am not a communist (although there are some very smart ideas in this book -but personally Iā€™m more interested in a radical decentralized ubi that I think could potentially be achieved thru crypto and gaming but I havenā€™t ironed that idea out enough yet to explain it. Regardless my opinions on politics are difficult to describe because the political systems that inspire me the most have not yet been implemented).

Anyway if paparazzi keep chasing me perhaps I will try to think of more ways to meme - suggestions welcome!


rickhanlonii commented 2 years ago

whatever you want

mbifulco commented 2 years ago


shulhi commented 2 years ago

Vim > emacs

betodealmeida commented 2 years ago


ppkn commented 2 years ago

This is a picture of the best cat I've ever met my favorite cat

fitsum commented 2 years ago

Gulpfile in the repo, I know I know I know it's serious

mikekreuzer commented 2 years ago


Chudesnov commented 2 years ago

just my cat looking silly 68BDF382-87A4-4CEE-95F5-C191A3AA8B0C

The-Blue-Wizard commented 2 years ago

Oooh, those cats! I love them!

valscion commented 2 years ago

I raise thee a puppy


TrySound commented 2 years ago

Hey Dude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, Then you can start to make it better.

mookerific commented 2 years ago

Test comment!

cloud-walker commented 2 years ago


wodin commented 2 years ago


BinRoot commented 2 years ago

pr approved, lgtm

pramodadpushup commented 2 years ago

Test data

jlongster-stripe commented 2 years ago
