jmboehm / GLFixedEffectModels.jl

Fast estimation of generalized linear models with high dimensional categorical variables in Julia
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Readme example: no method matching getindex #41

Closed jariji closed 2 years ago

jariji commented 2 years ago

I ran the example from the Readme, using master cf5c96e but I got an error.

julia> let 

           df = dataset("datasets", "iris")
           df.binary = zeros(Float64, size(df,1))
           df[df.SepalLength .> 5.0,:binary] .= 1.0
           df.SpeciesStr = string.(df.Species)
           idx = rand(1:3,size(df,1),1)
           a = ["A","B","C"]
           df.Random = vec([a[i] for i in idx])

           m = @formula binary ~ SepalWidth + fe(Species)
           x = nlreg(df, m, Binomial(), LogitLink(), start = [0.2] )

           m = @formula binary ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength + fe(Species)
           nlreg(df, m, Binomial(), LogitLink(), Vcov.cluster(:SpeciesStr,:Random) , start = [0.2, 0.2] )    

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::Nothing, ::Int64)
 [1] S_hat(x::VcovData{LinearAlgebra.Cholesky{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}, 1}, v::Vcov.ClusterCovariance)
   @ Vcov ~/.julia/packages/Vcov/uszbF/src/covarianceestimators/vcovcluster.jl:84
 [2] vcov(x::VcovData{LinearAlgebra.Cholesky{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}, 1}, v::Vcov.ClusterCovariance)
   @ Vcov ~/.julia/packages/Vcov/uszbF/src/covarianceestimators/vcovcluster.jl:115
 [3] nlreg(df::Any, formula::FormulaTerm, distribution::Binomial{Float64}, link::LogitLink, vcov::CovarianceEstimator; weights::Union{Nothing, Symbol}, subset::Union{Nothing, AbstractVector}, start::Union{Nothing, AbstractVector}, maxiter_center::Int64, maxiter::Int64, contrasts::Dict{Symbol, Any}, dof_add::Int64, save::Vector{Symbol}, method::Symbol, drop_singletons::Bool, double_precision::Bool, dev_tol::Float64, rho_tol::Float64, step_tol::Float64, center_tol::Float64, separation::Vector{Symbol}, separation_mu_lbound::Float64, separation_mu_ubound::Float64, separation_ReLU_tol::Float64, separation_ReLU_maxiter::Int64, vcovformula::Union{Nothing, Expr, Symbol}, subsetformula::Union{Nothing, Expr, Symbol}, verbose::Bool)
   @ GLFixedEffectModels ~/.julia/packages/GLFixedEffectModels/Va8dj/src/fit.jl:526
jmboehm commented 2 years ago

I have tried but failed to replicate your error message (it all runs smoothly here). Is this in a fresh Julia session? If so, could you show the output of ] status?

jariji commented 2 years ago

Fresh session:

[bafb0ae5] GLFixedEffectModels v0.4.0 ``
[ce6b1742] RDatasets v0.7.7
[ec2bfdc2] Vcov v0.5.2

julia> using GLFixedEffectModels, Vcov, RDatasets

         df = dataset("datasets", "iris")
         df.binary = zeros(Float64, size(df,1))
         df[df.SepalLength .> 5.0,:binary] .= 1.0
         df.SpeciesStr = string.(df.Species)
         idx = rand(1:3,size(df,1),1)
         a = ["A","B","C"]
         df.Random = vec([a[i] for i in idx])
         m = @formula binary ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength + fe(Species)
         nlreg(df, m, Binomial(), LogitLink(), Vcov.cluster(:SpeciesStr,:Random) , start = [0.2, 0.2] )
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::Nothing, ::Int64)
[1] S_hat(x::VcovData{LinearAlgebra.Cholesky{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}, 1}, v::Vcov.ClusterCovariance)
 @ Vcov ~/.julia/packages/Vcov/uszbF/src/covarianceestimators/vcovcluster.jl:84
[2] vcov(x::VcovData{LinearAlgebra.Cholesky{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}, 1}, v::Vcov.ClusterCovariance)
 @ Vcov ~/.julia/packages/Vcov/uszbF/src/covarianceestimators/vcovcluster.jl:115
[3] nlreg(df::Any, formula::FormulaTerm, distribution::Binomial{Float64}, link::LogitLink, vcov::CovarianceEstimator; weights::Union{Nothing, Symbol}, subset::Union{Nothing, AbstractVector}, start::Union{Nothing, AbstractVector}, maxiter_center::Int64, maxiter::Int64, contrasts::Dict{Symbol, Any}, dof_add::Int64, save::Vector{Symbol}, method::Symbol, drop_singletons::Bool, double_precision::Bool, dev_tol::Float64, rho_tol::Float64, step_tol::Float64, center_tol::Float64, separation::Vector{Symbol}, separation_mu_lbound::Float64, separation_mu_ubound::Float64, separation_ReLU_tol::Float64, separation_ReLU_maxiter::Int64, vcovformula::Union{Nothing, Expr, Symbol}, subsetformula::Union{Nothing, Expr, Symbol}, verbose::Bool)
 @ GLFixedEffectModels ~/.julia/packages/GLFixedEffectModels/Va8dj/src/fit.jl:526
[4] top-level scope
jmboehm commented 2 years ago

Yeah, that's the issue. You're using Vcov.jl, which is incompatible with the fact that GLFixedEffectModels exports its own module VCov. In fact the example from the readme does not do using Vcov.

It would be desirable to move to Vcov.jl (see #16 ) but I'm not sure when I'll have time to implement this. PR's are welcome.

Closing this as duplicate of #16.