jmbuhr / otter.nvim

Just ask an otter! 🦦
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Question/Help #158

Closed benlubas closed 1 week ago

benlubas commented 1 week ago

Firstly, #137 is super cool, I saw it and did something similar to add some refactoring features to Neorg in a native LSP way. I'm now exploring making Neorg's completion source LSP native in the same way Otter did.

I see these comments, but I'm unsure of what code they're referring to.

--   -- this handler doesn't actually get called
--   -- the magic happened before where we modified the request
--   -- I assume nvim-cmp and nvims omnifunc handle the response directly

Would you mind linking some of the code that's related to completions?

jmbuhr commented 1 week ago

The (params of the) request is modified here: and then passed on to the lsp server responsible for the language Notably the handler that buf_request gets will be the handler we defined for the otter-ls server which in turn modifies the response if necessary and then passes it on to the default handler (vim.lsp.handlers). If otter-ls doesn't have a handler for the request method it goes straight to the default handler.

See the second diagram here:

benlubas commented 1 week ago

Ahhh, I understand now. That's a little weird to wrap my head around. Unfortunately this and what I'm trying to do are quite a bit different I think.

Thank you for the explanation!