jmarucha / FanControl.Liquidctl

Get access to the pump and temperature sensors of your AIO in FanControl
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Increased power usage #37

Open sp00n opened 2 months ago

sp00n commented 2 months ago

I've noticed an increased power usage when using the plugin. My idle power consumption is normally around 85 watt for the system measured at the plug, but when I use this plugin in FanControl, it goes up to around 125 watt, so roughly 40W more, just by using it. I assume this is because liquidctl.exe is being opened and closed so frequently (you can see it in the Task Manager / Process Explorer).

Using FanControl without the addon does not noticeably impact the power consumption of my system, so it's pretty clear that the cause is the plugin.

I'm not sure there is much that can be done about it though, except for maybe decreasing the polling rate.