Closed ezzatron closed 3 years ago
Based on some stack overflow answer I read, that ^ is kinda the cheating way, that supposedly makes Zsh slower. I assume that there are comparable Zsh completion features that can be used instead of simply polyfilling for Bash's features.
If you run grit shell-integration
you will see what's getting added to .bash_profile
for bash users -- very happy to detect zsh and add support to this command (which is hidden from the command list, btw).
20:16 jmalloc/grit master: grit shell-integration
grit() {
local file="$(mktemp)"
trap "rm -f '$file'" EXIT
"/Users/james/bin/grit" --with-shell-integration="$file" "$@" && source "$file"
return $?
# Setup autocompletion using the real binary.
_grit_bash_autocomplete() {
local cur opts base
opts=$(GRIT_COMP_WORDS="${COMP_WORDS[@]}" "/Users/james/bin/grit" ${COMP_WORDS[@]:1:$COMP_CWORD} --generate-bash-completion)
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
complete -F _grit_bash_autocomplete grit
I am using a completely different CLI library in v2.0.0, which natively supports zsh completion. I don't intend to fix this in version 1.
This error happens when I try to use shell integration. It's due to "complete" being a Bash function, and I'm using Zsh. There are ways around it on my end, but they will apparently slow down my Zsh.