jmclawson / biblatex-mla

MLA-style citations and bibliographies using Biblatex
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Proceedings entry does not include title #10

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

MLA specifies that conference proceedings should be structured as follows:

LastName, FirstName. “Conference Paper Title.” Conference Title that Includes Conference Date and Location. Ed. Conference Editor(s). City of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication. Print.

However, mla-biblatex does not follow these specifications.

For example the following entry:

  author = {Mister Bean},
  title = {Very Interesting Conference},
  date = {2008},
  subtitle = {Interesting Subtitle},
  editor = {Mister Bean},
  editortype = {editor},
  eventtitle = {A Cleverly Named Conference},
  location = {University for Intelligent People, Antarctica}

Results in:

Bean, Mister. Proc. of A Cleverly Named Conference, ed. Mister Bean. University for Intelligent People, Antarctica, 2008. Print.

Notice the title is missing and there is no italicisation. I am for now using the entry type "book" to work it around.

jmclawson commented 10 years ago

I'm away from my installation right now, but it looks like your output is that of a proceedings, while your input looks like it thinks it's a single essay inside a proceedings. Have you tried the @INPROCEEDINGS entrytype?

(Also, are you missing your page numbers?) .

ghost commented 10 years ago

Thanks, I did not know the two were different.