jmathai / elodie

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Hard to tell what the problem is when there's errors importing files #460

Open D3Zyre opened 9 months ago

D3Zyre commented 9 months ago

For example, I imported a few videos from my phone, one of them said "error" when importing. I tried importing the same videos again, since they were all still in the folder of course, and this time all of them had "error" when importing. I have no idea if that one file actually imported, or why the other ones have an "error".

Surely we can make it more clear what is wrong, maybe categorizing the errors when printing them out, or at least putting more details in some log file and pointing to that file in the print to the command prompt?

D3Zyre commented 9 months ago

so, in, there's a method process_checksum(). This method is supposed to return the checksum of the file to import, but can return None as well. If the file being imported already exists in the destination folder and has the same checksum, this method returns None.

The caller of this method is another method, process_file(), as pasted below

        checksum = self.process_checksum(_file, allow_duplicate)
        if(checksum is None):
  'Original checksum returned None for %s. Skipping...' %

This is all fine, we should skip the file if it has already been imported. However, it ends up reporting that file as having encountered an error on import, when this is not actually the case. It should either report that it was successfully imported, or that it was not imported because it already existed, not "error".

D3Zyre commented 9 months ago

to continue the comment above, The import() method in calls process_file(), and this is supposed to return the destination path as well, but will return None if process_file() returned None, which is the case when the file to be imported has already been imported. The import_file() method is called in the _import() method. When the destination path is None, _import() will make has_errors equal to True:

    for current_file in files:
        dest_path = import_file(current_file, destination, album_from_folder,
                    trash, allow_duplicates)
        result.append((current_file, dest_path))
        has_errors = has_errors is True or not dest_path

Which on the following lines causes the program to exit:

    if has_errors:
D3Zyre commented 9 months ago

ah, here it is. Just before the sys.exit(1) call, a Result object is used to write the error output to the command line. When a result with destination None is appended to the Result object, it is saved as being an "error". Then when the results are printed to the command line, it reports these files that have previously been imported, as being errors.

D3Zyre commented 9 months ago

A potential solution to this issue is to add a "class" of results in the Result object. Instead of only having "success" and "error", we could also have a "duplicate" or "already_existed" variable to keep track of files that weren't imported due to already existing in the destination folder. This way it would not be reported as an error, but rather a duplicate file that has not been imported again.

D3Zyre commented 9 months ago

I am working on this issue in my fork of Elodie.

I have encountered something that I don't understand. There are some calls that print nothing when the debug option is enabled. Expected behavior is that it prints the info message, as other calls do.

Example in

      '%s already at %s.' % (

my print works, but prints nothing with debug enabled, which is not what is expected

D3Zyre commented 9 months ago

nevermind on that thing. I'm just blind apparently

D3Zyre commented 9 months ago

I believe I have fixed this issue to my satisfaction. See: this commit