jluastro / PopSyCLE

Population Synthesis for Compact-object Lensing Events
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README installation info #23

Closed MichaelMedford closed 4 years ago

MichaelMedford commented 4 years ago

Currently the README states

PopSyCLE can be installed as a standard python package.

I'm not sure that as a user I would know what that means. I think of a "standard" installation as through a package managers such as pip or conda, which we do not currently support. I think this needs to be changed to something like:

To install PopSyCLE, clone the GitHub repository and 
add the repository's path to your `PYTHONPATH`. 
For example:

git clone git@github.com:jluastro/PopSyCLE.git
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/PopSyCLE:$PYTHONPATH" >> ~/.bashrc

What do you think?

caseylam commented 4 years ago

Yes, that sounds like a good clarification. Can you make the change?

MichaelMedford commented 4 years ago
