jmcameron / attachments

Attachments Extension for Joomla 3, 4, and 5
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 19 forks source link

Filename filters no error message on frontend #25

Open NioBee opened 5 years ago

NioBee commented 5 years ago


I have set up some filters in the configuration in order to avoid that my authors upload files with strange characters or too long filenames on my site (it happened on my previous site causing a lot of trouble).. when I work backend all works like a charm, if I try to upload a file that does not match my criteria the name gets trimmed if too long name too long backend , or I get a message if a character in the filename isn't allowed.. error on backend

On frontend, if a filename is too long it gets trimmed correctly but the user receives no alert message. frontend

When trying to attach a file with unallowed characters in the name, I don't get any type of error message.. the pop up window just stays white and nothing happens.. frontend same file

is this a bug?

yozmag commented 5 years ago

Can you try this Pull request, and see if you find the same issue. #23 .

NioBee commented 5 years ago

I'm quite a newbie.. how can I try that method?