jmacdonald / amp

A complete text editor for your terminal.
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[Feature Request] piggybacking on bat-installed .sublime-syntax files #214

Open mnemnion opened 3 years ago

mnemnion commented 3 years ago

Hello! Stoked to start using amp, a vimalike terminal editor which uses syntect/.sublime-syntax format perfectly suits my peculiar workflow.

I'm having a little bit of trouble installing the relevant syntax files, I'm sure the location is documented somewhere but I've been unable to find it.

The kicker is, once I get over this little hurdle, I'm going to have copies of this file living in four different places: in the repo where I do development on it, in Sublime 3's User folder, in ~/.config/bat/syntaxes, and wherever amp puts them. To add to the pain, it's a literate markup language (think of a better org-mode), and so there are several custom syntaxes, one of which I wrote myself, which it has to support to mark up inner grammars.

It would be pretty great if a) all syntect projects agreed on one place to keep syntax files (ideal) or failing that b) if amp would check for a ~/.local/bat/syntaxes directory and use the contents if available.

Thanks again for writing this, I'm looking forward to kicking the tires!

jmacdonald commented 3 years ago

Hey @mnemnion! Glad you're enjoying amp. :smile:

Does making the syntaxes directory in amp's configuration folder a symbolic link work? I think most people will be fine with the default configuration, but I'm hoping that supporting your particular use case is something that's still possible.

If that doesn't work, I might consider making the syntax path wholly configurable (right now it only allows changing the name of the directory within amp's configuration folder).

mnemnion commented 3 years ago

Once the crashing bug in the yaml crate is sorted I'll try out a symlink and let you know.

Low-hanging fruit here is to add the various locations for amp configuration to the documentation, what I did was add some config from amp and then run find to find the file.

I envision this as a longer-term project, where the various stakeholders in syntect agree on a single place to keep syntax files. It's one of the nice things about the Rust ecosystem and it would be pretty cool if all the syntax-enhanced tools could "just work" with each other in a zero-configuration way.

mnemnion commented 3 years ago

I occurs to me that the syntect repo is the right place to have this discussion, and that amp probably doesn't want to automagically use the syntaxes in bat, so feel free to close this issue.

Or on second thought, maybe leave it open for a little longer. When I get some free time, I'll start an issue in syntect and link it here. Thanks again!

mnemnion commented 3 years ago

I opened up the issue at syntact for a single location for syntaxes and themes.

Feel free to close this issue if you would like. Thank you!