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API endpoint for current and historical prices of FA1.2 and FA2 tokens on many dexes #20

Open BearCooder opened 2 years ago

BearCooder commented 2 years ago

Hi I I would like to add my "idea" for an API endpoint for tezos token prices.

So for FA2 and FA1.2 tokens there is no endpoint to get historical price or "live" price besides the teztools option. Because teztools managed to do it I think teztools is able to implement something like this? The API endpoint should allow to query tokens using the contract address which is unique to a given token.

Knowing the contract address for youves uUSD KT1XRPEPXbZK25r3Htzp2o1x7xdMMmfocKNW

I should be able to query with Teztools and get the current prices

Now the question some might ask is "But there are more decentralised exchanges so there are different prices, how to do that?"

A very good example is how coingecko does it. They have a separate object for every exchange they gather/track the data.

I dont say teztools api should track every dex. But for example the top 2-3?

then you would have something like this:

{ Quipu:{ "base": "uUSD", "target": "XTZ", "lastprice": 1, "volume": "157824452", "bid_ask_spread_percentage": "0.2", "timestamp": "2022-04-27T21:10:16+00:00", "last_trade_at": "2022-04-26T21:10:16+00:00", "trade_url": "quipuswap dot com/pair" } Spicy:{ "base": "uUSD", "target": "XTZ", "lastprice": 1, "volume": "157824452", "bid_ask_spread_percentage": "0.2", "timestamp": "2022-04-27T21:10:16+00:00", "last_trade_at": "2022-04-26T21:10:16+00:00", "trade_url": "spicyswap dot com/pair" } }

Then people can easily get the data and build on top of it. Since a year people are hoping for coingecko, cmc api but lets dont wait and integrate this for teztools. 🙂

My example screenshot is taken from this example here. grafik

BearCooder commented 2 years ago

What do you think about this @jmagly @kevinelliott @sebuhbitcoin @japan2k20 ?