jmbuhr / otter.nvim

Just ask an otter! 🦦
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LSP configured with mason-lsp-config not configured in otter #181

Open gbelouze opened 2 weeks ago

gbelouze commented 2 weeks ago

First of all, thanks for this great plugin.

It seems that my LSP configuration is not respected with otter. I use mason-lsp-config if this is relevant.


With something like

  dependencies = { "williamboman/mason.nvim" },
  config = function()
    local mls = require("mason-lspconfig")
    mls.setup({ ensure_installed = { "ruff_lsp" } })
      -- default handler
      ["ruff_lsp"] = function()
          on_attach = function(client, _)
            client.server_capabilities.hoverProvider = false

I do not get hover from ruff_lsp on normal python files, which is intentional, but I do in python cells of a .qmd file. Note : if I open a python file, then on_attach from the above config is called and I not longer get ruff_lsp's hover in the .qmd files.

Is there a way LSPs should be configured so that their configuration is taken into account by otter ?

jmbuhr commented 2 weeks ago

This is how otter starts language servers:

meaning it just calls the autocommand set by lspconfig via the respective setup call. Can you verify that this is indeed called by adding a print in there?

But, I do believe this is indeed currently a bug. What happens is this:

Otter checks that at least one server attached to the otter buffer for the language supports the requested method: So, in your case, do you have other servers configured that have hover enabled?

Because eventually the request is forwarded to the buffer: and it looks like this circumvents the capabilties-check.

gbelouze commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your quick response. I indeed did not mention that I use pylsp which has hover capabilities. This is made a little more complex by the additional layer that mason-lspconfig brings but I can say that the on_attach function is not called when opening a .qmd file (but is when opening .py files). This might be a me-issue, I'll investigate, although the bug you highlighted still holds in any case.

jmbuhr commented 2 weeks ago

You can also try it with the buffers.set_filetype option of otter, in which case otter just set's the filetype of the language buffer instead of manually calling just the lspconfig attach autocommand.