Sometimes, it is nice to know which version of plerd is running. plerdall and plerdwatcher (if that continues to be a thing) should consider implementing the common flag --version.
Ideally, this version would match Makefile.PL -> $WriteMakefileArgs{VERSION}. That is going to be a non-started to implement, but if lib/ had an our $VERSION='XX.YY' package variable, Makefile.PL can get it with:
Insert before call to WriteMakefile on line 54
(Sorry, but Perl and markdown are fighting.)
use lib ('./lib'); # or use FindBin to construct an absolute path
use Plerd;
$WriteMakefileArgs{VERSION} = $Plerd::VERSION;
This makes the implementation of --version within plerdall trivial:
Add after my $init_path;
my $version_message = 0;
Add to GetOptions() call
'version' => \$version_message,
Add before if ( defined $init_path ) {
if ($version_message) {
printf("plerdall is part of Plerd %s\n", $Plerd::VERSION);
Sometimes, it is nice to know which version of plerd is running. plerdall and plerdwatcher (if that continues to be a thing) should consider implementing the common flag --version.
Ideally, this version would match Makefile.PL -> $WriteMakefileArgs{VERSION}. That is going to be a non-started to implement, but if lib/ had an our $VERSION='XX.YY' package variable, Makefile.PL can get it with:
Insert before call to WriteMakefile on line 54
(Sorry, but Perl and markdown are fighting.)
use lib ('./lib'); # or use FindBin to construct an absolute path use Plerd;
$WriteMakefileArgs{VERSION} = $Plerd::VERSION;
This makes the implementation of --version within plerdall trivial:
Add after my $init_path;
my $version_message = 0;
Add to GetOptions() call
'version' => \$version_message,
Add before if ( defined $init_path ) {
if ($version_message) { printf("plerdall is part of Plerd %s\n", $Plerd::VERSION); exit(0); }