jmccrohan / pysolarmanv5

A python module to interact with Solarman Data Logging Sticks
MIT License
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To owner of this repo: Please delete this issue, as it was not related to pysolarmanv5. #56

Closed ghost closed 1 month ago

ghost commented 1 month ago

To owner of this repo: Please delete this issue, as it was not related to pysolarmanv5.

githubDante commented 1 month ago


Straight to your questions:

  1. Highly unlikely. It's possible probably through a firmware update, but these parameters are also used by the inverter, so why would they whant to hide them.

  2. See 1, the parameters are probably hidden in the web interface.

  3. It should be supported. There is a long discussion regarding these inverters here (mostly in Italian). In order to obtain the register values (and parse them) you need the Modbus documentation for the inverter. Try to request it directly from the manufacturer. And no, the logger/inverter will not be damaged if you read parameters from it.

  4. Can confirm that these parameters are visible in the solarman platform ( for Deye inverters.

githubDante commented 1 month ago

1 & 2 It sounds bad. As the owner of the inverter you must have full access to data.

  1. The example is only for reference and does not work for all inverters. You should know the address range and the function which to be used.

    Do you think they would provide such information?

Probably they will.

  1. (a) - No it is not allowed to change parameters. It needs authorization from the manufacturer. Deye support asked me for username and password :smiley: in order to activate it, but I was working already on the deye-controller so I didn't bother with that.

    (b & c) - Just played with this. By creating a new user and granting him plant authorization that user can log in via It can see almost all parameters (including the temperatures) in View Plant Only Mode and only a simple Overview when the authorization is changed to Ordinary Member. There are missing sections on the right (Device, Authorization etc.). The temperatures can be seen from the Device section. So your suspicion is correct.

    This is how the authorization menu looks.


Ask your so called installer for full access. It is your inverter after all.

githubDante commented 1 month ago


  1. In your setup data access is available on both platforms. The restrictions are controlled from the pro, so the installer still can see the alerts and all info regarding the inverter

    I might end up buying a new logger myslef eventually and not letting him know of the S/N (what's your opinion on that?).

What will happen with your warranty in this case ?!? The so called installer will lose access completely.

  1. Yes, after authorization from the manufacturer some settings can be changed, don't know which.

  2. No, in Ordinary Mode only an overview is available, the temperatures remain hidden. As I said earlier there are missing sections in the menu. It looks like you are in such mode at the moment. The platform does not look advanced enough to allow hiding of specific parameters.

  1. As an Admin the globalhome page is almost empty, so probably the pro should be used, but it needs a business account. It won't let you log in with the one from globalhome.

The sweet spot in your situation is All plant authority role or at least View plant role

As this issue is not related to pysolarman at all let's close it. When you have the modbus documentation you should be able to read the temperatures directly from the inverter.