jluastro / PopSyCLE

Population Synthesis for Compact-object Lensing Events
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Pbh #22

Open Kerianne28 opened 4 years ago

Kerianne28 commented 4 years ago

This branch implements everything needed to inject primordial black holes (PBHs) into the .h5 file that will be used by calc_events.

Synthetic.py Changes:

_add_pbh:_ This function takes the .h5 file that is output by perform_pop_syn, creates everything needed for the injected PBHs, then combines the PBH data with the data from the previous .h5 file into a new .h5 file.

This function does the following:

Run.py Changes:


Other files added:


radial_velocity_profile_middle.csv radial_velocity_profile_shallow.csv radial_velocity_profile_steep.csv

wadawson commented 4 years ago

I started commenting on some of this pull request, but I know @Kerianne28 is doing a ton of work to incorporate the new PBH sampling method, so I think I will wait until she is done with that to comment further.