jlouis / positive

Check if a term is positive
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Zero is lonely :-( #12

Open drewkerrigan opened 8 years ago

drewkerrigan commented 8 years ago

From Wikipedia: " In mathematics, the concept of sign originates from the property of every non-zero real number to be positive or negative. Zero itself is signless, although in some contexts it makes sense to consider a signed zero. ... Note that this definition is culturally determined. In France and Belgium, 0 is said to be both positive and negative. The positive resp. negative numbers without zero are said to be "strictly positive" resp. "strictly negative". "

In order to be best positive sign library, should we not include the possibility that zero can, in some cultures and situations, be considered positive as well? Currently the > 0 check is exclusive of zero when determining positivity. This could be considered not politically correct.

jlouis commented 8 years ago

Political correctness is important. We have a couple of options:

We must be careful however, since we could arguably commit the grave sin of cultural appropriation. As a Dane, I must not appropriate the culture of France and Belgium inadvertently, like I do with french fries and toast.

What do you think is a proper safe approach in this design space?

Licenser commented 8 years ago

I think France and Belgium are simply wrong.

Licenser commented 8 years ago

Let me elaborate on this since the original post might be considered lacking empathy. THEY ARE WRONG!

KlausTrainer commented 8 years ago

I agree with @Licenser that France and Belgium are wrong.

A simpler (and from a mathematical standpoint more correct) solution would be to keep the current implementation, and add some documentation to the README telling the French and Belgian guys that they are wrong. So nobody would feel excluded.

Licenser commented 8 years ago

Alternatively we could send a PR to France and Belgium to fix their countries? I think in the spirit of good OSS citizenship that would be the right thing to do?

dmitriid commented 8 years ago

In the USSR 0 was, and, by extension, in most post-Soviet countries 0 is both positive and negative as well. And there are "strictly postivie/negative" integers (the USSR was strongly influenced by French mathematics).

Perhaps, add a "strictness" parameter to the call?

dmitriid commented 8 years ago

Since this is clearly influenced by the French, the strictness parameter should be called merde until there's an issue opened to remove offensive language.