jm33-m0 / win10-mouse-natural-scroll

Enable natural scrolling feature for a USB mouse under Windows 10/11
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 6 forks source link

Improve the script in multiple ways #6

Closed proski closed 1 year ago

proski commented 1 year ago

Add a detailed comment in the beginning to make the script useful even without documentation.

Use user friendly names for the settings, DEFAULT and NATURAL instead of 0 and 1.

Don't attempt to change settings that are already what the user requested.

Don't overuse colors, only use red for errors and green for changes. Blue is hard to read on the default blue background. Remove excessive messages.

Replace "mouses" variable with "mice".

Explain why some mice are skipped (they are incompatible, e.g. touchpads).

Always print name and path of the mouse, not just path.

jm33-m0 commented 1 year ago
