jmcameron / attachments

Attachments Extension for Joomla 3, 4, and 5
GNU General Public License v3.0
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att. with modern router not shows in article #20

Open phudak opened 6 years ago

phudak commented 6 years ago

Joomla 3.8.x with modern router turned ON and option "remove ID from url" article attachements not appears in article view.

stefano-buscaglia commented 5 years ago

hi, I confirm that isseue.

In my case the arrachments files are showed in the article view only if I disable off the the SEO url or I use the "legacy" Routing.

With the SEO active, and the modern router active with the option "remove ID from url" I can see attachments files in the blog view as aspected.

This is a development site (Joomla version is 3.9.1, Attachments is 3.2.6)


yozmag commented 5 years ago

I think it's not working when layout is 'blog' and view is 'article', config (Hide attachments on blog pages) is going to hide when you enter an article from a category blog. Changing attachments_for_content.php near line 150 helps. Can you both test this? if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.4.0', 'ge') AND //($view == 'category') AND ($layout == 'blog') AND ($parent_entity == 'article')) ($view == 'article') AND ($layout == 'blog') ) { $text_field_name = 'text'; }

dontroedel commented 5 years ago

Hey, I have the same problem.

When I open an normal article, everything works fine. When an article belongs to a category and this is opened via category blog, no attachments are shown. When I turn off modern routing, everything works fine again.

@yozmag: I tested it and it doesn´t work here.


yozmag commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry to here that. I'm using joomla 3.9.2, in the article option integration tab I have URL routing "modern" and remove ids from url "no" I if try with "yes" and it works too. The file I have changed is in plugins/attachments/attachments_for_content can you check that again. Thanks.

felixkat commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry to here that. I'm using joomla 3.9.2, in the article option integration tab I have URL routing "modern" and remove ids from url "no" I if try with "yes" and it works too. The file I have changed is in plugins/attachments/attachments_for_content can you check that again. Thanks.

Joomla! 3.9.6, modern router, category blog. The above changed works.