"The gene expression levels are normalized to 1, meaning that the summed expression of all genes in a cell is approximately 1. Note that we use the natural logarithm, so to change the normalization one should multiply the exponential of the expression by the wanted normalization (e.g. mean or median number of captured gene per cell)."
WHen i summed expression of all genes in a cell the value is approximately equal to -250000
"The gene expression levels are normalized to 1, meaning that the summed expression of all genes in a cell is approximately 1. Note that we use the natural logarithm, so to change the normalization one should multiply the exponential of the expression by the wanted normalization (e.g. mean or median number of captured gene per cell)."
WHen i summed expression of all genes in a cell the value is approximately equal to -250000
I don't understand this behaviour. Because when i summed the exponenial of expression of all genes in a cell the values are close to 1
I don't understand why i need to take the exponential to have summed expression close to 1