jluastro / PopSyCLE

Population Synthesis for Compact-object Lensing Events
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Save intermediate produces in calc_events #37

Open jluastro opened 2 years ago

jluastro commented 2 years ago

For really long runs of calc_events, nothing is saved as an intermediate product. So there is no way to recover if the process dies or a machine is shut down.

jluastro commented 2 years ago

We also don't even make a running log file of what is happening in the calc_events stage. It would be useful to know how close to completion we actually are.

THE-COB commented 2 years ago

Would the best way to go about adding this logging be to just pipe status updates into a file in https://github.com/jluastro/PopSyCLE/blob/4c89e646594b2ac147852c849003f583afcc5640/popsycle/synthetic.py#L1779 ?